Descrição do Produto: Softgels Lipossomais de Apigenina 500mg
Descubra o poder da apigenina com as Softgels Lipossomais de Apigenina 500mg, um suplemento otimizado que combina a eficácia da apigenina com fisetina, quercetina e teaflavinas. Cada cápsula contém 500mg de apigenina encapsulada em lipossomos, que são esferas líquidas microscópicas projetadas para proteger e maximizar a absorção dos nutrientes. Nossa fórmula exclusiva utiliza 100mg de fosfolipídios de girassol não transgênicos, permitindo a formação natural de lipossomos e garantindo que a apigenina seja absorvida de forma eficaz na corrente sanguínea.
A apigenina é conhecida por suas propriedades que ajudam a gerenciar o estresse, melhorar o humor e promover um sono reparador. Ao incorporar este suplemento natural em sua rotina, você pode acordar se sentindo renovado e revigorado, pronto para enfrentar o dia. Além disso, a combinação com fisetina, quercetina e teaflavinas cria uma formulação ‘senolítica’ que potencializa os efeitos benéficos da apigenina, oferecendo resultados superiores.
Não espere mais para transformar sua saúde e bem-estar. Com apenas uma softgel de Cenffitio lipossomal de apigenina por dia, você pode dar o primeiro passo em direção a uma vida mais equilibrada e saudável.
– Absorção Otimizada: Os lipossomos garantem que a apigenina seja absorvida de maneira eficaz, maximizando seus benefícios.
– Melhora do Humor e do Sono: Ajuda a regular o estresse e promove um sono mais reparador, contribuindo para um bem-estar geral.
– Apoio Antioxidante: A combinação com fisetina e quercetina oferece propriedades antioxidantes que protegem as células do corpo.
– Fórmula Natural: Feito com ingredientes não transgênicos, proporcionando uma opção saudável e segura para o seu dia a dia.
– Facilidade de Uso: Softgels práticas que se integram facilmente à sua rotina diária, sem complicações.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma softgel de Liposomal Apigenin 500mg diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também maximiza os efeitos benéficos do suplemento. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
pete kiley –
good effectiveness, helps with sleep, decent value
Trish A. Lynch –
Looking younger has been an unexpected, quite awesome, side effect of the healthy habits I’ve added to my life over the past six years. Who would have guessed?! It was hard at first to cut out sugar and limit dairy, increase fruits and vegetables and all that. Apparently, to do so was highly recommended by people who have beat cancer, and I wanted to be counted amongst them. Frankly, I would have been delighted with just the improved state of my health, but I am euphoric to look and feel so much better as well.
While researching new options for quercitin, a staple of my supplement stash, I came across this Liposomal apigenin about a year ago. Though a bigger pill than my preference, it’s easy to swallow… Especially as I imagine the many healthful properties in the ingredients it contains. Fisetin – I had to look that one up. It’s fantastic – strawberries are a great natural source – exactly the kind of thing I want more of circulating in and around my cells! And the apigenin itself is not something I was taking previously, but I’m so happy to have discovered it, and it’s now a part of my regime. Every time I take it, I anticipate all the good it is contributing to my health. I still take quercitin, but I’m happy to have a boost of the extra hundred milligrams in this capsule.
Tony –
Excellent product with a strong dosage
I take one of these with magnesium before bed and the quality of sleep is exceptional. Even if I do happen to wake up during the night it is easy to fall back to sleep and wake up feeling refreshed.
Will definitely continue to buy this product 👍👍
fred h greenwood –
I have used the ingredients before and determined I needed a higher dose of Apigenin,based on research for Autoimmunity,which is a metabolic and inflammation disorder in the Liver and Brain causing Hemoytic Anemia,which is loss of Red Cells and damaged Hemoglobin(Methemoglobin) and low Oxygen.This formulation worked very well improving sleep,drug and sugar sensitivity,energy and exercise.My oxygen level went from 95 to 100% lasting for 5 hours.It is especially suitable for people with the gene MTHFR-1 A1298C ,based on 23&me testing, those with G6PD Deficiency and possibly Ulcerative Colitis,Rheumatoid Arthritis,Pancytopenia and Sepsis.This product may also help maintain NAD levels.
NoCrap –
I got caught on this one, it is not liposomal and you can even see that from the cleverly worded description. They describe what liposomes are and then in the following sentence explain that that’s not what they have. Liposomes are microscopice spheres and one has to manufacture the product by encapsulating the apigenin with a sphere. What they then say is they use 100mg of sunflower oil and pretend there is a “natural liposome formation” which there is no such thing. This is an emulsion, mixing the apigenin with a fat (and not a good one either, as one should avoid consuming seed oils). That is not the same, the molecules are still distinct to the digestive system. digestive system pulls in the fat and has a low absorption of apigenin as it would with a pill without the fat. With liposomes, your body is tricked into absorbing the apigenin, as it absorbs a microsphere of fat and then that fat wall is broken down and apigenin is released. The other key factor is the freshness/storage of the fat and source of sunflower oil. if it has oxidized or gone rancid then you are doing more harm than good to your body.
In any event, the pills made me sick (and I take a lot of supplements and rarely do I have negative reactions to a supplement. as one other person posted, I could not find continuity/legitimacy in the company.
From webpage:
Liposomes Are Liquid Fortresses That Optimize Absorption | Liposomes are microscopic liquid spheres that envelop apigenin, protecting it and enhancing its absorption. Our proprietary formula uses 100 mg of non-GMO sunflower phospholipids which allows for natural liposome formation and optimal absorption of 500mg apigenin into the circulation.
Dallas Video DJ –
Immediately, on the 1st night I took this I noticed when I woke up I felt refreshed despite only 5 hours of sleep. The feeling is pretty consistent after taking this for 3 nights. I’m waking up less groggy and it feels like I had much deeper quality sleep than usual. I’ve been taking Apigenen for the last few months and I bought this brand bc of the additional ingredients (Fisetin) to purge senescent cells. Wondering if that is what makes me feel great. I’m definitely going to continue using this as a part of my routine. I would recommend this product for sure. I may revise this review if anything should change.
David V. –
Great sleep aid. Give it a try if melatonin or other things aren’t working.
Amazon Customer –
My wife and I got this product for our child as a more natural way to reduce anxiety and have both noticed a significant change in the way she feels throughout the day and falls asleep if taken as directed. Would definitely recommend over prescriptions or melatonin.
Zoraida –
helps falling asleep at night…highly recommend