O produto em questão é um suplemento líquido de canela Ceylon orgânica com extrato de melão amargo, glucomanano, gymnema, cromo, cúrcuma, ginseng Panax orgânico e vinagre de maçã. Esta fórmula abrangente combina ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade, oferecendo uma série de benefícios que vão desde a regulação do açúcar no sangue até o suporte ao sistema imunológico. A canela Ceylon, conhecida por suas propriedades antioxidantes, é um dos principais componentes, enquanto o extrato de melão amargo e o glucomanano ajudam no controle do apetite e na saúde digestiva. O gymnema e o cromo colaboram para a manutenção dos níveis de glicose, enquanto a cúrcuma e o ginseng Panax orgânico promovem o bem-estar geral e a vitalidade. O vinagre de maçã, por sua vez, é um aliado na digestão e na desintoxicação do organismo.
Organic Berberine with Ceylon Cinnamon Drops: Uma fórmula abrangente que também combina vinagre de maçã orgânico e picolinato de cromo para o bem-estar geral. Suplementos para mulheres e homens que contribuem para a saúde geral, apoiando os processos naturais do corpo. Nossos suplementos orgânicos com canela Ceylon orgânica, combinados com extrato de moringa, suplementos de cromo, gotas de açafrão, suplemento de gymnema e gotas de glucomanano, também apoiam a saúde imunológica.
Suplemento de Suporte Imunológico: O extrato de ginseng líquido e as sementes de melão amargo trabalham juntos para fornecer suporte imunológico e saúde intestinal para mulheres e homens. O suplemento de berberina, um ingrediente-chave com vinagre de maçã e suplementos de curcumina, cria uma mistura potente de suplementos para homens e mulheres. O suplemento de açafrão também auxilia no suporte ao fígado, proporcionando um bem-estar versátil. Nossos suplementos herbais com cápsulas de acv e gymnema sylvestre fornecem um suplemento nutricional abrangente.
Moringa Oil Liquid Drop: Misturado com suplemento de curcumina de açafrão, extrato de berberina orgânica e pó de açafrão, quando usados juntos, podem complementar-se para fornecer uma variedade de benefícios à saúde. Nossas gotas veganas também incluem suplementos de canela com extrato de panax ginseng, tornando-se um poderoso suplemento de vitaminas e minerais para mulheres e homens. O extrato de canela promove a saúde digestiva, enquanto o Panax ginseng e a berberina contribuem para uma abordagem abrangente do bem-estar geral.
Multivitamínico com Berberina e Açafrão Orgânico: Uma combinação potente com vinagre de maçã, suplementos de glucomanano e suplemento de panax ginseng também auxilia como um suplemento de fibra e digestão. O pó de moringa orgânica está repleto de vitaminas e minerais, tornando-se um ótimo suplemento nutricional para adicionar à sua rotina diária. Por outro lado, o açafrão ajuda a acalmar e aliviar a irritação. Nossos suplementos orgânicos para homens e mulheres combinam esses ingredientes para apoiar a vitalidade geral.
Tudo em um Suplemento para Homens e Mulheres: Os suplementos de canela e cromo juntos oferecem suporte digestivo. A mistura potente de extrato de melão amargo, extrato líquido de panax ginseng, gotas líquidas de açafrão, extrato líquido de moringa orgânica e canela Ceylon oferece o bem-estar que você procura. As gotas líquidas fáceis de tomar tornam conveniente adicionar aos alimentos ou água e obter os nutrientes de que seu corpo precisa. Nossos suplementos tudo em 1 com gotas de açafrão orgânico também adicionam como suplementos adicionais de saúde imunológica.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Fórmula abrangente com ingredientes orgânicos de alta qualidade.
- 2. Suporte imunológico e saúde intestinal para mulheres e homens.
- 3. Combinação potente de suplementos para vitalidade geral.
- 4. Suplemento nutricional abrangente com vitaminas e minerais.
- 5. Fácil de tomar e adicionar à sua rotina diária.
- 1. Regulação eficaz dos níveis de açúcar no sangue.
- 2. Controle do apetite e suporte à perda de peso.
- 3. Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico e saúde intestinal.
- 4. Propriedades antioxidantes que promovem a saúde celular.
- 5. Melhora da digestão e bem-estar geral.
Para obter os melhores resultados, tome 1 ml (30 gotas) do suplemento, diluído em água ou adicionado a alimentos, duas vezes ao dia. Agite bem antes de usar. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento.
Brina –
It tastes good. I do notice it when I do take it. The only thing I wasn’t thrilled about was it says serving is 2ml but i can’t get the dropper to go to that number so i basically go to one and take twice. oh well but not worth taking off a star b/c otherwise good.
Sean –
Delivery/packaging: Well packaged and had not issues with leaks. Glass bottle and dropper are good quality and dropper is easy to dispense as much or little as you want
Taste: Actually quite tasty! This is always a strange one for me with supplements because if I had to choose taste or effectiveness I would always choose effectiveness, but it’s quite nice when you can get both
Effectiveness: This is where I’m not as sure with this product. As with many supplements, you are kind of relying on the company to be honest with the ingredients listed and the potency of those ingredients being accurate. Berberine is theoretically one of the main ingredients in this, and if you’ve ever had pure berberine extract you will know it’s INCREDIBLY bitter (and it’s supposed to be). This extract is simply too tasty and free from any bitterness for me to think that the berberine content is accurate, but it’s hard for me to say about the other ingredients (I don’t feel a noticeable effect from this product)
Price: The price is quite competitive which is definitely a plus.
Overall: If I was more certain about the potency of this product it would definitely be a 5 star. As it stands I’m not totally sure I would get this again, but there’s certainly nothing wrong with it.
VeronicaShieldsRidley –
I have had this for about a week or more and I will be purchasing it again soon. Excellent product and it doesn’t taste bad.
Rob Fulton –
Works well
Rich H –
The taste isn’t bad, and it’s not full of junk like some of the supplements are. One thing I like about it is that it’s not another pill. I’d much rather put a few drops of this into my drink than take another pill every day.
Jennifer –
This supplement has been a pleasant surprise in more ways than one! First off, the packaging is excellent. It arrived well-sealed with no leaks, and the glass bottle and dropper are of good quality. The dropper is easy to use, allowing you to dispense as much or as little as you want, which is always a plus.
Now, onto the taste—it’s actually quite enjoyable! I usually don’t expect much from the taste of supplements, but this one has a surprisingly pleasant flavor. I typically add it to my morning smoothie, but I’ve also tried it on its own, and it’s not bitter at all. If you’re used to supplements like apple cider vinegar, this won’t be a problem for you.
In terms of effectiveness, I’m still figuring out how much of an impact it’s having. Like many supplements, you’re relying on the accuracy of the listed ingredients, especially with something like berberine, which is usually quite bitter. This formula, however, doesn’t have that strong bitter taste, so it’s hard to say how potent it truly is. That said, I haven’t experienced any negative effects, and I trust the brand enough to give it the benefit of the doubt.
The price is competitive compared to similar products, so I feel like it’s a great value for what you’re getting. The only minor critique is the dropper—it only holds about ¾ ml at a time, so if you’re trying to take the full 2 ml as directed, you’ll need to do some quick math and measure it out in a couple of doses. Not a big issue, but worth noting.
Overall, this supplement checks a lot of boxes for me: good taste, quality packaging, and a reasonable price. If you’re looking for a convenient and tasty way to add supplements to your routine, this is definitely worth trying!
Jennifer –
My husband and I are always trying different supplements. Once he speaks to his father, who is a vascular surgeon, we will purchase different types of supplements upon his approval. Please, before taking any supplement, confer with your own physician as it may interfere with any current medication you are taking. This supplement is two ml which leads me into my one critique. As you can see in the second picture that I posted, the maximum amount of this supplement is 3/4 ml that you can retrieve from the bottle. I have never had this problem before so I don’t know if it’s the supplement itself or the droplet that came with a supplement is unable to bring it to the maximum of 1ml. I know that this may be a small critique, but if someone’s math skills are not their strong point, it may be difficult to figure out how to get the full 2ml as directed. Other than that, I found the supplement to be fresh tasting because before I added 1ml to my morning Smoothie, I tried 1ml by itself. Someone might find it bitter, but I had no problem with the taste. The strongest ingredient it does taste like is the organic apple cider vinegar. That does not bother my husband nor I because we take 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar before bedtime on an empty stomach. The price point with comparables was great and I would purchase this again.
Eric –
This is some good stuff! I use this with my keto diet. It helps me get into ketosis and keeps my glucose in a great place for weight loss although it does not list that as it’s use necessarily. The hint is when they mentioned the “breakdown of carbohydrates”.
I am familiar with all of these ingredients and most of them will help with glucose, even if you don’t have diabetes, that’s a good thing, as too much glucose makes people hold fat. This supplement is a powerhouse. and I just throw it into some water and drink it. It’s really not too bad like that. I will get this again