Descrição do Produto: Codeage Multivitamin Recovery Elite Max Supplement
O Codeage Multivitamin Recovery Elite Max é um suplemento avançado que combina uma fórmula poderosa de vitaminas, minerais e nutrientes essenciais, projetado para apoiar a recuperação e o bem-estar geral. Com uma rica composição que inclui Vitaminas A, C, D, E, complexo B, além de minerais essenciais e antioxidantes, este produto é ideal para quem busca otimizar sua saúde e desempenho físico. A adição de colostro e fitonutrientes potencializa ainda mais suas propriedades, promovendo uma recuperação mais rápida e eficaz após atividades físicas intensas. A presença de pantetina, um derivado da vitamina B5, contribui para a saúde metabólica e energética, enquanto a formulação não-GMO garante um produto livre de organismos geneticamente modificados, alinhado com as necessidades de consumidores conscientes.
1. Apoio à Recuperação Muscular: A combinação de vitaminas e colostro ajuda na regeneração muscular após treinos intensos.
2. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Vitaminas e antioxidantes presentes na fórmula promovem uma defesa imunológica robusta.
3. Aumento da Energia e Vitalidade: O complexo B e a pantetina são essenciais para a produção de energia, melhorando o desempenho diário.
4. Saúde Óssea e Dental: As vitaminas D e K, junto com minerais como cálcio e magnésio, são fundamentais para a saúde óssea.
5. Melhora da Saúde da Pele: Antioxidantes e vitaminas contribuem para uma pele mais saudável e radiante, combatendo os sinais de envelhecimento.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada e, se necessário, consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou sob medicação. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a integridade do produto.
Ut och Vandra –
My naturopath has gotten me to recognize that not all vitamins are the same — if you can’t absorb it, it’s not going to do anything for you (plus, you just wasted your money). So I look for highly absorbable versions of vitamins when I’m deciding what to buy. They also must be gluten, soy, dairy, and as corn free as possible because I can’t tolerate these foods.
With Codeage, I was impressed that it included Vitamin K to work in tangent with the Vitamin D. It also includes both water soluble and fat soluble forms of thiamine (I don’t think I absorb the water soluble form very well). Other important B vitamins are methylated so they are more readily absorbed. And it has molybdenum — which I don’t always find in multivitamins — that I need for liver detoxification. The capsule doesn’t contain magnesium stearate or ascorbyl palmitate — both huge no-no’s for me. The dose is three capsules, which is so much better than brands where you have to down six or more capsules to get the stated dose.
I removed a star for two reasons: I’d like to have riboflavin as riboflavin 5′ phosphate (the active form of riboflavin) so I don’t have to take a separate R5P capsule, and because of confusion about dairy content. The product page stated “Manufactured in the USA using global ingredients in a cGMP-certified facility, Codeage Multivitamin Recovery Elite Max is non-GMO, gluten-free, dairy-free, and soy-free, making this workout supplement compatible with a wide range of dietary requirements.” When I received the bottle, I noticed it said “Allergy warning: Dairy (Milk).” This is for the colostrum, which I should have realized earlier regardless of labelling, but I just wasn’t paying attention. If you, like me, react to milk proteins, you probably won’t be able to tolerate colostrum either. I do also have issues regarding animal treatment to obtain colostrum, so I would have avoided it regardless.
Tri 2 B –
I have been a triathlete for many years and i find that the supplements I take really help to push me into new levels in my training. I find that the brands that help me reach my ever changing goals are brands that pride themselves on high quality and product consistency. I have chosen to use this product because I have tried many other product by this brand and feel they are not only one of the best manufacturers of quality products but that they are consistent in their achievement of this goal. I am a gluten free athlete which limits the types of supplements I can utilize, forces me to make the best choices on products and examine the quality of products I ingest throughly. I can not afford t make a mistake. I have never had a problem with this brand, never seen any gluten reactions topically (as this is only the first of many ways I manifest my intolerance) and feel amazing after taking their supplements for even a few short days.
I have even wondered if I was making this up. I started dating a new guy who is Mr. Organic Foods and when I looked into his vitamin cabinet… CODEAGE PRODUCTS! I was convinced that I had found an amazing brand, and an amazing man!
The type of product you take and the needs you have will vary from mine. What will say the same is the need to ingest the highest quality ingredients in order to maintain your daily health in the same way I maintain my athletic performance. For this reason, I am proud to take Codeage products, excited to add this product to my line up of healthy conscience supplements and enthusiastic to share my experience with this brand with you.
Take this product with pride knowing that someone like me, who NEEDS to have excellent supplements to boost performance and is scrutinizing the results, takes these products from this brand and has nothing but the best things to say about my experience with this brand. If you are gluten intolerant like I am, have confidence this will be a safe product AND BRAND for you to turn to. Enjoy friends!
Christopher Kouzios –
I already take a handful of vitamins and supplements so I specifically use these for workout recovery. I focus on weight training and am always on the lookout for anything to give me an advantage especially with recovery (you don’t bounce back quite as fast in your 50’s as you did in your 20’s). I already take an amino pre-workout so I took these for post-workout and so far so good. I didn’t replace any of my existing supplements so rather than take the recommended three capsules I started with one capsule after my workout. I work out in the evenings, take my pre-dinner meds/supplements then eat within about 30-45 minutes of my workout. I have been pleasantly surprised so far. I am on a ‘heavy’ week and typically my legs are the most painful recovery the day after. I have felt pretty good after all of my workouts this week and “heavy week” always means “very sore week”. Each of our bodies reacts differently to supplements so I don’t know if this will be a long term gain or if I’ll have to increase the dose over time or how these will work for you but just based on the week one, one capsule post workout results…I’m a fan. I ALWAYS have stiff, sore, sometimes painful legs after a heavy leg workout and this week has been atypical. The only change was adding these supplements. Big fan but it’s early so I would give them a try especially while they have the 25% off coupon and see how they work for you.