Descrição do Produto: Codeage Multivitamin Performance Elite Max
O Codeage Multivitamin Performance Elite Max é um suplemento multivitamínico de alta performance, projetado para atender às necessidades nutricionais de atletas e indivíduos que buscam otimizar sua saúde e bem-estar. Este produto é uma combinação abrangente de vitaminas e minerais essenciais, incluindo:
- Comprehensive Vitamin and Mineral Blend: O suplemento é repleto de vitaminas essenciais como A, B6, B12, C, D, E e diversas formas de Vitamina K (MK-4, MK-6, MK-7, MK-9). Além disso, contém minerais importantes como magnésio, cobre, selênio, zinco, folato, biotina, molibdênio, cromo, boro e vanádio.
- Botanical and Advanced Nutrients: Este multivitamínico para atletas apresenta uma mistura de pó de fruta de mirtilo selvagem, pó de uva muscadine, bioflavonoides cítricos, extratos de sementes e brotos de brócolis, isômeros de vitamina E, trans-resveratrol, Pantesin pantetina e ésteres de luteína.
- Grass-Fed Bovine Extracts: A fórmula das cápsulas inclui extratos de fígado, coração e medula óssea de bovinos alimentados com pasto, garantindo um perfil nutricional multifacetado e aproveitando os nutrientes únicos encontrados nesses ingredientes.
- Phospholipid Complex: Formulado com um complexo de fosfolipídios utilizando óleo de girassol não transgênico para maior pureza.
- Manufactured in the USA: O suplemento Codeage Multivitamin Performance Elite Max é fabricado nos EUA em uma instalação certificada cGMP, utilizando ingredientes globais para garantir qualidade e pureza. Esta fórmula é não transgênica, livre de glúten, laticínios e soja.
1. Apoio Completo à Saúde: Proporciona uma ampla gama de vitaminas e minerais que ajudam a manter a saúde geral e o bem-estar.
2. Aumento de Performance: Ideal para atletas, pois melhora a energia e a resistência durante os treinos e competições.
3. Nutrientes Botânicos Avançados: A inclusão de extratos botânicos potencia a absorção de nutrientes e oferece benefícios antioxidantes.
4. Qualidade Superior: Fabricado em instalações certificadas, garantindo um produto livre de contaminantes e aditivos indesejados.
5. Fácil Integração na Rotina: As cápsulas são práticas e podem ser facilmente incorporadas ao dia a dia, facilitando a adesão a um estilo de vida saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas do Codeage Multivitamin Performance Elite Max diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e garante que o corpo receba o suporte necessário para um desempenho ideal. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver grávida.
Melissa –
I like that these are simple, normal sized capsules- very uncommon for the Multivitamins I’ve tried over the years! Since I started taking these, I’ve felt really good overall and have a bit more energy than usual. You only need to take 2 a day and again, the size is convenient and easy to swallow. I haven’t had any side effects or negative reactions to these at all. One of the best Multivitamins I’ve ever taken.
Christine A. –
My husband is an athlete and says they make him feel great.
Bridge –
This has a good blends of minerals and multivitamins, from A to Z. The bottle comes well-sealed. The capsules are in standard capsule size that is easy to swallow and there is no bad aftertaste. It is manufactured in the US, but no mention of third party tested. The expiration date on the bottle is about three years from now. Hope the information is helpful.
Prof. DM –
I am a woman in her 60s but have only recently stepped up my exercise game about 10 years ago for my health. Between running, biking, swimming, and hiking, I’ve always needed a multivitamin to keep up with my activity AND my age, but most senior or women’s supplements have fallen short. This incredible multivite received lauds from my doctor due to its bountiful ingredients and high daily values.
+ More Than Full-Spectrum: This supplement contains not only a hefty dose of daily vitamins but added bonuses for full body health. Luetin is an eye-health favorite while added fruit and veggie compounds (reservatrol included!) are great for antioxidants. This supplement combines what I used to take in a handful of capsules in one easy 3-capsule dose. Amazing and money-saving!
+ Energizing! The vitamin B blend in this is very invigorating and perfect for morning dosing, or right before a workout. The energy is jitter-free and lasts for hours, boosting the body natrually.
+ Vitamins K and D: These bone-happy vitamins are wonderful for folks my age and active individuals at any age. Calcium however is not included, so I take a separate Calci; these vitamins boost absorption.
+ Grass-Fed Bovine Boosters: With heart, bone, and muscle-aiding ingredients like bovine heart, blood, marrow, and liver, this multivite is an athlete’s joy. It is difficult to find these with vitamins in a multivite, but this supplment combines all the good stuff in one, keeping me from needing to spend extra on my supplements while reducing the size of my supplement cabinet. Grass-fed quality is a bonus!
– May Cause Niacin Flush: Niacin may be hard on the belly for some and may even cause cramping or tingling feelings if taken on an empty stomach. I take this supplement with a hearty breakfast or other meal as a result.
Fredrik & Jo –
This ‘performance’ vitamin checks all the boxes for me. The vitamins and minerals are from excellent sources, and in adequate dosages. In fact, they feel a little high for me based on what other supplements I take, so this allows me to cut my dosage to 2 capsules instead of 3.
1. cGMP facility
2. Quality ingredients
3. ‘Extra’ ingredients such as phytonutrients, antioxidants, bioflavonoids, etc.
Lorraine –
Bought for my grandson. Easy to swallow. His energy level seems to be improving. Still reviewing.
been looking for a long time a vitamin compared to more then a multi by American Health these are it my hair stoped falling out and started to grow in thin spots my nails growing like weeds and the energy is amazing feel great thank you for such a great vitamin finally found a vitamin that’s is true to its ingredients and makes you feel the well being that you should
Wow this stuff has a plethora of natural ingredients that I would suspect, would benefit most everyone not just athletes. Upon initial opening there were no off odors and all the capsules were intact with no visible caking of the product within the capsules. Recommended dosage is 3 per day. I did go over to the Codeage website and found that although it’s technically made in the US, the ingredients are globally sourced and that fact does give me some pause hence the 1 star deduction.