Descrição do Produto:
O Natural Sleep Aid Tailored for Sleep é uma fórmula inovadora que combina ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade, projetada para promover um sono reparador e revitalizante. Com uma mistura poderosa de Melatonina, Erva-cidreira, Casca de Magnólia, Schizandra e Luteolina, este suplemento atua de forma sinérgica para facilitar a adormecida rápida, garantir um sono mais profundo e reduzir os despertares noturnos. A Melatonina, um hormônio natural, regula o ciclo do sono, enquanto a Erva-cidreira e a Casca de Magnólia oferecem propriedades relaxantes que ajudam a acalmar a mente. A Schizandra, uma fruta adaptogênica, melhora a resistência ao estresse, e a Luteolina, um flavonoide, possui propriedades anti-inflamatórias que contribuem para um sono mais tranquilo. Este produto é não-hábito, permitindo que você desfrute de um sono reparador sem preocupações com dependência.
1. Adormecer Rápido: A combinação de Melatonina e Erva-cidreira ajuda a reduzir o tempo necessário para adormecer, permitindo que você aproveite mais horas de sono.
2. Sono Profundo: Ingredientes como a Casca de Magnólia promovem um sono mais profundo e reparador, essencial para a recuperação física e mental.
3. Menos Despertares Noturnos: A fórmula reduz a frequência de acordar durante a noite, garantindo um descanso contínuo e revitalizante.
4. Não-Hábito: Ao contrário de muitos sedativos, este suplemento é não-hábito, permitindo que você use sem preocupações com dependência.
5. Melhora na Qualidade de Vida: Um sono adequado melhora a concentração, o humor e a produtividade durante o dia, impactando positivamente sua rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula do Natural Sleep Aid Tailored for Sleep cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. É importante ingerir o suplemento com um copo de água em um ambiente tranquilo, evitando luzes fortes e dispositivos eletrônicos que possam interferir no processo de adormecimento. Para um efeito otimizado, mantenha uma rotina de sono regular e crie um ambiente propício ao descanso. Não exceda a dose recomendada e consulte um profissional de saúde se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando outros medicamentos.
Anony –
This natural sleep aid has been helpful in improving my sleep quality. The combination of melatonin, lemon balm, and other natural ingredients promotes relaxation and helps me fall asleep faster without any grogginess the next day. The capsules are easy to take, and I appreciate that it’s non-habit forming, which makes it safe for occasional use. It’s been a great addition to my nightly routine, especially after intense workout days when I need extra rest. Highly recommend for those seeking a natural sleep aid.
The Impossible Girl –
I always recommend to do your research and/or talk to a doctor to make sure this supplement is right for you. This has 1mg of melatonin per one capsule which is as high as I go with that due to my research so I only take one at a time. Did help sleep.
Expires: 05/26
GMP and nonGMO claims.
Rice flour only filler.
I do have a little bit of grogginess when waking but its short lived.
The Impossible Girl –
I’m an insomniac, a night owl, and I cannot turn off my brain (especially at night). Add to that an erratic sleep schedule, stress, and menopause, and if you think I can fall asleep without a sleep aid to give me a nudge, I’ve got some ocean-front property out here in the desert I’d like to sell ya! THAT SAID, here I am at 3:06am writing this review because I’ve yet to take my Sheep Whisper tonight (errr, this morning). The capsule has been a dream come true (pun intended)! I’ve always had a busy brain, so I’ve tried a lot of supplements over the years to help me sleep without leaving me in a stupor when it’s time to wake up and be productive. I’ve stumbled across sleep aids that give me a headache or “fuzzy thoughts” in the morning, and I’ve got to be clear-headed and ready to roll, focus, and get things done. With Sheep Whisper, I only need ONE capsule to help my eyelids close and the static that scrawls and screams and ping pongs around in my brain unfurls and then, POOF, it vanishes. It’s incredible! This has only 1mg of melatonin and I was taking at least 20mg of melatonin when I began looking for other sleep aids that had natural ingredients and would help my body get the restorative rest it needs without complicating anything else. The majority of this product is Lemon Balm (250mg), then Schizandra Extract (130mg) which helps the body produce GABA. (I’ve taken GABA and Lemon Balm before with really good results, so I thought this might be a great combination for my body’s chemistry–and it has turned out well.) There’s also 100mg of Magnolia, 15mg Luteolin, and 15mg Bioprene (which is just black pepper for absorption). The capsule is hypromellose, and rice flour is an inactive ingredient. That’s it. This is a simple product that’s 100% drug-free (according to the label). I take the tasteless capsule and I no longer have time to read novels because I get so sleepy and the whirring of my mind stops. I wake up feeling refreshed, clear-headed, and rested. For anyone struggling to get a good night of sleep, this product has worked wonders for me! I highly recommend it. (There are 60 capsules and the directions say to take 1-2, so this will be a 30 or 60 day supply depending on the effectiveness for each individual.)
Manufactured for Sheep Whisper in Kirkland, WA. Made in the USA from global materials, Non-GMO ingredients, and the bottle has the GMP seal of approval.
Amanda –
These natural supplements collectively promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and support healthy sleep rhythms. I got positive results by taking just one capsule before bedtime, so two should be even more effective for people who suffer from insomnia.
Melatonin regulates the sleep-wake cycle, improving sleep quality and duration. Lemon Balm has calming properties, reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation, which can help ease the body into a restful state and prevent waking during the night. Magnolia Bark reduces anxiety and act on GABA receptors to promote deeper, uninterrupted sleep. Schizandra supports stress relief and balances cortisol levels, which can help prevent nighttime awakenings caused by stress. Luteolin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and may regulate neurotransmitters involved in sleep, helping maintain a stable sleep pattern.
Overall this supplement has many of the ingredients which serve to help me sleep at night.
Big Chungus –
So, my husband is a semi-user of melatonin but when he used these it did not work for him. There was no taste which is good. I am not sure that I would recommend these for daily users but maybe if you need it once in a while.
Ettoille –
Generally I’m fortunate that I do not have trouble falling asleep. Recently I’ve been under a lot of stress from multiple angles and I would find my mind racing at bedtime. It became difficult to fall asleep and some nights I needed a bit of help.
I like this because it is more natural that you typical pharmaceutical sleeping pills. I like the ingredients and I find that it naturally calms my mind and lets me drift off to sleep without my worries racing through my mind. I wake up the next morning well rested.
Aurora –
This supplement is a nice blend of ingredients to help with relaxation and sleep. After taking it, I have noticed it’s easier to fall asleep, and I wake up feeling refreshed. Pills are easy to swallow.