NeuroScience Balance D – Suplemento de Suporte ao Humor para Energia e Foco
O NeuroScience Balance D é um suplemento inovador projetado para promover o bem-estar mental e a clareza cognitiva. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este produto é ideal para adultos que buscam manter a energia, o foco e um humor equilibrado ao longo do dia. A chave para o seu sucesso está na combinação de ingredientes que favorecem a síntese de dopamina, um neurotransmissor essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na cognição diária, energia cerebral e na regulação do humor.
- Incentivar uma Perspectiva Positiva – Este suplemento de suporte ao humor contém ingredientes importantes para a síntese de dopamina, ajudando a manter a cognição diária, a energia cerebral e o foco. Além disso, pode ter um efeito positivo no seu humor e ajudar a equilibrar os desejos.*
- Promover o Foco – Desenvolvemos esses suplementos para a saúde cerebral para adultos que desejam permanecer atentos. As catecolaminas desempenham um papel na atenção diária, aprendizado e memória, ajudando a incentivar uma função cognitiva ideal.*
- Enfrentar Desejos – Além do suporte diário ao cérebro, a dopamina é crítica para regular desejos, motivação e comportamentos baseados em recompensas. Ela pode ajudar a reforçar comportamentos que levam a resultados positivos e pode incentivar o estabelecimento de metas bem-sucedidas.*
- Mucuna, Vitaminas do Complexo B e Nutrientes Harmonizadores – Este suplemento para memória e foco contém mucuna altamente padronizada, L-tirosina, selênio e formas ativas de vitamina C, vitamina B6 e folato.
- Confiável por Profissionais, Grau Profissional – Confiado por milhares de profissionais de saúde, a NeuroScience formula vitaminas e suplementos dietéticos exclusivamente com base em pesquisas revisadas por pares.* Todos os produtos da NeuroScience são fabricados nos EUA em uma instalação em conformidade com cGMP.*
1. Melhora do Humor: Aumenta a produção de dopamina, promovendo uma sensação de bem-estar e felicidade.
2. Aumento da Concentração: Melhora a atenção e a memória, ajudando em tarefas diárias e estudos.
3. Controle de Desejos: Ajuda a regular a fome e os desejos, facilitando a adesão a dietas e objetivos de saúde.
4. Suporte Energético: Proporciona um impulso de energia mental, combatendo a fadiga e o cansaço.
5. Fórmula de Alta Qualidade: Com ingredientes de grau profissional, é confiável e seguro para uso diário.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas de NeuroScience Balance D diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e garante que o corpo receba o suporte necessário para otimizar a função cerebral e o bem-estar emocional. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde ao iniciar qualquer suplemento.
I tried many mucuna supplements for energy and dopamine support, and this is far and away the best I’ve tried. I have several systemic health disorders I am dealing with along the lines of Chronic Fatigue. Mental fog and fatigue can keep me in bed all day if I don’t work my diet and supplements correctly. I really notice a difference when I use this product. It doesn’t give a “buzz”, just provides stamina and a clear-headed feeling to get me through the day.
Suby –
This product has been a life-changer for me. It has been extremely helpful with my Restless Leg Syndrome. It has naturally occurring L-dopa, which helps control my extreme urges to move my legs, especially at night. I take 2 capsules, once every 20-24 hours and it really works! I can finally get some sleep. To be fair, I do take a couple other supplements along with this, (and have for a long while) but adding this has made a tremendous difference!
Kimberly Perez –
took about a week for me to notice the difference in my skin and another week or so before my energy was back full force.. im on my second bottle
Have been taking this product for over two years and it has made a noticeable difference in energy and mood stabilization. I thought I would try discontinuing it one time and quickly noticed a difference that was not positive so I’ve been taking it ever since. Highly recommend trying.
dasackis –
I spent the extra money on the saliva/urine test to confirm I have a dopamine deficiency. At first I was taking 2 a day first thing in the morning, but I could not tell any difference in my energy levels or mood. Then about a week and a half later, these suckers started kicking in! Let’s just say I am now taking 1 a day and that is more than enough. I’m a big guy, but size has nothing to do with how you will react to this supplement. I know some people have “guessed” that they have a dopamine deficiency and purchased this supplement. But Neuroscience has multiple supplements to cover many issues, so I highly recommend taking the saliva/urine test to save you time, money, and guess work. Also, you could really mess yourself up if you guess wrong… You can get the test here:
Kreativart –
I worked with my Naturopathic Doctor and had a barrage of tests hair, blood, saliva, urine. My whole system was screened and one of the things she found was that I do have a dopamine deficiency among other complications. Each person’s biology is different and it’s worth the money to get tested by an expert. Once we found out what was going on in my system I started my supplement routine and I feel so much better now. This product works well for me.
desiree –
Im not sure…i got this bottle and the list of ingredients were different. I will be returning this and ordering from manufacturer. The bottle before worked great! Cut my cravings down…this bottle has had no affect. I dont know why people have to go and mess with a good thing. Plus i thought i was ordering what i had before. Makes me irritated
Juaimee –
I am a fan of this product, although I have to admit I wish I could find something that is a little less costly. It gets expensive buying this monthly (I usually take two capsules a day).
As others have recommended, I recommend getting your dopamine levels tested, otherwise, this supplement may not work as optimally for you (having too high dopamine levels can create problems too). The test is done through Neuroscience, the company that makes Balance D. In my case, my doctor prescribed the test after my energy and attention levels were low and low and behold, I have low dopamine levels.
I do like this product, however, I have found when I pair it with another supplement (Theamine), it works even better for my low moods and anxiety. Within 30 minutes, I feel my emotions leveling out. It is so helpful when I am stressed. I do recommend talking to a doctor before starting new supplements. Just because something is natural, doesn’t mean it is safe.
If you have low dopamine levels, I recommend you try Balance D.