Descrição do Produto: Neuro NAC Supplement N-Acetyl Cysteine Ethyl Ester
O Neuro NAC Supplement N-Acetyl Cysteine Ethyl Ester é uma inovação no mundo dos suplementos nutricionais, projetado para maximizar a saúde e o bem-estar. Com uma formulação avançada, este suplemento oferece 600 mg de N-Acetil Cisteína Etílica, que se destaca por sua alta biodisponibilidade. Estudos demonstram que o NAC Ethyl Ester é 20 vezes mais biodisponível do que o NAC convencional, permitindo que o corpo absorva e utilize os nutrientes de forma mais eficaz. Isso resulta em um aumento significativo nos níveis de Glutationa, um poderoso antioxidante, que pode ser elevado em até 30 vezes mais do que com o NAC padrão.
A Glutationa, conhecida como a “Mãe de todos os Antioxidantes”, desempenha um papel crucial na proteção do organismo contra os radicais livres, na remoção de toxinas e na promoção da saúde celular. O Neuro NAC não só aumenta a produção de Glutationa em todas as partes do corpo, incluindo o cérebro, mas também é o primeiro suplemento desse tipo a ser introduzido no mercado dos EUA, com um pedido de patente pendente para o uso deste ingrediente inovador.
- NEURO NAC – NAC Ethyl Ester tem demonstrado aumentar os níveis de Glutationa em todas as partes do corpo, incluindo o cérebro.
- BIOAVAILABLE – NAC Ethyl Ester é 20X mais biodisponível que o NAC e pode aumentar os níveis de Glutationa em até 30X mais do que o NAC padrão.
- PATENT PENDING – Somos os primeiros a trazer este incrível suplemento para o mercado dos EUA e temos um pedido de patente pendente para o uso deste ingrediente.
- GLUTATHIONE – é o “Mãe de todos os Antioxidantes” e é responsável por combater radicais livres, remover toxinas e muito mais no corpo.
1. Aumento da Biodisponibilidade: A formulação de NAC Ethyl Ester garante uma absorção superior, maximizando os efeitos benéficos do suplemento.
2. Potencialização da Glutationa: Eleva os níveis de Glutationa de forma significativa, promovendo uma defesa antioxidante robusta.
3. Saúde Cerebral: Contribui para a saúde do cérebro, ajudando na proteção contra estresse oxidativo e promovendo a função cognitiva.
4. Desintoxicação Eficiente: Auxilia na remoção de toxinas do corpo, melhorando a saúde geral e o bem-estar.
5. Inovação no Mercado: Produto com patente pendente, garantindo que você esteja utilizando uma fórmula de ponta e exclusiva.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Neuro NAC Supplement N-Acetyl Cysteine Ethyl Ester diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção e a eficácia do suplemento. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
IslandGirl –
I was so excited to try this form of nac. I’ve taken regular nac and had no issues. This one really messed my stomach up. I was taking 1 pill daily for 2 weeks and my stomach stayed tore up the entire time. I reached out to the company asking for advice, and they were super accommodating. They offered a refund no questions asked. That’s great customer service and I appreciate that. I will not give any company that has great customer service a bad review. It counts for a lot, especially since great customer service is hard to come by these days. Although I couldn’t stomach the neuro nac I will order other items from this company. I ended up giving the rest of my bottle to my daughter and she’s had no issues with it whatsoever. She has stated that she feels a difference in her energy and her mind is somewhat sharper. I do have some stomach issues and feel like it just aggravated it and I’m sure that’s why I couldn’t tolerate it.
Dra Tielle Machado –
I like this brand of NAC. It doesn’t upset my stomach and is easy to swallow.
Markeeta Poyner –
am 74yrs old..been careful for years…with foods i eat ,but that is not enough as we age (wish i had know about this earlier.finding products that cross the blood brain barrier is a must !! this is a superior product for that that increases glutahione levels which is extremely hard to do unless you vigorously exercise a lot..which the older you get the less exercise you get..and wonder why your brain is failing you..i believe this particular brand is more absorbable and you get what you pay for,,when it comes to your brain you want your product to be the best.. i did not write this for any for any compensation from the company just serious about my brain!
Elizabeth M. –
Bloating disappeared immediately. Bit pricey though. I won’t rebuy at the listed price.
Deb F –
I like this product I think it helps with memory fog
Audrey –
Great product. Felt better after usage. Vision improved. Energy production increased and I slept well after taking NEURO-NAC.
My son has been taking this product for about four weeks. He has been able to discontinue one medication for mood swings and is doing well. When he opens a fresh bottle, all he can taste is vanilla and stevia. As the pills are exposed to air, however, the natural sulfur smell and taste overpower the flavorings. He had to throw away the last four pills in the bottle because he couldn’t stomach the taste. However, he is willing to keep taking them if he can continue to do well with less prescription medication. Hopefully keeping the bottle more tightly sealed will help prevent oxidation.
Audrey –
I was very concerned about the extremely foul odor of this product and thought it might be spoiled. I wrote to the seller and received almost an immediate response, as follows: “The smell is the nature of the supplement. NAC Ethyl Ester has a sulphur group that gives it a very strong sulphur or “rotten” type smell. The sulphur group is actually responsible for the free radical scavenging within the body. We tried to mask the smell with vanilla and essential oils, but it is very hard to mask sulphur smells.”
My body is extremely sensitive and I am that very small percentage of humanity that will frequently have a reaction to a product others can take with no problem at all. I did react to this product and was concerned because it is non-returnable. Again, I asked the seller for a refund and it was immediately issued. They were kind and understanding about it and gave me no argument whatsoever.
There is no “one-size-fits-all” product that will work for everyone, but you can try this product with confidence and know that good people are standing behind it. You can’t ask for better than that.
Ruth K. –
My son usually takes NAC, and I bought this product because it claimed to have better absorption. However, after taking just one capsule, he experienced anxiety. Please be aware of this potential side effect! I would like to request a refund, as this product will be going in the garbage.