Suplemento Líquido de Ferro para Mulheres, Homens e Crianças – 15 mg por ML com Sabor de Frutas Vermelhas – Alta Potência – Fácil de Misturar para Absorção Imediata – Aumenta os Níveis de Energia e Sangue Sem…
Melhor quando misturado – Formulamos gotas concentradas de ferro para se misturarem perfeitamente com suas bebidas favoritas. Adicione a um copo de água de 240 ml, suco ou seu smoothie matinal. Isso disfarçará qualquer sabor perceptível, ao mesmo tempo em que aumenta a absorção e maximiza os benefícios.
Suave para estômagos sensíveis – Ao contrário de comprimidos de ferro, cápsulas de ferro, pó de ferro ou outros líquidos de ferro, o Concentrado de Ferro Maxi é feito de bisglicinato quelato, que é muito mais suave para o estômago. Este suplemento de ferro não constipante não causará desconforto intestinal, bloqueio ou irritação. Feito para pais e crianças, as mulheres podem usá-lo com segurança durante a gravidez.
Efeito imediato em baixos níveis de ferro – Os médicos recomendam suplementos líquidos de ferro para anemia, mulheres grávidas e menstruadas, atletas, vegetarianos e pessoas que têm dificuldade em obter ferro suficiente apenas com a dieta. O Ferro Líquido Maxi Bisglicinato Quelato permite absorção e efeito imediatos.
Ingredientes kosher e vegetarianos – A Maxi se dedica a formular os melhores suplementos de ferro para anemia com ingredientes de qualidade pura e natural. Não contém parabenos, soja, trigo, sal, glúten, leite, sabores artificiais, corantes ou conservantes. Certificado Kosher pela OU/UK.
MAXI HEALTH: FIEL AO BEM-ESTAR TOTAL – Nossos produtos são o resultado de anos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento para garantir qualidade, pureza e eficácia. É assim que a Maxi ajuda você a viver a vida ao máximo. Estamos comprometidos em garantir sua satisfação ao longo da vida.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Aumenta os níveis de energia e combate a fadiga
- Melhora a saúde do sangue e previne a anemia
- Fórmula suave para estômagos sensíveis
- Ingredientes kosher e vegetarianos para uma escolha consciente
- Alta potência e absorção imediata
O Suplemento Líquido de Ferro Maxi oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina diária. Primeiramente, ele aumenta os níveis de energia, ajudando a combater a fadiga e proporcionando um impulso necessário para enfrentar o dia. Além disso, melhora a saúde do sangue, prevenindo a anemia, o que é crucial para mulheres grávidas e menstruadas. Sua fórmula suave é ideal para estômagos sensíveis, evitando desconfortos comuns associados a outros suplementos de ferro. Os ingredientes kosher e vegetarianos garantem uma escolha consciente e saudável, enquanto a alta potência e absorção imediata asseguram que você obtenha os resultados desejados rapidamente.
Para adultos e crianças acima de 4 anos, adicione 1 ml (15 mg de ferro) a 240 ml de água, suco ou smoothie, uma vez ao dia. Agite bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade da mistura. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso deste produto, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver alguma condição médica preexistente. A utilização regular deste suplemento pode contribuir significativamente para a manutenção dos níveis adequados de ferro no organismo.
I have many issues with low iron, but I can not tolerate iron supplements, this is the first one I have been able to take. I am trying to avoid the need for iron infusion due to the cost. I’ve noticed many complain about the taste. I mix mine in with flavored water. My only complaint, and the reason I gave it a 4 instead of a 5 is, It would be very nice if you would leave at least a strip down the side clear so the customer can tell how much of the product is left. This is my biggest complaint about the product. There has to be a way you can make it easier for us to tell how much is left. But thank you for creating a product that’s tolerated. I’ll find out In October if it’s working. I also appreciate, how long it last for the cost. Very fair.
PT Ohio –
As somebody with a genetic disorder where my body doesn’t methylate vitamins efficiently, I need speciality vitamins with certain factors and this iron is spot on. It’s the only liquid iron I’ve taken that doesn’t make me feel sick afterwards. It also helps with my SEVERE anemia. I went to go get IV Iron and lucky me, I’m the one percent who has an anaphylactic response! So there goes that plan! So we went into action trying to find me an iron that tasted good, wasn’t going to upset my tummy and especially was going to WORK! This stuff works! And not only that, the owner of the company is so kind and needs the help of customers like us to keep his outstanding product on this site and able to help people like me. I’m chronically sick and I feel so much better when I’m on my iron. I can feel my legs and arms, they’re not tingly, feeling like neuralgia. It really makes a huge difference in my quality of life. Outstanding product. Do yourself a favor and buy it. Your body will thank you for it!
PT Ohio –
We highly recommend this dietary supplement to anyone dealing with iron deficiency.
This is a very well-formulated product. I say that because my wife insists this is only iron supplement she will ever use. And we have been through them all over the past few years.
This iron supplement by Maxi-Health is gentle on her stomach and easy to digest.
This is by far the most effective way to restore and maintain iron levels. She has been using this now for 2 years.
Before using this Maxi-Health, she struggled with the low-iron fatigue and irritability- she said it was better than the side effects of taking other products.
A lot of iron supplements claim high absorbency. It does not matter how absorbent a supplement is- if you don’t want to take it!
If you are having problems with side effects of other iron supplements- do yourself a favor- you will want to give this product a try.
As if that wasn’t enough, this does not discolor her teeth like the other iron supplements!
So, that’s it. The jury is in… and the secret is out. This is THE world’s best iron supplement.
Muna –
I’ve taken iron pills but I feel like thus liquid is better for me. I don’t have any tummy issues because of it, and I think it does help me feel a bit less tired. The dropper is difficult to read and fill fully so I estimate half and take that twice. The taste is horrible but it doesn’t linger. I chase it with water or juice and then use mouthwash lol maybe I’m just sensitive to the metallic smell and taste. I haven’t tried other brands or flavors so idk if this is better or worse than others. Luckily it doesn’t linger. Some people say leaving it under your tongue is better for absorption but I can’t stand it being in my mouth and all over my tongue like that so I just drop it as far back as possible in the mouth and then chase it. Not reducing a star for this because they can’t help how iron tastes lol
I haven’t noticed any side effects so far.
I’d say give it a try. If you don’t think it’s worth the benefits then don’t buy it next time.
Rainbow –
I have been using this product since early 2021. I buy it a few times a year. I am very anemic and have been sustained by this medicine. While required to have infusions every few months, after covid I wanted to avoid unnecessary trips to the doctor last year. I found this liquid and it does work and the price is right for my budget. It keeps my iron at a level where it isn’t so low that I have “attacks” anymore, but it doesn’t raise my iron so that I no longer need to take iron. That’s not the liquid’s fault but my health’s. I think it would work for a person who has absorption issues like mine. I like that it is gluten and grain free, as I am allergic to grains. It is preservative free, which I must also avoid. It also avoids oils, nuts, seeds, and coconut, which I also avoid. Now…for the taste. I have been taking this for more than a year. The taste wasn’t good but it was bearable. I just purchased a bottle I bought over the summer and it is UNBEARABLE enough that I might find an alternative supplement. I don’t know what happened, but it’s BAD. I noticed the formula is lighter, like the iron doesn’t sink to the bottom. I would rather deal with that than this horrific taste. I am hoping it’s just a bad bottle, and will purchase a new one today. If they did change their previous formula to have this bad taste, I will stop buying this product. I cannot endure the taste at all. Before this last bottle the taste wasn’t fun, but I could at least tolerate it. I will give this product 5 stars for doing what it needs to do and hopefully they are not losing who could be a lifelong customer in me.