NOW Foods Suplementos, Ácido Hialurônico 100 mg, Dupla Força com L-Prolina, Ácido Alfa-Lipóico e Extrato de Semente de Uva, 120 Cápsulas Veganas, é uma solução inovadora e eficaz para quem busca melhorar a saúde da pele e das articulações. Este suplemento se destaca por sua fórmula de dupla potência, que combina 100 mg de ácido hialurônico com L-prolina, ácido alfa-lipóico e extrato de semente de uva, proporcionando um suporte abrangente para o bem-estar geral.
O ácido hialurônico é um componente essencial do fluido sinovial, que lubrifica as articulações e ajuda a manter sua elasticidade. Com a concentração elevada deste ingrediente, o NOW Foods oferece um produto que não apenas melhora a mobilidade articular, mas também contribui para a hidratação da pele, promovendo uma aparência mais jovem e saudável. A L-prolina, um aminoácido fundamental, desempenha um papel crucial na síntese do colágeno, essencial para a estrutura da pele e das articulações.
O ácido alfa-lipóico é um antioxidante potente que combate os radicais livres, protegendo as células do estresse oxidativo e contribuindo para a saúde celular. Já o extrato de semente de uva é conhecido por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes, que ajudam a reduzir a inflamação e a promover a saúde cardiovascular. Juntos, esses ingredientes criam uma sinergia que maximiza os benefícios do ácido hialurônico, tornando este suplemento uma escolha ideal para quem busca não apenas a saúde articular, mas também a beleza e a vitalidade da pele.
Além de sua formulação avançada, o NOW Foods Ácido Hialurônico é livre de alérgenos comuns, como soja, glúten e laticínios, e é adequado para veganos, garantindo que uma ampla gama de consumidores possa se beneficiar de suas propriedades. A qualidade do produto é assegurada pela certificação GMP, que garante que cada etapa do processo de fabricação atende aos mais altos padrões de qualidade.
– Suporte Articular Eficaz: O ácido hialurônico atua como um lubrificante natural, promovendo a saúde das articulações e reduzindo o desconforto.
– Fórmula Completa: A adição de L-prolina, ácido alfa-lipóico e extrato de semente de uva potencializa os efeitos do ácido hialurônico, oferecendo benefícios antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórios.
– Qualidade Garantida: Certificação GMP assegura que o produto é fabricado com os mais altos padrões de qualidade.
– Adequado para Diversas Dietas: Produto livre de alérgenos comuns e adequado para veganos, tornando-o acessível a uma ampla gama de consumidores.
– Praticidade de Uso: Com apenas 1 a 2 cápsulas diárias, é fácil incorporar o suplemento à rotina alimentar.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula do NOW Foods Ácido Hialurônico 100 mg uma a duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com alimentos. Essa prática não apenas facilita a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também maximiza os benefícios do suplemento. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
ひろちん –
Comprei para minha esposa ela disse que o produto e de qualidade !
Maria Elita Martins Duarte –
Ok. But its not mentioned from which animal source it is
Kindle Customer –
I have been using Hyaluronic Acid topically and added it internally to benefit skin.
Krish –
肌の状態がよくなると 思っていたのですが、肌の厚みも増している感じがします。一番うれしかったのは ある時ハンドクリームを手に塗ったとき ての甲がふっくらしていたことです。
Steve K –
All NOW products have proven to be among the best, including this one, but they also often have an inventory label obscuring important info on the bottle label. Not helpful, since the labels are nearly impossible to remove and often could be placed on an area that wouldn’t block out important use info.
S. Davis –
I take 200mg of hyaluronic acid daily. I started out taking it for my joints (combined with krill oil and astaxanthin),and it totally eliminates my joint issues with regular use. I know that this combo truly works for me, because whenever I run out for several days and don’t buy a replacement bottle fast enough, my joint pain starts returning.
However, I discovered there was a delightful side effect to taking this supplement… a huge improvement in the texture and appearance of my facial skin! (Actually all my skin, but I am more focused on my facial skin). While taking it for my joints, I noticed that my skin was becoming softer, smoother, more elastic and more youthful looking. I could not figure out why, until I happened to read an article about hyaluronic acid that indicated that in addition to helping with joint issues, it was also great for the skin. As a maturing woman, this was a fantastic side effect for me. I researched some more, and upped my dose from 100mg to 200mg a day, and I have to say, my skin has not looked this good since I was a teenager. I actually get compliments on my skin regularly now. I also use topical hyaluronic acid on my face. It is very mild and helps the skin to retain moisture (the lack of which is what makes skin look ashy, dry and lined).
I find the NOW brand has the best price for the strength I want. I located a couple brands that were even less expensive, but reviews were often negative with people saying the products did not perform as well as more established brands. I have used numerous NOW products and never been dissatisfied, so I am sticking with them rather than switching to an unknown brand for a small extra savings.
Rocco Rizzo –
Me encanta este suplemento, muy buena calidad
Irma –
Steve K –
Hyaluronic acid is a remarkable substance because of all the benefits and uses it has in your body. Here are just a two of the benefits of hyaluronic acid:
It helps things move smoothly. Hyaluronic acid helps your joints work like a well-oiled machine. It prevents pain and injury from bones grinding against each other.
It helps keep things hydrated. Hyaluronic acid is very good at retaining water. A quarter-teaspoon of hyaluronic acid holds about one and a half gallons of water. That’s why hyaluronic acid is often used for treating dry eyes.
If you do open a capsule to mix with water for your pup, please know that you cannot just mix with a little water and use instantly. I use a milk frother, then let it sit for awhile, before using a syringe to give my pup about 5ml. You must always check with your vet before giving your pup anything- Especially if on another medication.
Roland –
This is an excellent product; someone made the comment to be careful because of elevated levels of HA in cancer related events.
Here is a clarification on this subject.
Hyaluronic acid is produced continually throughout life, more so when very young and during pregnancy, when cancer rates are almost nonexistent. Yet the opinion prevails that somehow, taking oral HA might cause cancer.
For the naïve viewer of the medical literature, there are many reports indicating elevated levels of HA are associated with the spread of tumors, what is called invasion. Tumor cells can mobilize and spread (become metastatic) by using HA as a kind of biological “slide and slide.” However, taking oral HA supplements has little to do with this biological phenomenon. More HA shows up at tumor site because it is a healing agent. Anywhere there is a wound in your body, cells called fibroblasts make more HA.
A recent study, conducted by researchers in Finland , investigated the role of hyaluronic acid in squamous cell carcinoma (oral cancer). “At the end of the follow-up (median 52 months) 43% of patients had died because of this type of cancer. A significant difference in overall survival and disease free survival was noticed between the patients with the different epithelial staining patterns for HA. The reduction of HA staining was associated with poor survival . These results suggest that HA is a prognostic marker in oral squamous cell carcinoma.”
Notice the words “prognostic marker.” Since more HA is produced in tissues that are damaged by trauma, burns, toxic chemicals, or tumors, broken down (degraded) HA can be used to detect or measure the progression of tumors. This is akin to fire fighters who show up at fires. They are “associated with,” but not considered a cause, of the fires. The fire fighters are there to put the fire out, just like HA is attempting to heal the damaged tissue.
The difference between cause and association is easily understood by the following example. Let’s say investigators want to know the causes of childhood pedestrian accidents. They collect data from all cases where children were hit by automobiles and they find that nearly all of the children were wearing tennis shoes. So, can we conclude that tennis shoes caused the accidents? Obviously not. The tennis shoes are only by-standers. So is HA.
Here is a study to examine. Finnish researchers noted that “hyaluronic acid is involved in the growth and progression of malignant tumors.” The researchers stated that “a high proportion of HA-positive cells of all cancer cells was significantly associated with deep tumor invasions, spreading to lymph nodes, and is associated with tumor progression and poor survival rate.” Sounds pretty terrible, to the uninformed reader, doesn’t it? Notice the report says HA is “involved” and “associated,” but never indicates it was a cause of tumors or increased their severity. [Br J Cancer 79:1133-8, 1999] Hard paved roads are responsible for the severity of trauma when people are thrown out of cars in auto accidents, but we can’t say the road caused the accident, can we?
Recently a study examined the role of various components of the connective tissue (the goo in between living cells, like mortar in between bricks). Tumor tissue from 86 patients with breast cancer that had not spread to lymph nodes yet was examined by staining the tissues so each type of connective tissue component could be identified (versican, chondroitin sulfate, tenascin, and hyaluronan. Researchers at the Hanson Institute in Adelaide , Australia , said: “analyses indicated that elevated expression of versican predicted increased risk and rate of relapse in this cohort. Elevated expression of tenascin was predictive of increased risk and rate of death only…… neither chondroitin or hyaluronic acid were predictive of disease outcome in this group.” [Clinical Cancer Research 10: 2491-98, 2004]
Thank you