Descrição do Produto: Botanic Choice Sleep-Ez Herbal Sleep Aids para Adultos
Descubra o poder do sono reparador com o Botanic Choice Sleep-Ez, um suplemento herbal projetado para adultos que buscam uma noite de descanso tranquila e revigorante. Com uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes naturais, incluindo Melatonina, Magnésio, Erva-cidreira, Kava Kava e Raiz de Valeriana, este produto é a solução ideal para quem enfrenta dificuldades em adormecer ou em manter um sono contínuo durante a noite.
- Melatonina como Auxiliar do Sono: Este suplemento de suporte herbal promove e incentiva o sono ao longo da noite. Se você tem problemas para adormecer ou permanecer dormindo, esta fórmula foi desenvolvida para fornecer a ajuda necessária para uma noite de sono reparador.
- Auxiliar de Bem-Estar para o Sono: Oferece uma fórmula herbal potente com melatonina para ajudar a adormecer e a manter o sono durante toda a noite.
- Benefícios para a Saúde: Especialistas estão descobrindo uma forte conexão entre um bom sono e o bem-estar geral. O Botanic Choice oferece um auxílio noturno para impulsionar sua jornada em direção a um padrão de sono regular, sem os efeitos colaterais de produtos que causam dependência.
- Auxiliar Natural para uma Boa Noite de Sono: Os ingredientes incluem Erva-cidreira, Lúpulo (com efeito relaxante), Kava Kava (redutor de tensão que apoia o relaxamento físico), Melatonina (ajuda a regular o sono) e Raiz de Valeriana (auxilia na transição para o sono).
- Fácil de Usar: Tome uma cápsula diariamente à noite. Produto sem glúten e não transgênico. *AVISO: Somente para adultos. Se você estiver grávida, amamentando, tomando qualquer medicação ou tiver alguma condição médica, consulte seu médico antes de usar. Este produto pode causar sonolência. Não opere veículos ou máquinas pesadas após o consumo. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
1. Sono Reparador: Promove um sono profundo e contínuo, essencial para a recuperação física e mental.
2. Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes naturais, oferece uma alternativa segura e eficaz aos medicamentos convencionais para o sono.
3. Sem Dependência: Ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono sem os riscos de dependência associados a outros produtos.
4. Redução do Estresse: Os componentes como Kava Kava e Erva-cidreira ajudam a aliviar a tensão e o estresse, facilitando a transição para o sono.
5. Praticidade: A dosagem simples de uma cápsula por noite torna o uso fácil e conveniente, integrando-se facilmente à rotina noturna.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula do Botanic Choice Sleep-Ez diariamente, cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. Este suplemento deve ser utilizado como parte de uma rotina noturna relaxante, permitindo que os ingredientes naturais atuem no seu organismo para promover um sono reparador. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um médico em caso de dúvidas ou condições especiais de saúde.
Chris –
I have trouble sleeping once or twice a month, and historically used Benadryl (25mg works for me). I have recently been using melatonin and L-Theanine, though, and think these work just as well without as much of the lethargic feeling the next day.
I was given this for free through the Amazon Vine program, and this product works a little better than other, similar, products I have used that contain melatonin. It helps me get to sleep within 10-15 minutes, and I sleep a little deeper than usual, but had minimal grogginess in the morning compared to normal.
Everyone is different, but this seems like an appropriate alternative for someone that doesn’t want to (or can’t) use antihistamines for sleep. I’m always a little skeptical of supplements, because they aren’t regulated, having the quantity and quality of ingredients that they say they do, but unless it’s attributable to a placebo effect, this product has worked the best for me of several, similar products that I have tried recently.
The price is currently $32 for 30 capsules. That is much more expensive than other products with similar ingredients, and although it’s better than the other sleep aids I tried, it’s not 3-4x better. Hence the 4 star rating instead of 5.
Eugenia –
These are melatonin capsules that can be used as a sleep aid. The description says they contain lemon, but since supplement comes in a capsule taste is not detectable.
Glerg –
If you are looking for an all natural medication to help with those nights that sleep alludes you, then this is the thing for you. While the dose of melatonin is only 2mg, it is combined with other natural seep herbs like lemon balm, kava kava & valerian root. It is mild, and you need to put yourself in a frame of mind to fall asleep, but it works. (What I am saying is that it does not conk you out like a prescription sleeping pill, but rather allows and assists your body to fall asleep naturally.)
We all should be concerned about what we are putting in our bodies. This is an all natural product that does the job of helping you fall asleep. Sound good to me.
James Miller –
This sleep aid has several herbal sleep enhancers such as melatonin and lemon balm, valerian and kava kava. These herbs have been used for many years as a relaxation and sleep aid, with good results for many. It seems to help me go to sleep and the capsules are easy to swallow. I have never gotten along well with melatonin in the past as it can leave me feeling depressed but so far I haven’t noticed that with these supplements. The herbal balance is probably just right to get the advantages of sleep without the side affects and brain fog of overdosing. This seems to be a good and useful product but in my opinion the price is just too expensive for everyday use. As an occasional sleep aid it could be well worth the money for many people.
Icewolf –
It didn’t help my sleep much, if not worse. However, that doesn’t mean it won’t work for other people.
Unlike other gummies or chewable sleep aids, this pill comes in capsule form. You need a glass of water to swallow it at bedtime.
I also don’t like the smell of it.
SapphireSkies13 –
I wanted to try these Botanic Choice Sleep-Ez Support Pills as often I have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. I’ve taken these 3 different nights now, and they really help! The capsules are sort of big to swallow, and they have an odor. I swallow the capsule about 20 – 30 minutes before bed as I don’t want it sitting in my throat when I actually lay down. It doesn’t take long after that to fall asleep. I have no morning grogginess when I wake up in the morning. I would recommend these for anyone having sleep issues.
SteveM –
I wanted to take this supplement for a while before reviewing to get a good evaluation of this product. I am a 63yo man who has had anxiety issues for a while, but only when I go to bed at night. These issues sometimes elevated to full-on panic attacks… PTSD from a severe and damaging traumatic event. I have been searching forever for a natural herbal remedy and I believe I have found it! This item has found a home with me. I have had wonderful nights of restful and peaceful sleep since taking this supplement. I am amazed at the results! 5 Star***** Recommended!!!
vunderstuff –
This item came with a safety seal. I couldn’t find an expiration date on it. It did work for me about as well as regular melatonin, however I had to take it much earlier before bedtime because it was a capsule that you swallow instead of a dissolving type sleep aid. Therefor it had to take time for it to be digested. At the cost of over $1 each, I find that other sleep aids are more economical and work as well.