Descrição do Produto: DR. EMIL NUTRITION EZ Doze Plus Natural Sleep Aid com Melatonina, L-Theanine, GABA
O DR. EMIL NUTRITION EZ Doze Plus é um auxílio natural para o sono que combina uma fórmula avançada e eficaz, projetada para promover um descanso reparador e revitalizante. Com 2mg de melatonina, este suplemento é ideal para aqueles que buscam regular seus ciclos de sono e vigília, proporcionando um sono mais profundo e tranquilo. A melatonina é amplamente reconhecida por sua capacidade de ajudar a adormecer mais rapidamente, tornando-se uma aliada essencial para quem enfrenta dificuldades para dormir.
Diferente de muitos produtos disponíveis no mercado, o EZ Doze Plus é formulado para ser não dependente e não causar sonolência ao acordar. Isso significa que você pode desfrutar de uma noite de sono reparador e acordar se sentindo revigorado, sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados que frequentemente acompanham outros suplementos para dormir. A combinação de ingredientes como GABA, Erva de São João e L-Theanine, todos em dosagens otimizadas, garante uma experiência de sono superior, enquanto a cápsula de liberação prolongada, enriquecida com um impulso de B12, ajuda a garantir que você comece o dia com energia.
Desenvolvido por um médico e respaldado pela ciência, o DR. EMIL NUTRITION EZ Doze Plus é resultado do conhecimento único do Dr. Emil, que é não apenas um médico, mas também uma autoridade reconhecida no campo da suplementação e um ex-atleta profissional. Cada ingrediente foi cuidadosamente selecionado e formulado para oferecer resultados superiores, sem truques, modismos ou promessas vazias. A satisfação do cliente é uma prioridade, e todos os produtos da Dr. Emil Nutrition são garantidos por um período de 90 dias a partir da data da compra.
– Regulação do Sono: A melatonina ajuda a ajustar os ciclos de sono, facilitando o adormecer e melhorando a qualidade do sono.
– Acordar Revigorado: A fórmula não causa sonolência matinal, permitindo que você comece o dia com energia e disposição.
– Ingredientes Naturais e Eficazes: A combinação de GABA, L-Theanine e Erva de São João proporciona um efeito calmante e relaxante, ideal para momentos de estresse.
– Fórmula Cientificamente Comprovada: Desenvolvido por um médico, o produto é baseado em evidências científicas, garantindo eficácia e segurança.
– Garantia de Satisfação: A política de devolução de 90 dias oferece segurança e confiança na compra, permitindo que você experimente o produto sem riscos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula do DR. EMIL NUTRITION EZ Doze Plus cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. É importante ingerir o suplemento com um copo de água, preferencialmente em um ambiente tranquilo e relaxante, para maximizar os efeitos calmantes dos ingredientes. Evite o uso em conjunto com outras substâncias que possam interferir no sono e consulte um profissional de saúde se estiver em tratamento com medicamentos ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes.
Bongo S. –
Bought these from my son to help him get to sleep. It works in 30 to 45 minutes and he says he has been sleeping better. We’ve tried several formulas and so far this one is the best.
Jon S –
The price i didn’t know. I like how affective it was.
Eric C. –
The product without melatonin did not work for me.
Gretchen Garrison –
Now that I am in my 40’s (and a mom of teens), I can usually get right to sleep, but I struggle with getting back to sleep. When I take these pills, I do find that I do sleep more soundly. I also cannot stay awake in the middle of the night.
I have taken 5 mg Melatonin before. I do not feel like straight melatonin helps me as much. In fact, I think that I have to take 2 pills for it really to affect me.
With EZ Doze, there is only 2 mg melatonin. So I think that the combination of that with the other vitamins (especially B ones) makes the difference. There is a clear listing on the back of all of the vitamins that are added .
to this supplement. Some of these vitamins are also found in my multi-vitamin that I like to take, so I think a person may want to research a bit too much sure the right amount of vitamins are taken.
According to the label, the B12 is time released to allow for an easier wake up. I am not sure that is completely the case. If I do not allow for around 8 hours of sleep when I take the pills, I am definitely groggy if I only have 6 hours to sleep. For me, this is not a downgrade of the pill. But I do think that a person has to determine how the pills work in their system.
I experimented with taking only 1 pill instead of the recommended two. I think that still helps me to sleep better. But obviously a person would want to take 2 pills to have this product work at its optimal best.
I did receive a bit of compensation to pay for the pills and to write a review. But I am still expressing my opinion. I do not take the pills every night. But I do plan on continuing to take them as needed. I will probably order more when these are gone. I do feel like dr. emil is a good brand. I would continue to try their products. All opinions in this review are my own.
Tina Mapes –
Best sleep formulation I’ve found. Beware supplementing melatonin directly. As with other hormones, direct hormone replacement is generally a BAD idea as it decreases your own natural production creating a downward spiral that leads to WORSE sleep long-term.
This provides the precursers and compounds your body needs to regulate it’s own hormone production effectively. These are not knockout pills and should not be used as such. Take at least a half hour before you plan on being asleep, turn off screens, etc, and you’ll have the right mix to help you gently achieve restful sleep as opposed to many pills which focus on knocking you out, but may actually inhibit deep sleep.
I take a lot of supplements, and these are among the best I’ve found for sleep in 30 years. Take care of your sleep, and all kinds of other issues will start to fix themselves.
Gretchen Garrison –
St. John’s Wart interacts with so many medicines. Dr. Emils Sleep supplement ruined this product by adding what is well documented to interact with with many medicines. Fortunately, I realized why my much needed pain medicine was not working as well. St. John’s decreases its blood levels. To add, they should make this more known. If I help on 1 person, that is my hope by writing this out, then it is worth my time. Maybe, someone critical reading, would say: “why don’t you read the label?” It is in such tiny print, I guess, overlooked it not to matter. Glad I did my research. There are too many other great sleep supplements to try that have worked for me finally. One is Suan Zao Ren Tang by Evergreen. My acupuncturist gave me a bottle. Another good one is Resteva. Hope this helps someone.Please don’t respond if you only have poor remarks to make. I am trying to help others. Dr. Emil’s shame on you for not drawing a bullet point to this for patients. I have adjusted this review
‘Merica –
This sleep aid did not work for me. I’m a tough case.
Sharon –
I have taken many sleeping supplements (normal stack is ZMA, GABA and melatonin), I was able to replace the GABA and melatonin with Dr.Emil’s Doze plus and have noticed a better sleep quality. Using Oura to track my sleep, the data showed that I was moving less while I slept and spending more time in the REM stage of sleep. Overall, this is a very high quality product and would recommend to anyone looking for a better night’s sleep!