Descrição do Produto: Suplemento Líquido de Cálcio e Magnésio Iônico (32oz) – Eniva Health
O Suplemento Líquido de Cálcio e Magnésio Iônico da Eniva Health é uma fórmula inovadora e cuidadosamente elaborada por médicos, projetada para promover a saúde óssea, capilar, das unhas e do corpo como um todo. Com 32oz de uma mistura altamente biodisponível, este suplemento fornece uma combinação equilibrada de cálcio e magnésio, essenciais para o fortalecimento dos ossos e a manutenção de um sistema esquelético saudável. Com zero calorias e zero açúcar, é uma opção ideal para quem busca um estilo de vida saudável sem comprometer a dieta. A fórmula líquida facilita a absorção, garantindo que os nutrientes sejam rapidamente utilizados pelo organismo, promovendo não apenas a saúde óssea, mas também contribuindo para a vitalidade do cabelo e das unhas. Este produto é perfeito para pessoas de todas as idades que desejam melhorar sua saúde geral e prevenir deficiências nutricionais.
1. Saúde Óssea Aprimorada: O cálcio e o magnésio são fundamentais para a formação e manutenção de ossos fortes, reduzindo o risco de osteoporose.
2. Melhora na Saúde do Cabelo e Unhas: Nutrientes essenciais que promovem o crescimento saudável e a resistência do cabelo e das unhas.
3. Fácil Absorção: A forma líquida do suplemento garante uma absorção mais rápida e eficiente dos nutrientes pelo organismo.
4. Zero Calorias e Zero Açúcar: Ideal para quem busca um suplemento que não comprometa a dieta, mantendo a saúde sem adição de calorias ou açúcares.
5. Fórmula Médica: Desenvolvido por profissionais da saúde, garantindo qualidade e eficácia no suporte nutricional.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 colher de sopa (15ml) do Suplemento Líquido de Cálcio e Magnésio Iônico, uma vez ao dia. O produto pode ser consumido puro ou diluído em água ou suco, conforme a preferência. Agite bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade da solução. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Amy Miller –
Pretty tart, but still tasty liquid that I drink at night. Has helped with my restless leg syndrome when nothing else has!! It’s been a God send !! It helps with leg cramps after working out and helps with sleep. I’ll be buying it for life!
Material World –
This is absolutely the best cal-mag product I have ever taken! It tastes great! It is highly absorbable, and provides good energy. It may also help you relax and sleep well at night. I give this product my highest possible recommendation!
Charlotte –
I received this item in mid-February, and the expiration date is June 26, 2020. There are 16 servings in this bottle, so I’m sure I will be done with the bottle in a month, which makes for no worries about the expiration date. I think it really tastes fresh, as if it was just mixed and bottled, and I really like the apple flavor. It’s not the sour apple flavor one might expect, but it’s like a crisp, fresh green apple.
I am a menopausal woman, so high calcium and bone health are important to me, as well as sleep! Years ago, my mom fell and broke her hip, so as I have gotten older, I am more conscious of my bone health and the amount of calcium I am taking in. I often have trouble settling down to sleep, so an extra magnesium supplement is important to me, too. This drink helps me start to relax and forget about the stresses of the day almost immediately so that when I go to bed, I am ready to sleep. I often wake up during the middle of the night feeling sore from sleeping on my side, so this supplement also helps with that, as I don’t even feel any muscle pain.
The liquid mixes easily with water, and I really enjoy savoring it and drinking it slowly. No more beating myself up at night because I didn’t get something done that I should have – this healthy supplement helps me totally relax with no side effects or drowsiness the next day.
MichelleCordero_ –
The taste is great but is also good for your health.
Brighteyes –
Tastes good and works well.
fischerman –
An easy way to supplement vitamins and minerals if you don’t eat alot or like making salads. I like doing liquids now instead of taking multiple pills, I feel it faster and it’s easier.
I tried other Cal/Mag liquids but they were heavy, thick and milky-ish. The clear Eniva resembles sparkling water styled drinks and is alot tastier: a much more encouraging reason to take your vitamins than the feeling you swallowed a limestone milkshake!
Since the start of Covid alot of the health food stores changed their hours in my area and aren’t convenient to get to. Having this online Eniva option is great plus I enjoy the product which is double great!
Sk –
We use this product for a number of different reasons,for the leg cramps that come at night for instance. For my husband it works almost instantly.
For the taste I put it in water and then add the juice from 1 lemon that I microwave for 15 to 30 seconds( you will lm get more lemon juice microwaving. ) Tastes like lemonade!
I stated using the cal- Mag product for my hair. . When I would be running a comb or my fingers through my hair so many strands of hair came out. I was concerned that my hair was thinning . Even one week on this product taking it daily I noticed that my hair loss has decreased .
It also helps my nails to grow longer and they are stronger
I take so many supplements in capsule or pill form it’s nice this product is a liquid.
KevMc –
this is my favorite supplement. Absorbs fast being liquid. I really notice the difference in taking this in liquid form compared to any other. This is the best I have tried and i buy one about every 2 months.