Descrição do Produto: Focus Factor Brain Supplement Multivitamin
O Focus Factor é um suplemento multivitamínico projetado para otimizar a saúde cerebral, oferecendo uma combinação poderosa de nutrientes que melhoram a memória, a clareza mental e a concentração. Com 180 comprimidos, este produto é ideal para homens e mulheres que buscam aprimorar suas habilidades cognitivas, seja no trabalho, em casa ou na escola. A fórmula avançada do Focus Factor é composta por vitaminas, minerais e neuro-nutrientes que não apenas nutrem o cérebro, mas também podem substituir seu multivitamínico diário, proporcionando uma solução prática e eficaz para o suporte cerebral.
- SAÚDE CEREBRAL OTIMIZADA: Assim como outras partes do corpo, o cérebro necessita de nutrição adequada para funcionar em seu melhor, e o Focus Factor melhora a memória, a concentração e o foco, apresentando uma combinação poderosa de nutrientes que demonstraram melhorar significativamente a cognição.
- NÍVEIS MÁXIMOS DE FOCO: O Focus Factor apoia a saúde cerebral, melhorando a memória e a concentração, essencial para quem está sempre em movimento.
- FÓRMULA DE QUALIDADE: Nossa fórmula não contém corantes artificiais, adoçantes artificiais ou xarope de milho com alto teor de frutose, utilizando apenas os melhores ingredientes que garantem um suplemento de suporte cerebral de qualidade e eficácia.
- IMPROVEMENTO NO DESEMPENHO CEREBRAL: O Focus Factor contém uma combinação poderosa de vitaminas, minerais e neuro-nutrientes que não apenas fornecem nutrição para o cérebro, mas também melhoram e potencializam a memória e a concentração, aumentando sua capacidade de foco e multitarefa.
1. Melhora da Memória: Aumenta a capacidade de recordar informações importantes, essencial para estudantes e profissionais.
2. Aumento da Concentração: Ajuda a manter o foco em tarefas, reduzindo distrações e aumentando a produtividade.
3. Suporte à Saúde Mental: Contribui para um melhor desempenho cognitivo, promovendo uma mente mais clara e alerta.
4. Fórmula Sem Aditivos: Com ingredientes de alta qualidade, sem corantes ou adoçantes artificiais, é uma escolha saudável e segura.
5. Praticidade: Com 180 comprimidos, oferece uma solução de longo prazo para quem busca melhorar a função cerebral no dia a dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 comprimidos do Focus Factor diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e não exceder a dose recomendada. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, e fora do alcance de crianças. Para um efeito otimizado, combine o uso do suplemento com uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável.
mohamed ali –
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Bon in BAMA –
My Internist is the BEST. She had already recommended Vitamin B-1 with Thiamin, which helped with memory loss of specific words. I’m a writer so that was scary.
Six months later, her nurse called and suggested I also get (over the counter) FOCUS FACTOR. The only brick & mortar store she knew that had them was Target.
I always go first to Amazon for the reviews. I found the product; the reviews were very good, so I bought a big bottle.
The suggested dosage is FOUR (4) per day! The downsize is that they are BIG PILLS & you must take one at a time or you WILL choke. Also they taste TERRIBLE. So far, I can only take two because I take a LOT of other medications. THEY DO HELP ME FOCUS BETTER!
Still, they do help with memory retention. I plan to start adding the other two FOCUS FACTOR tablets this week.
If they could fix the taste and size, they would be worth 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 every time.
Dan Hafdelin –
I have been only using this a few weeks and I already notice a difference. I’m more focused and also noticed memory improvement.
I have seen a fair amount of reviews saying that it tastes horrible and it’s a very big pill. As far as the taste, if you leave it sitting in your mouth instead of swallowing it right away, it is unpleasant but if you swallow it right away, you won’t notice.
As far as the size, it’s not tiny but it’s also not the size of a horse pill. It’s the same as multi-vitamins. They are not that big.
W. Jamil –
Bacopa, Phosphatidyl Serine, Zinc, and many other valuable assets are included in this well designed product which substitutes as a multivitamin as well, saving time, and adding value.
I discovered it shopping at Walmart, but later learned that it is cheaper from this vendor on Amazon, and have been buying it Amazon since. Years later, it is still more expensive at Walmart, and the other vendors, so glad I added this to my wishlist and switched to this vendor.
It is a very high quality supplement from Florida. It improves academic, and technical, memory significantly. For example, if you have to memorize things, it’s good for that. No side effects were noted at recommended levels. It’s a good idea to keep this as a part of your diet or supplement stack. I stopped taking it to see if I notice a difference, and did, so I returned to using it. Bacopa particularly is one of the values of this product. If you were to buy everything in Focus Factor separately, it would be very expensive, so buying Focus Factor is a cost saving true value that will enhance your wallet, brain, and body in general.
Vickie –
These pills are so hard to swallow, if the dose was just one, maybe I would take them. But it is four. Get stuck in back of my mouth and taste disgusting.
Going back to my old product which worked and and s a capsule so very easy to swallow
Padre Islander –
I’ve been using this nootropic cognitive enhancer for several years now and appreciate how it helps keep me mentally zeroed in on my job tasks at my IT work position that requires me to ‘split my brain’ and multitask using several computer applications, operating systems, and functions on different terminals throughout my shift. I recall doing my initial research for a cognitive enhancer years back comparing quality, performance, and price between several nootropic products, and settled on Focus Factor because it met all those metrics best. Have been using Focus Factor ever since.
Taking a minimal dosage (1 tablet) I also stack with another product I purchase from Amazon called ‘Brain + IQ Complex.’ I’ve stacked with other nootropic cognitive enhancers in the past but have settled with this combination. I consider Focus Factor my ‘base stack’ component because I’m comfortable with the trusty boost to my concentration it brings and the lengthy performance I’ve come to expect. Will certainly continue to use Focus Factor and highly recommend it for those in jobs requiring prolonged mental acuity and concentration as in IT positions.
Amazon Customer –
Love it
Robyn –
Since I’ve started taking this my energy level has improved. There is no “crash”. This is a multivitamin that improves every day function and has helped my memory and focus!
Paul Hoffman –
it really works