Descrição do Produto:
O Natural Sleep Aid é um suplemento herbal formulado especialmente para promover um sono reparador e de qualidade. Com uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes naturais, incluindo raiz de valeriana, melatonina, camomila e magnésio, este produto é ideal para adultos que enfrentam dificuldades para dormir. A raiz de valeriana é conhecida por suas propriedades calmantes, ajudando a reduzir a ansiedade e a promover um relaxamento profundo. A melatonina, um hormônio natural que regula o ciclo do sono, auxilia na adaptação do corpo a novos horários e na melhoria da qualidade do sono. A camomila, com suas propriedades sedativas, complementa a fórmula, enquanto o magnésio contribui para a função muscular e nervosa, ajudando a relaxar o corpo antes de dormir. Com uma dosagem extra forte, o Natural Sleep Aid é a solução perfeita para quem busca um descanso tranquilo e revitalizante.
1. Sono de Qualidade: Promove um sono mais profundo e reparador, ajudando a acordar revigorado.
2. Redução da Ansiedade: A combinação de valeriana e camomila ajuda a acalmar a mente, reduzindo a ansiedade antes de dormir.
3. Regulação do Ciclo do Sono: A melatonina auxilia na adaptação a novos horários e melhora a regularidade do sono.
4. Relaxamento Muscular: O magnésio contribui para o relaxamento dos músculos, preparando o corpo para uma boa noite de sono.
5. Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes 100% naturais, é uma alternativa segura e eficaz aos medicamentos sintéticos para dormir.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas do Natural Sleep Aid cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. É importante ingerir o suplemento com um copo de água, preferencialmente em um ambiente tranquilo e relaxante. Para maximizar os efeitos, evite o uso de eletrônicos e atividades estimulantes antes de dormir. Não exceda a dose recomendada e consulte um profissional de saúde caso tenha condições médicas pré-existentes ou esteja utilizando outros medicamentos.
I’ve become somewhat a connoisseur of sleep aids over the past year. I’ve tried gummies, tablets and non-gel gummies. I’ve tried a mix of valerian, St Johns Wort, L-theanine , passion flower, hops and more. I’ve tried different level of magnesium as well as melatonin. In general I’ve found too much magnesium makes my stool too loose and too much melatonin leaves me groggy the next morning. Just only or a mix of valerian, St Johns Wort, L-theanine , passion flower, hops and others helps but is sometimes not strong enough. This last set, however, works well if I wake in the night and can’t get back to sleep.
So, what about this product? The magnesium level is good at only 13 mg. Some products are as high as 200 mg which have made my stools too loose. The melatonin level is 10 mg which is higher than I usually like. Other products at this level have left me groggy the next morning. This product did NOT leave me groggy. Why? I think it may be the list of other ingredients that includes St Johns Wort, L-theanine and passion flower that work well with the melatonin to give a refreshed feeling the next morning.
How about the quality of sleep? I wear my fit bit to bed every night. On bad nights I’m not surprised to find the REM sleep and deep sleep patterns to be minimally recorded on my fit bit. Now I’m not sure how accurate the fit bit is, but I do think it shows a trend across the days that I wear it. So, when I take a tablet of this product, my REM and deep sleep cycles are the highest they have ever are. Both reach well into the recommended zone on my fit bit. Other sleep aids or no sleep aids usually result in sleep where I fall well below the REM and deep sleep recommended zones.
Bottom line, though higher in melatonin than I usually like but with the associated other ingredients, one of these tablets consistently give me a good night’s sleep and a refreshed feeling in the morning. Sleep aids are very personal but for me, this product works very well.
Five0retired –
This was effective melatonin and was a useful sleep aid. Sleep quality was decent without any significant grogginess. As anyone who uses melatonin knows, it’s an aid not a magic trick, so as long as it’s normal bedtime, it should help. No stomach upset.
This would be a good option for those who prefer to swallow capsules vs. chewing gummies. I think i prefer gummies and swallowing a capsule or tablet takes too much work right at bedtime. But these are a good option the other way, even though they aren’t especially small. They worked as well as gummies so it’s just a preference question.
Five0retired –
I got this Natural Sleep Aid – Herbal Sleep Supplement Made with Valerian Root, Melatonin, Chamomile, Magnesium – Insomnia Relief – Adult Extra Strength Sleeping Pills. 2,000 mg, 60 Vegan Capsules, to help me sleep. I am 70 years old , and have been taking a 10mg tablet of melatonin, which just did not work for me. I tried this as it had a combination of the melatonin and valerian root, found them easy to swallow , with no after taste. I like that it is a fresh stock with a expiration date of 02/2023, and it is made in America. However, this just did not work for me, it might for others , as each person has a different tolerance to these sleep aids. If you found this review helpful , please click the like button.
Lynn MN –
Should have tried this a long time ago, easier falling asleep and staying asleep, getting better rest despite the current WFH / virus situation, long days, high stress, so better sleep is a big boost.
P. Kingsriter –
After taking diphenhydramine for too long, I was looking for a more natural sleep aid to help get over the hump of difficult evenings. We decided to take a flyer of this, and sadly, didn’t like the results.
On paper, everything about the sleep aid looks like it’s going to be top-notch. The ingredients appear to be sound, and very complete. What’s not to like?
The feeling. While falling asleep seems effective, I didn’t last very long. Several lights of sleep terminated between 3 and 4 AM with a weird “aftertaste” of sorts. Just felt mentally goofy, and I didn’t like it. I’m going to discontinue taking the sleep aids and continue my search for a natural sleep aid elsewhere.
Mark K Hoffman –
I purchased this product ( Natural Sleep Aid ) because I was having trouble falling and staying asleep. It has helped me to do both.
Dorcas McGraw –
This sleep aid is amazing, I buy so many but did not help. Now i am sleelping like a baby.
b james –
Just started taking this. Second night great sleep and an extra hour. Looks like I will be a big fan