Descubra o poder do suplemento líquido de Cálcio, Magnésio e Zinco com Glicinato de Magnésio 400mg, enriquecido com Vitaminas C, D3 e K2. Este produto de alta potência é formulado para promover a saúde dos ossos, músculos, sistema imunológico, humor e sono. Com um sabor delicioso de frutas frescas, as gotas líquidas AMENQ hHEALTH são a escolha ideal para homens e mulheres que buscam uma suplementação eficaz e de qualidade.
- Pureza & Qualidade: As gotas líquidas de Cálcio, Magnésio e Zinco da AMENQ hHEALTH são 100% veganas, livres de OGM e não contêm glúten, laticínios, soja, ovos, peixes, crustáceos, nozes ou amendoins. Sem aditivos artificiais, sabores ou conservantes, este suplemento é ideal para crianças e adultos.
- Melhor Custo-Benefício: Cada dose oferece 1000 mg de cálcio, 1000 mg de um complexo poderoso de magnésio e 25 mg de zinco, além das vitaminas D3, K2 e B6. Esta combinação equilibrada garante uma absorção eficiente pelo organismo, promovendo a saúde cardiovascular, imunidade e equilíbrio do cortisol.
- Combinação Poderosa de Ervas & Minerais: O suplemento líquido é enriquecido com ervas calmantes como L-teanina e Ashwagandha, conhecidas por suas propriedades relaxantes e de melhora do humor. A L-teanina, um aminoácido encontrado no chá verde, é reconhecida por seus benefícios calmantes.
- Bem-Estar Total do Corpo: A sinergia entre as cinco formas solúveis de Cálcio, Magnésio e Zinco oferece suporte nutritivo para relaxamento, densidade óssea, recuperação muscular, resistência física e funcionamento adequado do cérebro, coração e sistema imunológico.
- Nossa Missão: Na AMENQ hHEALTH, acreditamos que você vai adorar nossas gotas líquidas de Magnésio e Cálcio. Nossa missão é ajudar as pessoas a viverem vidas mais longas, felizes e saudáveis. Todos os produtos são fabricados em instalações certificadas pela GMP e testados em laboratório por terceiros, garantindo segurança e qualidade.
1. Suporte Ósseo e Muscular: Fortalece ossos e músculos, essencial para a saúde física.
2. Melhora do Humor e Relaxamento: Ingredientes como Ashwagandha e L-teanina ajudam a reduzir o estresse e promovem um estado de calma.
3. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: A combinação de vitaminas e minerais fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo.
4. Facilidade de Absorção: A forma líquida do suplemento permite uma absorção mais rápida e eficiente dos nutrientes.
5. Saúde Cardiovascular: Contribui para a manutenção de um coração saudável e níveis equilibrados de cortisol.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 colher de sopa (15 ml) do suplemento líquido de Cálcio, Magnésio e Zinco diariamente. Pode ser consumido puro ou diluído em água ou suco. Agite bem antes de usar e armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Otter Pop –
-Tastes fine
-Easy to administer and swallow
-Drops can be a little messy
-Nice not to swallow capsule
-No adverse tastes, smells, or side effects
-Lots of grammar mistakes on this site which may indicate quality problems
-No artificial additives, flavors, fillers, or preservatives
-Sugar free
-Natural raspberry flavor
-All natural
-Some good ingredients
-Made in Australia
-GMP certified facility
-3rd party testing
-Safety seals were intact
-At the time of this writing, manufacturer does not have the full Supplement Facts label.
-I’m not a healthcare professional or expert on supplements
A Kiely –
I was in America recently, looking for supplement for my sister. I came across this and was super excited. I bought her one, bought few for myself and my husband to bring back. Just after 2 days of him taking it, He starting having pains in his arms. He could hardly move them! He’s a farmer so he’s used to physical work. He wasn’t able to do much. Couldn’t figure out why, I wondered if it was the supplement. So I decided to take it as well. 2 days after me taking it, my knees, shoulders and arms starting aching. I could hardly walk. Could not understand what was going on. I’m used to taking supplements, so this completely baffled me. It’s not a coincidence. I have stopped taking it, and will get rid of the bottles.
Wonder if anyone else has had any issues like this?
Sorry guys.
Cleve –
30 – 2 ml doses. I have several of their liquids. They show consistent quality and effectiveness.
Product literature satisfies all my criteria for a top rated supplement. Made in Australia. Sourcing unknown.
I will provide any known benefits and side-effects I experience from each supplement I take personally; however, effects are often unapparent for many months – if at all. For this reason, I choose to place more emphasis on product safety in my reviews and will point out weaknesses.
My ancestors were slaves in the lowcountry barrier islands on my mother’s side and Native Americans from the Great Smoky Mountains of NC on my father’s. Herbal remedies have been a part of my heritage for centuries. I was treated with herbs since birth, grow many of my own, and they have been a part of my life for over 60 years. I have successfully treated numerous friends and family members in our coastal community.
Now finally, many previously unavailable herbal remedies are on the market. This is a mixed blessing, because the industry is largely unregulated. I hope that I may better assist Amazon buyers by publishing my reviews in this manner.
Kunal Raval –
Buy again for sure
Eddie –
This thing is dangerous 😳. Not really 🤣😂 If you have insomnia this thing will help you sleep like a baby. At least it did to me. I love it but sure be careful because it’ll make you deep sleep, just make sure your alarm is as los as it can be or connect a speaker to it. You might have trouble waking up.
I’ve also taken it in the morning and feel great, just normal no side effects or sleepiness. But if you decide to take a nap it’ll be a 6 hour nap 😴 😂
Terri –
in a few words… it works!! I am on a infusion that needs to have my calcium levels up and they were not… I hate the horse pills that most calcium pills are so I tried this and it works great!
Meg –
I had read somewhere that magnesium helps you sleep. I got these and immediately that first night and all the other nights I slept so much better. I didn’t wake up like owl would throughout the night. I didn’t take it a few nights to see the difference. On those night I woke up throughout the night and I would feel tired in the morning. It’s taste great. These are perfect for people who have trouble swallowing pills.
Lea j –
When I tell you I have gotten the best sleep since using this product!!! I’ve had it for a week in a half I really do like this product! It’s kept me regular and my stomach is not bloated anymore.