Descrição do Produto: Cortisol Supplement Liquid Drops
Descubra o poder do equilíbrio hormonal com o nosso Cortisol Supplement Liquid Drops, uma fórmula premium projetada especialmente para mulheres que buscam reduzir os níveis de cortisol e promover o bem-estar geral. Com uma combinação única de 16 ingredientes cuidadosamente selecionados, este suplemento líquido é a solução ideal para quem enfrenta o estresse diário e deseja uma vida mais equilibrada e relaxada.
- FORMULAÇÃO PREMIUM: Nossas gotas líquidas de cortisol combinam um complexo de magnésio (glicinato, citrato, óxido), ashwagandha, fosfatidilserina, l-teanina, folato, vitamina B6 e uma mistura de ervas e vitaminas poderosas. Esses 16 componentes harmoniosamente escolhidos promovem o equilíbrio do cortisol e o bem-estar geral.
- FOLATO & B12 PARA MULHERES: Nossa tintura detox de cortisol combina Folato (como 5-metiltetrahidrofolato) e Vitamina B12 para fornecer suporte direcionado à saúde feminina. Essa dupla ajuda a aumentar a energia e a apoiar o equilíbrio hormonal e do cortisol, tornando-se uma adição essencial para aliviar o estresse diário e melhorar o bem-estar geral.
- 300MG DE MISTURA HERBAL DE CORTISOL: Nosso suplemento líquido de cortisol apresenta uma mistura proprietária de ervas naturais, incluindo Manjericão Sagrado, Rhodiola Rosea, Erva de São João, Raiz de Valeriana, Casca de Magnolia e Cogumelo Lion’s Mane. Essa combinação poderosa apoia níveis saudáveis de cortisol e equilíbrio hormonal.
- ALÍVIO DO ESTRESSE & RELAXAMENTO: A ashwagandha, um extrato herbal natural conhecido por suas propriedades adaptogênicas, reduz os níveis elevados de cortisol e aumenta a resistência ao estresse. O Glicinato de Magnésio apoia o sistema nervoso e o relaxamento. A L-teanina e a Erva-cidreira ajudam a aliviar o estresse e promovem um sono reparador.
- SUPORTE CEREBRAL & COGNITIVO: A fosfatidilserina, derivada da lecitina de girassol, é um nutriente importante para o cérebro que apoia o foco, a saúde cognitiva e cerebral. A vitamina B6 promove a saúde do sistema nervoso e os níveis de energia.
- SABOR DELICIOSO E PRÁTICO: Nossas gotas líquidas redutoras de cortisol apresentam um sabor delicioso de morango. Esta forma de bebida de cortisol facilita a ingestão, com melhor absorção e dosagem flexível. Basta tomar 2 conta-gotas cheios misturados com água ou suco, ou colocar algumas gotas diretamente sob a língua para uso rápido.
1. Equilíbrio Hormonal: Ajuda a regular os níveis de cortisol, promovendo um estado de bem-estar.
2. Aumento de Energia: O folato e a vitamina B12 trabalham juntos para aumentar a energia e combater a fadiga.
3. Redução do Estresse: Ingredientes como ashwagandha e L-teanina proporcionam alívio do estresse e promovem relaxamento.
4. Suporte Cognitivo: A fosfatidilserina melhora a função cerebral e a concentração, essencial para o dia a dia.
5. Fácil de Usar: A forma líquida e o sabor agradável tornam a suplementação prática e agradável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 2 conta-gotas cheios do Cortisol Supplement Liquid Drops, misturados com água ou suco, duas vezes ao dia. Alternativamente, você pode colocar algumas gotas diretamente sob a língua para uma absorção mais rápida. Agite bem antes de usar e armazene em local fresco e seco. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
B H –
I’ve tried a lot of supplements for a lot of reasons over the last 5 years of having small kids. The Hollegend Cortisol Health drops seemed really interesting to me. I mean they mixed B12 (stimulation and awareness) with Magnesium, Ashwagandha, Lemon Balm and Valerian root (Calming and winding down).
When I received the product, the tamper seal was firmly in place, there was no leaking in the lid’s threads and the box was in perfect condition. The dropper is graduated for those who want to measure precisely how much they’re taking BUT the bulb is NOT for a 1.25mL pressure capacity (as you would want with a 1mL dose dropper. It works as intended, but I can only draw about 0.5mL’s of the supplement at a time, thus you will end up taking 4 droppers filled to 0.5mL in order to get the 2mL dose recommended.
The taste is absolutely delicious, like vanilla with subtle hints of apple in the background. There are no grains of undissolved components of foul aftertaste.
After thinking about WHEN to take this I believe that taking it between 3-4 in the afternoon may be best… Ashwaghanda is best taken on an empty stomach, in the afternoon or evening to start metabolizing cortisol out of your system. The B-vitamins would probably be the perfect late-afternoon pick-me-up to get through dinner and bedtime, then the magnesium and valerian would help me naturally start producing melatonin. This is ENTIRELY speculation on my part as a crunchy mom and not a medically trained professional. I will be trying it as a half dose first, I am a SAHM and do not want to be falling asleep at 6pm. I will update in a few days to let you guys know the results!
Smurf13 –
If you can see my collection of hundreds of dollars worth of supplements to help me sleep… What a waste. But I ordered this because why not? I took two dropper fulls as directed. About 20 minutes later my tummy started hurting a little, but I can not say if it was this or not. I also was on an empty stomach. But in about 40 minutes I started feeling extremely relaxed and heavy eyed. Next thing I know I woke up 6.5 hours later. I never get more than 4 hours of sleep and wake up several times. I haven’t felt that relaxed in a long time. The next night I didn’t take any. Then last night I took the same amount. My stomach did not hurt after. And the same thing happened that it did the first night. I was knocked out and slept through about 6 hours. Woke up feeling relaxed and energized. The directions say you can take directly or add to liquid, but it tastes so good, I take it directly. It’s definitely on the sweet side, but I don’t see sugar listed on the ingredients. This will definitely be my go to at night. I’ve tried ashwagandha at high doses several times with no luck. I’ve tried magnesium at high doses consistently at high doses with no luck. Vitamin d, vitamin b … I’m also not someone who tries something for a free days and says it doesn’t work. Everything takes time to build up and work, sometimes months. But I think the combination of what they put on this bottle; ashwagandha, magnesium, vitamin b, lemon balm, etc is doing the trick. I’m getting older and I’ve recently been putting on weight, and I know hormones and bad sleep is contributing. I really have high hopes for this product. The only thing I don’t like, which is an issue with most droppers, is it only fills it half way. So instead of just having to fill it twice, I have to fill it four times to get the recommended 2 ml. But I will 100% be buying more of this
Lauren G –
I’ve been using the HOLLEGEND Cortisol Supplement Liquid Drops for a few weeks, and I can honestly say it has been a game-changer. As someone who deals with stress and hormone imbalances, I was looking for a natural way to lower cortisol levels and help with relaxation. This product has exceeded my expectations!
The 16-in-1 formula is amazing – it combines Ashwagandha, Magnesium, L-Theanine, and Folate, which are all well-known for their calming and mood-boosting benefits. Since using it, I’ve noticed a significant reduction in stress, and I feel much more balanced throughout the day. I no longer feel the same overwhelming tension I used to carry around, and it’s helped me with better sleep too.
The strawberry flavor is also a nice touch – it’s sweet but not overpowering, and I actually look forward to taking it each day. The liquid form makes it super easy to incorporate into my routine, and I appreciate that it’s so convenient to take – just a few drops under the tongue, and I’m good to go.
The relaxation benefits are immediate, and I’ve noticed improved focus and a more peaceful mindset, even during stressful moments. It’s like a natural reset for my body and mind. I also love that it’s designed specifically for women, taking into account our unique hormonal needs.
If you’re looking for a natural, effective way to reduce cortisol, relax your mind, and improve hormone balance, I highly recommend HOLLEGEND Cortisol Supplement Liquid Drops. It’s been a total game-changer for my stress levels, and I’ll definitely be continuing to use it!
Smurf13 –
This has a pleasant sweet taste to it. My wife tried some out and said it helped her feel more calm. The proprietary blend looks to be a good set of ingredients. The most important aspect of this review is that it appears to do what it promises to do. The ingredients don’t look alarming either, so this appears to be a fairly good product.