Descrição do Produto: Suplemento Natural Calmante para o Sono Sem Melatonina – GABA, L-Theanine
O Suplemento Natural Calmante para o Sono Sem Melatonina combina dois poderosos ingredientes: GABA (Ácido Gama-Aminobutírico) e L-Theanine, proporcionando uma solução eficaz para quem busca uma noite de sono reparador sem os efeitos da melatonina. O GABA é um neurotransmissor que ajuda a reduzir a atividade neuronal excessiva, promovendo um estado de relaxamento e tranquilidade. Já a L-Theanine, um aminoácido encontrado no chá verde, é conhecido por suas propriedades relaxantes, que ajudam a diminuir a ansiedade e a melhorar a qualidade do sono. Juntos, esses ingredientes trabalham sinergicamente para acalmar a mente, facilitar o adormecer e prolongar o sono profundo, sem causar sonolência no dia seguinte. Ideal para pessoas que enfrentam dificuldades para dormir devido ao estresse, ansiedade ou rotina agitada, este suplemento é uma alternativa natural e segura para melhorar a qualidade do sono.
1. Promove Relaxamento Natural: Ajuda a acalmar a mente e o corpo, facilitando o processo de adormecer.
2. Melhora a Qualidade do Sono: Proporciona um sono mais profundo e reparador, essencial para a recuperação física e mental.
3. Reduz a Ansiedade: Os ingredientes ativos ajudam a controlar os níveis de estresse e ansiedade, promovendo um estado de tranquilidade.
4. Sem Efeitos Colaterais de Melatonina: Ideal para quem não deseja usar melatonina, evitando possíveis efeitos colaterais como sonolência diurna.
5. Fórmula Natural e Segura: Com ingredientes naturais, é uma opção saudável para quem busca alternativas aos medicamentos convencionais para o sono.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula do Suplemento Natural Calmante para o Sono cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. É importante tomar o suplemento com um copo de água, preferencialmente em um ambiente tranquilo e relaxante. Para otimizar os efeitos, evite o uso de dispositivos eletrônicos e crie uma rotina noturna que favoreça o relaxamento. Não exceda a dose recomendada e consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando outros medicamentos.
Joseph Simpson –
Just to get it out of the way, the description says that these are unflavored. For me there is a bitter after taste about 20 minutes after taking one. I have tested this by not consuming anything else after taking the tablet, and it has happened every night but one, when I take them. It goes away fairly quickly, and some juice with a little more acidity like cranberry juice wash it away quickly.
That being said, I am willing to put up with the after taste because these work so well for me. I have an organic form of insomnia that has been a part of my life since I was a child. I am lucky if i get 5 five hours of sleep a night, and it never seems to be uninterrupted. I have tried so many different types of natural sleep aids with varying degrees of success and out right failure. Melatonin does work, but I seem to build up a tolerance and the effects fade over time.
So, Having another natural sleep aid that I can switch to for awhile as I rotate remedies is awesome. This supplement works really well for me. I follow the instructions and take 1 about an hour before laying down, and I can actually feel myself getting drowsy, which is very rare for me. The first few nights I did wake up after about 2 hours, which is normal for me, but going into the second week I actually slept over 4 hours without waking up three nights in a row. That never happens. I have not changed any part of my routine except adding this supplement, so the benefits of taking it are very obvious to me. I just sleep better.
I have not noticed any side effects other than the weird taste after taking them and for the results I am getting it is worth it. I definitely will be using these for as long as they work for me.
mjh999 –
Purchased this as have trouble sleeping through the night. Melatonin tends to make me still feel groggy in the morning so thought would try this. While this worked, I still feel that it stays in my system in the morning, resulting in sluggishness.
Ms. Bee –
Comes with a 30 day supply and says not to use for more than 30 days as well. They are on the bigger side of capsules but we’re still easy to take. They have a bit of cinnamon type spice taste to me. I’m not sure how to feel about it yet. In all honesty they don’t really work for me, mostly not as fast as I hoped and sometimes not at all. I think I have about a 2 week supply left but I don’t think I can continue using as it really takes too long and sometimes not at all. Normal melatonin 5mg works in about 45-60 minutes, this may take 90-120 for me personally that is. I will say when I’m asleep I do wake up feeling like I’ve slept for a long while and I did notice on most nights I didn’t randomly wake up unless my neck was in an awkward position or was thirsty.
Tony N –
Typically, while I have no problem falling asleep, my sleep issues are twofold: first, I often only sleep for a few hours and then wake up and have very restless or nonexistent sleep after that; second, I’m a very tense sleeper and often wake up with a sore jaw from clenching it all night. For the occasional times I’ve had trouble falling asleep as well, I have tried melatonin–I’ll fall asleep quickly, but still wake up after a few hours. So the last time I was having trouble falling asleep, I tried this. I fell asleep quickly afterwards, and did wake up with a start about an hour after doing so, which is unusual, but thankfully I fell back asleep quickly and then slept solidly for 7 hours. What’s more I didn’t wake up with a tense, sore jaw!
The pills do have a noticeable flavor to them, but I didn’t find it unpleasant. It was almost cinnamony? It didn’t linger too long either. Definitely pleased with this purchase!
Siena –
these were too large for me, I didn’t like the aftertaste, and the color was off-putting. I think there are better choices out there
Amazo Customer1j –
These pills have a spicy aftertaste to them, so they really are not unflavored. This is a 30 day supply and I found these to work great! I was able to get a peaceful nights rest when I took them and when I woke I didn’t have a sluggish or drowsy feeling. I felt alert and refreshed. I am really pleased with these.
Joseph Simpson –
I really like the list of ingredients this has, most of them I already take separately anyway, and also that it does not contain melatonin, because melatonin doesn’t agree with me and leaves me feeling icky and groggy. So this sleep supplement seem like the perfect combination. It does also have a lot of fillers listed, which I’m not so crazy about, I wonder if they really are necessary.
I also really like that this is manufactured in a GMP facility and that it is third party tested, I consider those really important attributes in terms of quality control.
Now, I don’t have any trouble falling asleep; my problem is staying asleep or going back to sleep once I have awakened, so in all fairness I don’t take these before bed at night, I take them when I wake up too early and know that I still need to get a few more hours sleep. With all the great ingredients that this contains, I really thought that I would get better results, but the truth is the effects are surprisingly mild. I might feel a tad more relaxed than if I didn’t take it, but it doesn’t put me back to sleep, and as I said, I really think this is a marvelous mixture of useful ingredients with which I am already familiar and already take separately at different times, so I really thought that I would get better results than I did, so I’m a little disappointed. I will probably still continue to try it from time to time, as sometimes these sorts of things seem to work better than others.