Descrição do Produto:
O suplemento Nutrition Essentials Nootropic Brain Support é uma fórmula inovadora e cuidadosamente elaborada para oferecer suporte cerebral sem a adição de cafeína. Com uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes como Erva de São João e Ginkgo Biloba, este produto foi desenvolvido para promover a saúde cognitiva e o bem-estar mental. Cada cápsula contém uma dosagem 2X mais suave de Erva de São João, com 200 mg, evitando os efeitos colaterais comuns associados a doses mais altas, como desconforto estomacal. A formulação é rica em bioativos, incluindo fosfatidilserina, L-glutamina e neem, todos listados em suas quantidades exatas, garantindo transparência e confiança ao consumidor.
A absorção do suplemento é otimizada através do uso de N-Acetil-L-Carnitina, uma forma que é melhor absorvida no intestino delgado, permitindo que o corpo utilize os nutrientes de maneira mais eficiente. Produzido nos Estados Unidos, o nosso nootrópico passa por rigorosos testes de qualidade, com cada lote sendo testado independentemente para garantir a potência e a conformidade com as normas de Boas Práticas de Fabricação (GMP). Além disso, o suplemento é livre de laticínios e glúten, não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (OGMs) e é adequado para veganos e vegetarianos.
– Suporte Cognitivo Eficaz: Melhora a memória e a concentração, ajudando a manter o foco durante atividades diárias.
– Dosagem Suave: A formulação com 200 mg de Erva de São João minimiza o risco de efeitos colaterais, tornando-o ideal para uso diário.
– Transparência nos Ingredientes: Com 9 ingredientes bioativos listados em quantidades exatas, você sabe exatamente o que está consumindo.
– Melhor Absorção: A utilização de N-Acetil-L-Carnitina garante que os nutrientes sejam absorvidos de forma mais eficiente pelo organismo.
– Produzido com Qualidade: Fabricado nos EUA e testado independentemente, assegurando um produto seguro e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas do Nutrition Essentials Nootropic Brain Support diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso não apenas maximiza a absorção dos ingredientes ativos, mas também ajuda a minimizar qualquer desconforto gastrointestinal. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Brain Wars –
My review is a bit long…. but I’m sharing some of my story and struggles, to explain why this product was life changing. Maybe it will help some one else effected by a tramatic Brain Injury. For me this product helps improve how my brain works. Hopefully you will have good results too ☺️
Neuro Clarity has become part of my every day. 13 years ago I had a life changing concussion after being rear ended. I stepped out of the car a different person. No emotion, lost my ability to read, talk work. It happened in the front part of my brain. Thanks to a great neurologist and her prescribing Nuedexta…..I got back a slice of myself.
Why I love Neuro Clarity…..Year and half ago I began working with an eye doctor who treated post concussive syndrome.. I was making improvement in my balance and vision, blue glasses with a prism. Prescription and colored light therapy. Sounds hoky, but I was feeling better.
Why I love Neuro Clarity……. feeling better as I was looking out my upstairs window, I forget to step around to the steps, I just stepped out about a 6 ft drop crashing the back of my head and neck several steps down.
why I love Neuro Clarity….. New concussion completely different from the 1st concussion. After a year of feeling like I was in an empty auditorium waiting for the show to start. I could not put anything together to function.
Why I love Neuro Clarity… In desperation I was looking for anything that would help. Seeing one of those poo up ads, I wrote down all the ingredients this guy said would help your brain at $50 a bottle.
Guess what. Neuro Clarity has those same ingredients. After a couple of weeks I noticed that I was starting to be able to plan and complete daily activities more easily. When I missed a day or 2 —back comes my blank frustrating head. Now I take Neuro Clarity every day. I really hope other people find it helpful too. 🙏🙏🙏 Thank You Nutrition Essentials. 👍👋❤️🤗
Bubba –
I did some research and came across this product on Amazon. I ordered it and have been taking the pills every day. I decided to keep a log on here and update for at least a month the changes I’m seeing. Body chemistry varies from person to person so your results may be different. Also, I am VERY conscious of placebo effect and guard against it constantly by being highly skeptical of any product of this type.
After the second day I noticed a change in my ability to concentrate. Now, 5 days of taking one pill a day I’ve noticed I’m able to concentrate more, the fog has lifted from my thinking, and I am way, waaaay more productive than I have been in a long time. I don’t get as tired anymore either. I was so alarmed at being able to stay awake that I checked (and rechecked) the ingredients to make sure there was no caffeine–there wasn’t any. Here is a list of the ingredients: St. John’s Wort (as 3% extract) Glutamine, Phosphatidylserine Complex, Bacopa Monniera(20% bacosides), Acetyl-L-Carnitine, DMAE Bitartrate, Ginkgo Biloba, Vinpocetine.
I can’t explain what is happening exactly but I know that something is going on and it’s a positive change. Will it last? Will my body get used to the chemicals and the effect dissipate? Only time will tell.
Ordering the free bottle now that I know the product is working. Went to and filled out the info. I’m up to two pills a day now: one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Effect still seems to be strong.
It’s been a full 7 days now. Ordered another bottle just to make sure I have enough. That should net me 2 more bottles. One free and one paid. Now that the short term impact has been verified it’s time to see how the product works long term. I think I made a mistake taking 2 pills so quickly. My body expects 2 pills now and the impact of one pill is diminished a little. I should have waited to see how long 1 pill would last. Will update on a weekly basis going forward.
Just about two weeks. After the initial dip in performance the effect remains steady over time so far. I’m still taking two pills a day and use the second pill strategically. For example, if I have a big morning where I have to do a lot of brain work then I’ll take two together. If, however, it’s just a normal day of work then I’ll take one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I’ve got three bottles lined up so I don’t run out. If this keeps up it looks like I have a supplement I’m going to take for a long time. Only time will tell.
My body has adapted to the supplements at this point. The impact is about 75% of what it was when I first started but that is plenty. I still take two a day and vary how I take them depending on my mental tasks for that day (see 4/23 entry). Mostly, I have gotten so used to functioning at this new level that it is my new “normal”. If I miss a day I definitely notice it. Will try to remember to update in a few months but feel free to reply to this review and request an update if it’s been a while. Bottom line: these pills are absolutely worth it.