O Pacific Health Endurox Excel é um suplemento natural de desempenho que se destaca no mercado por sua capacidade de aumentar o metabolismo e promover a queima de gordura durante os treinos, ajudando você a ficar mais magro de forma mais rápida. Este produto inovador é formulado para acelerar a recuperação muscular, reduzindo a acumulação de ácido lático, o que permite que você treine com mais intensidade e por períodos mais longos. Além disso, o Endurox Excel melhora a eficiência cardíaca, resultando em frequências cardíacas mais baixas e um aumento no VO2 máximo, o que é essencial para atletas que buscam maximizar seu desempenho.
Com o uso regular, você notará um aumento significativo na sua resistência e na resposta do sistema imunológico, fatores cruciais para quem leva um estilo de vida ativo. Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas diariamente, independentemente de ser dia de treino ou dia de descanso, garantindo que seu corpo esteja sempre em sua melhor forma.
– Acelera o metabolismo, promovendo a queima de gordura de forma eficaz.
– Melhora a recuperação muscular, permitindo treinos mais intensos e frequentes.
– Aumenta a eficiência cardíaca, contribuindo para um melhor desempenho cardiovascular.
– Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças e infecções.
– Proporciona maior resistência, ideal para atletas e praticantes de atividades físicas.
Para maximizar os benefícios do Pacific Health Endurox Excel, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas diariamente. Este regime deve ser mantido tanto em dias de treino quanto em dias de descanso, assegurando que seu organismo receba os nutrientes necessários para otimizar o metabolismo e a recuperação muscular. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com uma dieta equilibrada e hidratação adequada para potencializar os efeitos do suplemento.
Bryan –
I’m 43, running for 37 years 160-240 miles a month, 1:13 half marathon guy this supplement is very difficult to see or to tell if it work or not. It’s hard to tell. I stopped take this because I’ll try again and pay attention to that as well it’s why I put 3 stars.
moustapha –
Works as intended!!!
This will take your workouts to the next gear.
Limitless stamina and especially on runs.
Worthy investment indeed.
Matt –
I’ve been using Endurox Excel tabs for several years now cycling off and on during training non training periods for both cycling, marathon, and physical fitness tests. Just thought I’d send a comment this time. Been off for 4 months due to work. However, building up running and cycling again for upcoming marathon and century ride and physical fitness test. Weekly workouts are 1 x hills, 1 x interval sprints Hiit, 1 x tempo run, and 10% builds on Saturdays for marathon pace. Strength training prior to runs. Been taking now for about two weeks and, as always, I definitely feel that I can go “longer” in distance as well as during Hiit trainings. This product is simply amazing! I tried the Endurox Excel powder they made before but it didn’t give me the same effect as the “tabs.” Most local stores near me don’t carry this product on their shelves anymore so I have to purchase thru Amazon. Will continue use this product throughout the year.
Amazon Customer –
I’m very sensitive to caffeine and in the summer of 2016 was looking for a product to boost output during long distance running that did not contain caffeine. I purchased Endurox Exel and the first day I took it did a 6 mile run. Half way through I started to realize I wasn’t feeling “the burn”! I was astounded!!! I’m 34 and would bet money I could outrun the 23 year old me! As advertised, it reduces latic acid buildup, you will not get sore muscles using this product, at least I havent in almost a year. Side note: It has taken almost a year to feel like I have plateaued. I stopped taking it for a week……Sore muscles… Jumping back on, the reason I’m typing this. I’m a normal person that likes running and I want to give a no BS assessment, I have nothing to gain by doing so.
D. Telson –
I’ve been using this stuff on and off for the better part of 15 or more years with mountain and road cycling and racing. Rating is is subjective because you never can tell just what it is that makes you faster. I use is 4 weeks before race season till just after, (Feb1-Sept 30th). I train with power. No matter how many intervals I do in winter, I see a different response in say April my first TT of the year. I can cleary maintain a higher more consistent HR and put out a higher power to go with it. Even If i do a power test in late October (after not using it for a month) when I;m still in great shape, I feel I cannot maintain that higher HR and the higher power that seems to go with it. I just seems to add a few beats to my TT and Max HR and the associated power that goes with it. It does seem to help me burn fat on longer rides, I always see the truing just magically come together about 4 weeks after I start taking it. I have tried Optygen and other more expensive stuff, but Endurox is my go to supplement. BTW during the peak of racing I use some additional oral Rhidiola as well but inly in a two or so week burst during intense periods/peaks.
Does is really work? I fairly sure, I’m pretty experienced racer and been training for at least 2 decades. Im sure it doesn’t hurt and its not expensive.
Give it a try and see of you sustain a longer higher more steady HR and lay out your best power numbers after 30 days.
Barrett Tucker –
If you are a person that always gets sore after a workout or has a lot of lactic acid burn during this is a life saver. Reducing that to almost non while helping you get through those last reps. 10/10 one of the few products I recommend to every athlete, lifter and cyclist.
Rod –
I’ve been using Endurox Excel for the past 6-7 years, and it really works. It will not give you super powers or make you feel stronger, but I feel I am able to push a little harder than I am used to when taking this product (I feel the benefits after 3 weeks – My training cycle is basically 3 weeks to reach the peak, 1 week on it, and 1 week of recovering).
Well, about getting lean… from my personal experience, the product itself doesn’t have any component that promotes weight loss. You get leaner faster because you start pushing yourself harder.
Mario –
Pacific Health Endurox Excel is a testament to quality in the world of supplements. I’ve been incorporating this into my routine 2 to 3 times a year, and the results are outstanding. The formula is effective, providing the support I need. The reliability of Pacific Health products is evident, making this supplement a consistent choice for achieving my health and fitness goals. If you’re seeking a high-quality supplement that delivers on its promises, Pacific Health Endurox Excel is a solid choice. Highly recommended!