Descrição do Produto: Suplemento Natural Nutra de Cálcio, Magnésio e Zinco com Vitamina D3 para Fortalecimento Ósseo
O Suplemento Natural Nutra de Cálcio, Magnésio e Zinco com Vitamina D3 é uma fórmula poderosa e essencial para quem busca fortalecer os ossos e dentes, além de promover a saúde geral do corpo. Com uma combinação equilibrada de 1000 mg de Cálcio, 500 mg de Magnésio e 25 mg de Zinco, este complexo mineral é projetado para atender às necessidades diárias do seu organismo, garantindo que você se sinta forte e saudável.
- OSSOS E DENTES FORTES, AUMENTO DA IMUNIDADE, SAÚDE DO CORAÇÃO E DOS MÚSCULOS: Os minerais desempenham um papel vital no suporte à saúde do corpo. Nosso complexo mineral natural de Cálcio, Magnésio e Zinco com Vitamina D3 ajuda a fortalecer os ossos, melhorar a força muscular, promover o funcionamento dos nervos, aumentar a imunidade e melhorar a digestão, permitindo que seu corpo absorva mais nutrientes dos alimentos que você consome.
- FORMULAÇÃO POTENTE PARA FÁCIL DIGESTÃO: O nosso suplemento de Cálcio, Magnésio e Zinco é especialmente formulado com elementos naturais que tornam seu corpo mais resiliente. A fórmula para a força óssea contém Betaína e Ácido Glutâmico, que ajudam na quebra do conteúdo dietético, permitindo a máxima absorção. Isso significa que você obtém 100% da sua dose diária recomendada de Cálcio, Magnésio e Zinco com um único comprimido natural.
- PURIDADE GARANTIDA EM FRASCOS DE VIDRO RECICLÁVEIS E SEM BPA: Frascos de plástico baratos são prejudiciais ao meio ambiente e à sua saúde. Selamos seus suplementos em frascos de vidro âmbar, ecologicamente corretos, com mangas seladas a calor e datas de validade, garantindo o produto mais seguro e puro disponível. Ao contrário de alguns outros fabricantes de suplementos, nossos frascos são totalmente recicláveis. Cada frasco contém 250 comprimidos fáceis de engolir, sem glúten e vegetarianos.
- POR QUE ESCOLHER A NATURAL NUTRA COMO SUA FONTE DE SUPLEMENTOS: A Natural Nutra foi estabelecida com uma missão em mente: fornecer suplementos de alta qualidade e 100% naturais, utilizando apenas métodos ambientalmente amigáveis e socialmente responsáveis. Nossos produtos são fabricados com orgulho nos EUA e são respaldados por pesquisas extensivas, contendo exatamente o que é apresentado em nossos rótulos.
1. Fortalecimento Ósseo: A combinação de Cálcio e Vitamina D3 promove a saúde óssea, reduzindo o risco de fraturas.
2. Aumento da Imunidade: O Zinco é conhecido por suas propriedades que fortalecem o sistema imunológico, ajudando a combater infecções.
3. Melhora na Digestão: A presença de Betaína e Ácido Glutâmico facilita a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes.
4. Saúde Cardiovascular: O Magnésio contribui para a saúde do coração, ajudando a regular a pressão arterial.
5. Fórmula Sem Glúten e Vegetariana: Ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares, garantindo que todos possam se beneficiar dos minerais essenciais.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de um comprimido do Suplemento Natural Nutra de Cálcio, Magnésio e Zinco com Vitamina D3 diariamente, preferencialmente durante uma refeição. Isso não apenas maximiza a absorção dos minerais, mas também minimiza qualquer desconforto gastrointestinal. Mantenha o frasco em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a integridade do produto.
Customer Review –
I need to take vitamin D and magnesium because I had a deficiency, but I know I should also be taking calcium. And I know that zinc helps with the absorption of magnesium…but that’s 4 pills! I don’t want to sound like a baby, but I already take a few daily prescriptions and my pill organizer couldn’t hold an extra 2 pills a day. This is a great solution.
The bottle recommends taking 2 pills for the full requirement of minerals and vitamins, but I’m okay taking one a day. It’s up to you and your doctor, but in my case, my levels have been steady and I’ve increased my general intake by having a healthier diet. One of these a day is just to be sure I’m getting all the vitamins.
There isn’t anything to note about the taste, it’s similar to the magnesium pill I was taking before, nothing remarkable. And as far as I can tell, my guts are processing it just fine. No upset tummy.
I will note that this is a giant glass bottle! I thought I was getting a slab of marble delivered because the box was so heavy! Pill bottles aren’t generally worth mentioning, but this one is a thick light-blocking glass and I’ll be keeping it after I finish the pills. I can definitely use it for storage or a craft project. Reduce Reuse Recycle!
Juan Carlos Reyes –
Sruby –
The quality of this vegetarian sourced Cal-Mag-Zinc shows itself immediately upon opening the box. It’s tightly sealed in a tinted glass jar, with no dust or broken tablets. Top shelf packaging typically indicates a quality product. There’s no jagged edges to the pills, they’re smooth and easy to swallow. While I didn’t have blood tests to confirm the efficacy, I also did not experience any adverse or unexpected reaction either.
The product is “Formulated for” a U.S. based company, and that’s typically a good thing… but sourcing of ingredients is not indicated. Which means this product “could” be of any origin. I prefer knowing the source countries of ingredients for supplements, so I’m able to make a fully informed decision. That being said, I believe this product is presented in such a way as to indicate reliable quality. I’ll update this review should I find anything during the course of use that would warrant further attention. For now, I believe this is a quality product, and worthy of consideration.
Samie May –
Had to break them in two in order to get them down. Won’t purchase them again. They are a choking hazard.
Samie May –
Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, and Vitamin D3 in one pill is really nice! These come in a large and rather heavy glass container, which feels a bit “old school pharmacy,” but could be a plus for those that are avoiding the use of plastic containers and seeing this as recyclable. The pills are rather large, but not overly so. The company is out of Florida and the product appears to be good quality. Really like this combination of vitamins.
DF –
These vitamins come in a glass bottle and are very nice but they are so large and you are supposed to take two. They don’t have any kind of coating or anything to make them easier to swallow. These are also pretty expensive for a supplement.
Customer Review –
This was well packed, with two layers of bubble wrap around it to protect the glass bottle. Both the bottle and the contents were in good condition – no broken pills that I could see.
Some reviewers noted that they are dry and hard to swallow, but these are very similar to other calcium tablets, and I had no problem swallowing them (one at a time).
I compared these to a name-brand calcium/magnesium/zinc/D3 supplement, also available on Amazon. The name-brand supplement listed contents for 1 tablet, whereas this one listed it for 2 tablets, so I divided all the numbers for this one by 2. Note that I’ve included both supplement fact panels in a photo, Natural Nutra on the left, name-brand on the right.
Some minerals were more, some were less. This had more calcium – 500mg vs 333mg, more magnesium – 250mg vs 133mg, and more zinc – 12.5mg vs 5mg. The name-brand had more D3 – 5mcg vs 2.5mcg.
However, the name-brand supplement was MUCH cheaper – about 1/3 the price – for 300 tablets vs 250 of these. Taking 2 of the name brand would give you more calcium – 666mg vs 500mg, more magnesium – 266mg vs 250mg, much more D3 – 10mcg vs 2.5mcg, and slightly less Zinc – 10mg vs 12.5mg. If you bought three bottles of the name-brand, about the same cost as this, that would be 900 tablets, or 450 “2-tablet” servings. So for the same money you would get 450 “2-tablet servings” with more calcium, magnesium & D3 and almost as much zinc vs. 250 “1-tablet servings” of the Natural Nutra.
While this seems to be a good supplement, I will stick with the name brand supplement, based on price alone.
Art –
I started taking the Natural Nutra Calcium Magnesium Zinc Supplement to support my overall bone health and immune system. The blend of these essential minerals, along with Vitamin D3, has made a measurable difference in my muscle strength and bone density. The formulation is gentle on my stomach, thanks to the inclusion of Betaine and Glutamic Acid, making absorption more effective. I appreciate that the product comes in eco-friendly, recyclable glass bottles, which shows the brand’s commitment to the environment. The tablets are easy to swallow. Since starting this supplement, I’ve felt more resilient, and my digestion has improved, helping me get more nutrients from my food. The fact that it’s gluten-free and vegetarian is a bonus, aligning with my dietary preferences.