Descrição do Produto:
O Premium Liquid B Complex Vitamin é um suplemento inovador que combina todos os 8 tipos de vitaminas do complexo B em uma fórmula líquida de rápida absorção. Este produto é ideal para quem busca uma maneira eficiente de aumentar a energia, melhorar o metabolismo e apoiar a saúde mental. Com uma mistura energizante de ervas, incluindo Ginseng, Ginkgo e Raiz de Eleuthero, este suplemento não só fornece as vitaminas essenciais, mas também potencializa a vitalidade e o foco. A fórmula vegana garante que todos possam se beneficiar, independentemente de suas restrições alimentares. O Premium Liquid B Complex Vitamin é perfeito para aqueles que enfrentam dias corridos e precisam de um impulso extra para manter a produtividade e o bem-estar.
1. Aumento de Energia: As vitaminas do complexo B são fundamentais para a produção de energia, ajudando a combater a fadiga e a exaustão.
2. Melhora da Saúde Mental: Contribui para a função cognitiva e pode ajudar a reduzir sintomas de estresse e ansiedade.
3. Apoio ao Metabolismo: As vitaminas B desempenham um papel crucial no metabolismo de carboidratos, proteínas e gorduras, promovendo uma digestão saudável.
4. Foco e Concentração: A combinação de Ginseng e Ginkgo melhora a circulação sanguínea e a função cerebral, aumentando a clareza mental.
5. Fórmula Vegana e Natural: Ideal para veganos e vegetarianos, sem adição de ingredientes artificiais, garantindo um suplemento saudável e ético.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 colher de sopa (15 ml) do Premium Liquid B Complex Vitamin diariamente, preferencialmente pela manhã, antes das refeições. Agite bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade da fórmula. O uso regular deste suplemento pode maximizar os benefícios das vitaminas do complexo B e das ervas energizantes, promovendo um estilo de vida mais ativo e saudável.
mark cooper –
Personally, I want something that I can hold in my mouth for at least a minute or longer to actually get the benefits of it absorbing thru the skin vs. digesting it which doesn’t work for a lot of people. So it must taste good or it won’t get used. The B-12 works best when absorbed and not digested. Pretty much wasting your money if you take B-12 as a pill or something you swallow. You also must have B-6 if you want to convert the B-12 in the liver as it should or it passes right thru you like water. On a daily bases, you need to supplement D3 + K2, ZMA (B6+Magnesium+ZINC), B12 and Selenium but in reality there is the other 83 essential nutrients your body needs and most likely is not getting thru food alone. Make sure the supplements that you choose are made from Whole Foods. If not, you are wasting your money and are simply buying plusibos.
Joyce Benedict –
When someone says to themselves, “It’s too good to be true!”, it often is. A vitamin B complex that tastes great? It’s just fruit juice that wants to be Red Bull. The energy boost comes from all the sugar. There has to be A LOT more sugar than they claim as when my kid spilled it, it got really sticky really fast. Mixed blessing. For anybody that takes their nutrition seriously, refined sugars give the illusion of energy, the all too well known sugar high, accompanied by a energy crash. It increases inflammation in the body & promotes fat growth. This is all likely why they advertise not to take too much of their product, so that these effects aren’t noticed.
I think I’ll make a video in my lab breaking this product down to see what’s really in it, what they’re not disclosing about the product & it’s ingredients, & how the found components really interact with the body. Most likely more harm than good…
mark cooper –
Biff2u –
Have always found taking pills/supplements a chore. Some large and needing splitting, or others require many pills a day. Am a senior in ’80’s. Taught Nutrition and Holistic classes for years in Adult Ed programs. Always suggested to seniors to take supplements by liquid. Our tummies go through changes, our teeth, our everything. With this liquid B it is easy to swallow and I take 1 tbls.daily with a meal. Absorption going to be enhanced. I read years ago a septic system clean out guy. wrote of the billions of undigested pills in tanks. This company offers a vitamin/liquid supplement also. Eating right your best deal. As a senior appetite decreases and one doesn’t eat the many foods once loved. The B’s so important for converting food to energy. Best of health all!
Shainakay –
I absolutely love this stuff. I had been using Now Foods Liquid B Complex for years but hated the taste. It had several different sweeteners in it that made it taste awful, and the red color of the liquid would stain my counter-top if spilled. I came across Tropical Oasis Liquid B Complex the other day and really loved the fact that it contains an herbal blend that I take for my adrenals and mood (meaning I can stop buying a separate supplement because of this), a higher level of b vitamins than other products contain, and the price point.
So I bought this and have been taking it for a few days. The color, like others have said, is a reddish-brown. I have been taking a tablespoon a day. I hold it under my tongue for about 30 seconds and then swallow it. I am not kidding when I say that this supplement smells and taste JUST LIKE Flintstones vitamins (at least the way they used to smell and taste when I was a kid in the 90’s). This is my most favorite thing about this liquid. Within 20 minutes. I notice a positive change in my mood and I feel much more energetic as well. Not the kind of energy you get from caffeine, but a more calm, natural energy. I’ve also noticed my left calf muscle that has been having spasms for weeks now has stopped since I started taking this supplement.
I do plan on buying this again when I run out (one bottle is a 30-day supply if you take 1 tablespoon a day), as well as trying a few other liquid supplements from this brand. I highly recommend!
A. Ramirez –
I really like this vitamin, it helps give me the boost & energy to take care of my kids and work full-time with a smile. I definitely notice when I forget to take it, I get more sweet cravings and feel tired. I have been taking it for 2 months and definitely has helped me! Taste is not terrible but it is not great either, that was a reason why I did not reorder immediately when I ran out until I felt the difference within 2 days of not taking it, therefore I went back to reorder it.
Little –
This has helped to balance out the system, and feel much better. Highly recommend to all that need an added help with digestion, and body from head to toe. Tropical Oasis is wonderful, and have been taking their multi vitamins for a long time. Now have added the “B” and glad it works great also. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE!!! IT WORKS the BEST of any I have tried. I am a senior and have taken many brands of vits since I was a child, and NONE have been as good as TROPICAL OASIS!!!.
J. Black –
This B Complex is working as expected for me. I have no problem with the flavor. I mix it with electrolytes or tea I drink during the day. (I do not take the serving size of one tablespoon since that is a grossly inflated amount over the recommended daily amount.)
I do have a reservation with Xylitol. Having two dogs, it worries me I could be careless with it as some point and cause them harm since Xylitol is deadly to dogs. For that reason, I am throwing it out and ordering another brand which uses Monk Fruit & Stevia.