Descrição do Produto: Dream Water Sleep Aid Supplement Drink
O Dream Water Sleep Aid é um suplemento líquido projetado para promover um sono reparador e de qualidade. Cada frasco de 2,5 oz contém uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes naturais, incluindo 5 mg de Melatonina, GABA e 5-HTP, que trabalham em sinergia para ajudar a relaxar a mente e o corpo, facilitando a transição para um sono profundo. Com zero açúcar e sabores naturais, este shot de sono é uma opção saudável e saborosa, sem adição de cores artificiais. A embalagem contém 12 doses, tornando-se uma solução prática para quem busca melhorar a qualidade do sono de forma eficaz e conveniente. Ideal para aqueles que enfrentam dificuldades para dormir, o Dream Water é o néctar noturno que promete transformar suas noites.
1. Promove um Sono Reparador: A combinação de Melatonina, GABA e 5-HTP ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono, proporcionando um descanso mais profundo e revitalizante.
2. Sem Açúcar e Natural: Com zero açúcar e sabores naturais, é uma alternativa saudável para quem se preocupa com a ingestão de calorias e aditivos artificiais.
3. Fácil de Usar: A apresentação em shots líquidos torna o consumo prático e rápido, ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada.
4. Reduz a Ansiedade: Os ingredientes ativos ajudam a acalmar a mente, reduzindo a ansiedade e o estresse, facilitando a preparação para o sono.
5. Sem Efeitos Colaterais Indesejados: Formulado com ingredientes naturais, minimiza o risco de efeitos colaterais comuns associados a outros produtos para dormir.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir um shot de 2,5 oz de Dream Water aproximadamente 30 minutos antes de dormir. Agite bem antes de abrir e beba lentamente para permitir que os ingredientes ativos sejam absorvidos de forma eficaz. Evite o uso em conjunto com álcool ou outras substâncias que possam interferir no sono. Para um efeito otimizado, mantenha uma rotina de sono regular e um ambiente propício ao descanso.
Papa Pastie –
Review update. Wow. I write reviews and assume no one sees them. Well this company did and i am impressed. In my review i talk about a great product but i cant open it half the time. So I got a call from the company and they explain they bought the company recently and they are also a CBD supplier in Canada. So they had “torking” issues with the bottlers they had resolved. We own a restaurant. Things happen. Its how you deal with the cold food thats the difference between good and bad service. So they sent some more. And some with CBD im excited to try. But I couldnt sleep. And just took some. The bottle cap came off easy. And im getting sleepy. And all my words are mispelled and im too tired to fix them. So. It works. With no hangover. Good night. Great company.
Old review: These work. If you can get them open. Very hard. Frustrating.
Even more. When your in that place and cant sleep and you just want one to make the night go well, you might spend fiteen minutes, have to go to the kitchen, get a knife, by that time your even more awake so in the end. I just stopped drinking them. Too much work.
Jennifer Langford –
I was more awake after trying it two nights than I was before taking it
ann t. –
I’ve had health issues that cause problems with sleep and getting truly rested as well as problems with constantly getting woken up. It was hard to get a good night’s sleep and feel well rested. I decided to give Dream Water a try. I am so glad that I tried it. Since I used it the first time, I have been a constant customer and I use it most nights. I sleep well and wake rested and in a good mood. It never makes me feel drug-out or tired when I wake up. I wish I had found it sooner.The only problem for me is that I am on a fixed income and I have to make choices about items that I need to purchase each month. But, it’s absolutely worth the price! Dream Water is near the top of the list of needs each month.It makes life better with a great night sleep.
Tillie Delaney –
I’ve been getting the original and they are amazing and definitely put me to sleep, immunity still does the job but the taste was super off putting. I’ll stick to the original
Tyler Durden –
When I drink these I not only fall asleep faster, but I sleep deeper. Noises and movement doesn’t wake me as easily. I do wake up a little groggy for a short period of time. So I don’t believe that part of what they claim.
I do not like this flavor very much. I bought the other one, snoozeberry I think it is, on a lightening deal and Amazon does not allow you to post a review if you got the product at a “deep discount”. The snoozeberry tastes a bit like a milder 5 hour energy drink. This flavor….I can’t describe it. Its not awful, its just not something I like. But its not much to drink
A real negative of the snoozeberry batch I got was that the bottles were VERY hard to open. Even my multi-tool pliers could not open them. After too much effort I was able to get each open, but seriously something was not right. Especially since I now have these to compare it to.
I bought again, and will buy again, so that is the highest endorsement I can give
Shiner –
This product works quite effectively. Keep in mind that it’s not black magic — it’s just a very effective way of delivering the standard herbal sleep remedies. What I’ve found with Dream Water, however, is that it really kicks you down a notch in your REM sleep. My dreams are akin to watching a movie, and I daresay this stuff puts me on the edge of lucid dreaming (calling the shots as I’m dreaming). Bear in mind, I’ve had similar effects using Onnit’s “New Mood,” which has a similar chemical composition and works on the same principle. The only (slight) drawback to this product is that it’s really not a “knockout.” It works similar to melatonin — if you’re amped up or stressed out, it won’t put you down the way a traditional sleeping pill will. If you’re looking for something to really level out your sleep, however, this is the ticket. It doesn’t taste too bad either.
Dee –
I struggle with insomnia. I have been dependant on benedryl based products (Motrin PM, Tylenol PM, etc) for several years. Then I tried alternating nights with a half tablet of Norco that was prescribed to me after a tooth implant. I did not like being dependent on any of these pills, but I was desperate to fall asleep instead of flipping and flopping for hours. I bought Dream Water on a whim, just to see if it made a difference. Holy Cow! It worked! About a half hour after drinking it, I started feeling relaxed, then almost in a dream-like state. I went to bed and fell right asleep, and slept comfortably for 8.5 hours. No morning headache, no after effects. No gastrointestinal side effects. I’m a believer!
Christie –
I order from Amazon all the time and I have never been been compelled to write a review before. For me this stuff has been terrific. I have had difficulty falling asleep with mind racing and distractions. I had been taking zquill and Benadryl and would wake up feeling awful, but I haven’t had that with this. My issue was not staying asleep but falling asleep and this 100% worked for me. I would highly recommend it for someone that has difficulty falling asleep.