Descrição do Produto: Berberine Supplement Liquid Drops
Descubra a revolução em suplementos com as gotas líquidas de Berberina, uma fórmula poderosa que combina 1500mg de berberina com uma seleção de ingredientes premium, como canela do Ceilão, cúrcuma, resveratrol e melão amargo. Este produto não é apenas um suplemento de berberina; é uma solução completa que reúne 10 ingredientes de alta qualidade, proporcionando uma eficiência superior para o seu bem-estar físico e mental. A sinergia entre a berberina e os outros componentes, como chá verde, quercetina, semente de uva, óleo de semente negra e dente-de-leão, maximiza os benefícios que você pode obter, tornando-se uma opção prática e eficaz para o dia a dia.
Com uma dosagem máxima de 1500mg de berberina em apenas uma gota, este suplemento se destaca como uma alternativa conveniente aos tradicionais comprimidos. A berberina, um composto bioativo encontrado em diversas plantas, é reconhecida por suas propriedades benéficas, e agora você pode desfrutar de tudo isso de forma saborosa. Nossas gotas líquidas têm um delicioso sabor de abacaxi, tornando a experiência de consumo agradável e fácil. Você pode tomá-las diretamente ou adicioná-las a água, chá, suco ou smoothies, garantindo que suas necessidades nutricionais diárias sejam atendidas sem complicações.
A qualidade é nossa prioridade. A berberina é extraída de plantas naturais frescas, sendo vegana, não transgênica, sem glúten e livre de adoçantes, cores e sabores artificiais, conservantes e ingredientes prejudiciais. Utilizamos um método de extração aquosa que assegura uma alta pureza da berberina e da canela do Ceilão, aumentando a biodisponibilidade e a eficácia do produto. Além disso, garantimos que cada compra seja acompanhada de suporte à satisfação, pois a sua felicidade é o que nos motiva.
– Fórmula Completa: Combinação de 10 ingredientes que trabalham em sinergia para um suporte abrangente à saúde.
– Alta Potência: 1500mg de berberina em uma única dose, oferecendo uma alternativa prática e eficaz.
– Sabor Agradável: Sabor de abacaxi que facilita a ingestão, sem o desconforto de comprimidos.
– Natural e Seguro: Produto vegano, não transgênico e livre de aditivos artificiais, garantindo qualidade e pureza.
– Facilidade de Uso: Pode ser consumido diretamente ou misturado a bebidas, adaptando-se à sua rotina.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma gota do suplemento Berberine Liquid Drops diariamente. Você pode administrá-lo diretamente na boca ou misturá-lo em um copo de água, chá, suco ou smoothie. Agite bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade dos ingredientes. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
In the Bookcase –
I was on this in pill form. It really helped me stop snacking so much! I was a little worried to try it in liquid form. I figured liquid form will absorb into my system faster. I have tried this in a glass of water, coffee, Pepsi, and hot tea. Once you mix it with something you do not taste it. I did try a drip or two by itself, the taste has a slight cinnamon taste to it but nothing overwhelming. It is dark in color and will discolor water. Best taken when mixed in with another type of liquid. Easy to use and transport. It does well in keeping your appotite suppressed.
Berberine has been essential in my health journey. Love that there is a liquid form option at 1500mg of Berberine.
They definitely deserve zero stars, but I had no other choice! This product looks to be old, thick and can barely get it to come through the syringe. See pictures! The vial on the left is from the product I bought off Amazon prior to this purchase and as you can see it is a nice orange color and looks healthy for consumption. The vial on the right is what I just purchased and is black syrup that will barely come through the syringe and smells like tar or burnt rubber. I definitely would not recommend buying this product and then being stuck with something you can’t use and being out $19.00 and definitely would not use for human consumption. Bought a similar product of Berberine 2 weeks ago and it was the same way. Amazon did refund the entire purchase amount although it was not actually eligible for refund. I am going to see what I can do about returning this product or at least try and get another package that isn’t contaminated like this one. I will update/edit my post when I get confirmation of how my return/refund will be handled.
Sean –
Delivery/packaging: Well packaged and had not issues with leaks. Glass bottle and dropper are good quality and dropper is easy to dispense as much or little as you want
Taste: Not the best taste, but not bad. Honestly this is a good thing with a berberine supplement, the taste should be a bit bitter.
Effectiveness: This is where I’m not as sure with this product. As with many supplements, you are kind of relying on the company to be honest with the ingredients listed and the potency of those ingredients being accurate. Berberine is theoretically one of the main ingredients in this, and if you’ve ever had pure berberine extract you will know it’s INCREDIBLY bitter (and it’s supposed to be). While this extract is a bit bitter, it’s nothing like if you’ve ever put pure berberine extract powder on your tongue (I wouldn’t recommend). It’s hard for me to know how concentrated this really is.
Overall: If I was more certain about the potency of this product it would definitely be a 5 star for those who prefer liquid extracts. As it stands if the price is competitive, it might be worth trying. My personal recommendation would be to use pure extract powder in capsules though.
Sheri Hunter –
Berberine is helpful to manage blood sugar levels and has many other healthy benefits. This is a great Berberine complex with several natural ingredients. It contains Ceylon Cinnamon, Bitter Melon, Green Tea, Resveratrol, Turmeric, Green Tea, Quercetin, Grape Seed, Black Seed Oil and Dandelion Root. The package shows that this is a 100% organic product, so that’s great! The product is distributed by “M Inch” company based in Texas.
Since this product is in liquid drop form, you can control exactly how much you want to take at a time. When you first start out with it, you might just take a few drops, and build up to more drops, over time, to get to where the suggested serving is (2ml per day). I don’t even take the full serving myself.
Keket –
We actually keep a bottle at the dinner table, because we’ve discovered that these significantly shorten or completely skip that after-dinner sleepy feeling that usually has us nodding off on the couch for the next hour or so after a big meal. If one of us is tired or we’re having a lot of carbs or a dessert, we make sure to take a dose right there at the table. It’s a little bitter, but the taste doesn’t linger after a drink or two of water, and it’s absolutely worth getting that little slice of our evenings back.
Lisa –
It’s a good compliment to my “stack of stuff” I take for heart issue, cholesterol, inflamation, etc.
debra doege –
I liked it will buy again