Suplemento Natural de Rhodiola Rosea – 120 CAPS 500mg
Descubra o poder da Rhodiola Rosea, uma erva adaptogênica reconhecida por suas propriedades energizantes e de melhora do foco. O nosso suplemento, com 500mg de Rhodiola em cada cápsula vegetal, é a solução ideal para quem se sente cansado após o almoço, lutando contra a fadiga constante e os efeitos colaterais do café. Com a adição de Bioperine, garantimos uma absorção superior, potencializando os benefícios dessa erva poderosa. Produzido a partir de matérias-primas de alta qualidade, provenientes das regiões premium da Sibéria e fabricado nos EUA, este suplemento é a escolha perfeita para quem busca resultados eficazes e duradouros.
Cada frasco oferece um suprimento completo para 4 meses, permitindo que você aproveite os efeitos da Rhodiola sem preocupações. Ao contrário de produtos inferiores que não contêm os constituintes ativos padronizados, como rosavins e salidroside, a fórmula da Dacha garante que você receba todos os benefícios que a Rhodiola pode oferecer. Melhore seu humor e elimine oscilações emocionais, deixando para trás os dias ruins e as frustrações.
É hora de dar um basta na névoa mental e na falta de concentração! Com a Rhodiola, você pode tomar as rédeas do seu dia, seja você uma mãe que fica em casa, um executivo ou um estudante. Aumente sua capacidade de concentração e melhore sua saúde mental de forma natural e eficaz.
Como uma pequena empresa familiar, entendemos a incerteza que pode surgir ao experimentar novos suplementos. Por isso, nos dedicamos a selecionar apenas os ingredientes da mais alta qualidade. A confiança e a transparência são fundamentais para a nossa marca, e listamos todos os ingredientes em nossos produtos para que você possa tomar uma decisão informada. Estamos à disposição para responder a quaisquer perguntas ou oferecer assistência!
– Aumento de Energia: Combate a fadiga e proporciona um impulso natural de energia sem os efeitos colaterais do café.
– Melhora do Humor: Ajuda a estabilizar o humor e a reduzir oscilações emocionais, promovendo um estado mental mais positivo.
– Aumento da Concentração: Melhora a clareza mental e a capacidade de foco, ideal para estudantes e profissionais.
– Absorção Aprimorada: A combinação com Bioperine garante que os nutrientes sejam absorvidos de forma mais eficaz pelo organismo.
– Suprimento Prolongado: Cada frasco contém um suprimento para 4 meses, oferecendo uma excelente relação custo-benefício.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula do suplemento de Rhodiola Rosea diariamente, preferencialmente pela manhã ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água e manter uma rotina regular para maximizar os benefícios. Consulte sempre um médico antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Amazon Customer –
Let me make this clear to everyone. This is my very FIRST review on anything in my life. I am an avid product review reader, so I hope my own review can help others. I have moved to natural remedies with everything from my face to my food to my vitamins and supplements. I have introduced this little gem to my family members and friends, because I actually see results. I am critical of products, and I would never recommend something if I myself did not think it was great.
With my experience, this supplement works for a wide variety of people and with a wide variety of issues. If you’re like me and have ADD/ADHD, this supplement can be very effective for you. I felt the effects of Rhodiola after 2 uses, on the third day I felt a difference, however, my case could be different from your’s. I am 21, small framed, and have been prescribed ADHD medication since I was 15.
When I first began to see the affects of Rhodiola, it was in the afternoon about 5 hours after I had taken it on the third day. I realized that I was literally cleaning my room for FUN and did 3 loads of laundry, and organized the bottles under my sink. Anyway, this was when I realized it was working, I would never just clean my room on any other day. I would compare it to a natural version of adderall except without the kick in the beginning and the dreaded comedown at the end. The effects are subtle and you may not feel when they begin, but all of a sudden you will realize something is different, you are a better, brighter you. A bit cheesy but I don’t care.
For my mother, who has been struggling with anxiety, stress, and depression, she says her symptoms have eased up a bit, but will need to take it longer to see stronger effects.
I also got my sister to take it, and after a few days she said it has helped her greatly! She wanted something that would help ease her appetite that wasn’t dangerous like these crazy diets or sketchy weight loss pills. She said she had less of an appetite and better focus at work.
I like to think of Rhodiola as nature’s adderall haha. I also went with this certain brand because it contains black seed extract which increases the supplements bioavailability tremendously. I study Biochemitry at university and reasearch the human body for a better understanding of what it needs to be at its optimum mental, physical, emotional, and healthiest state. Taking this supplement causes me to want to be even healthier. It gives me much needed energy to get off the couch and get things done. I believe it has also helped me fall asleep better at night, and I have struggled with night time energy for years. I haven’t even had any side effects like stomach pain, digestive issues, or headaches like pretty much any medication, vitamin, or supplement on the market, which is pretty amazing. If you are debating if you should try this supplement, I say absolutely. There isn’t any harm, and you may realize this is your go to supplement.
Ryan Frizzell –
After doing some research on rhodiola supplements i learning about shr-5 (a standardized rhodiola extract that was used for most of the clinical studies done on rhodiola) i went on amazon to find a supplement with it instead of just capsules with raw plant material or unstandardized extracts. I found your guyses and it was the best one as far as i could tell, its also nice that there’s bioperine added for bioavailibility which probably can’t hurt. Overall taking this supplement has given me very positive effects on both my general sense of wellbeing during the day and especially my energy levels, for a lot of my life i’ve needed 12+ hours of sleep and have had problems being tired all the time, but after a few days taking this supplement i’ve noticed an immediate improvement. On top of the long termish effect it’s had of helping my problems feeling like i have no energy all the time it gives me a small mood boost an hour or two after taking it sort of similar to coffee or something like that. I’ve read that siberians have been using this herb for a long time aid with resistance to the cold and to combat fatigue working out in the snow for long periods of time and i can definitely see why. Anyone who benefits from drinking a cup of coffee in the morning would probably benefit from taking a small amount of rhodiola in the morning(i’ve read rhodiola is dose dependent as well with smaller doses having a different effect than a larger dose. this supplement is a larger dose but anyone could easily take half or a quarter if they wanted)
Geo. B. –
I wanted to see if I could get by without taking a particular prescription drug and not have a withdrawal. I’ve had ADD and anxiety for as long as I can remember. So, i did research and took a chance on this supplement. Rhodiola, (a perennial plant) has proven beneficial as an “adaptogen”–meaning it can help with stress tolerance. It provides 3% rosavins and 1% salidroside which are naturally occurring proportions of these compounds in the rhodiola root. The supplement also has added-in BIOPERINE (a trade mark) which aids with the absorption of the supplement itself — I think that’s what’s called, bioavailability. Anyway, all I can say is I’m very pleasantly surprised that I have transitioned from prescription med without incident. I think it’s totally amazing! For the kind of money I’ve spent over the years on Rx copays; I probably could’ve bought a new car! So far, taken the supplement daily for six weeks. Noticed a difference right away in my ability to relax more during the day, and fall asleep faster at bedtime. & I’ve noticed the longer I‘ve taken Rhodiola the more effective it has become. It doesn’t make me sleepy, but it helps to keep me calm so I can let go. No negative withdrawals from stopping the med. I don’t want to name the prescription i discontinued bec. I’ve nothing against it, but I do prefer natural alternatives. I’m now recommending this supplement to my adult children, and feel very confident they will benefit from it as well. I spent almost $18 on a four-month supply and still have plenty left. So it’s a super economical supplement. Do your research on Rosavins and Salidroside, positive results are posted online from studies conducted on both. (Check out Healthline and other sites.)