Descrição do Produto: Lavi MD Potassium Magnesium Zinc Calcium Supplement – Suporte Premium para Ossos
O Lavi MD Potassium Magnesium Zinc Calcium Supplement é um suplemento nutricional de alta qualidade, formulado para oferecer suporte essencial à saúde óssea. Com uma combinação equilibrada de potássio, magnésio, zinco e cálcio, este produto foi desenvolvido para atender às necessidades do corpo, promovendo a densidade óssea e a saúde geral. O cálcio é fundamental para a formação e manutenção dos ossos, enquanto o magnésio e o zinco desempenham papéis cruciais na mineralização óssea e na função celular. O potássio, por sua vez, ajuda a regular o equilíbrio eletrolítico e a função muscular, contribuindo para um sistema esquelético saudável. Este suplemento é ideal para pessoas que buscam fortalecer seus ossos, especialmente aqueles em fase de crescimento, atletas ou indivíduos em processo de recuperação de lesões.
1. Fortalecimento Ósseo: A combinação de cálcio e magnésio ajuda a aumentar a densidade óssea, reduzindo o risco de fraturas.
2. Suporte Muscular: O potássio contribui para a função muscular adequada, prevenindo cãibras e melhorando o desempenho físico.
3. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: O zinco é conhecido por suas propriedades que fortalecem o sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra doenças.
4. Melhora na Absorção de Nutrientes: A presença de magnésio facilita a absorção de cálcio, otimizando os benefícios do suplemento.
5. Praticidade e Confiabilidade: Com uma fórmula premium, o Lavi MD é fácil de incorporar à rotina diária, garantindo que você receba os nutrientes essenciais para a saúde óssea.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas ao dia, preferencialmente junto às refeições. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água para facilitar a absorção dos nutrientes. Para pessoas com condições de saúde específicas ou que estejam em uso de medicamentos, é aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso do suplemento. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
George –
A friend recommended this to me to help me get some additional calcium. I broke a bone six months ago and it’s not healing like it should, and my surgeon recommended more calcium. I won’t know if it’s helping until my next set of X-rays in February, but I figure it can’t hurt.
Dr. DBlack –
What a great product with the proper amounts of what you need like Magnesium ect. One of the highest ratings any product can receive. Now I don’t have to take 4 different pills, really you can’t go wrong!
BrilliantSea –
my sister has always had issues absorbing calcium since little. i ordered these magnesium, zinc, and calcium supplement to try to help improve her calcium absorbtion as well as increase her zinc intake since she tends to get sick easily compared to most. i’m not saying that this would stop someone from getting sick but could lower the chances of getting sick as well as help with recovery a bit. she has been taking these supplements for a week now after being sick for 2 weeks and so far she says that this supplement is helping her get a good nights rest compared to the constant tossing and turning she usually goes through at night. it has also helped reduce he symptoms somehow, i’m not a doctor so i’m not sure how this supplement is doing this but it seems to work for her. overall this supplement seems to work well.
sgtamos –
Feels like a great combination to take before bed every night. The magnesium has helped me get a little deeper sleep and the other ingredients give me a little peace of mind knowing my body is recovering while i sleep. With a serving size of 4 pills it does feel like a lot to get down each night but worth it for the amounts of each ingredient.
R. L. –
I like to take Magnesium before bed for a good nights rest. Some forms of magnesium also make me have to go to the bathroom more often – Glycinate does not.
I’m also a bit confused, whether 500 mg is 4 capsules or 2 because of the conflicting information on the bottle. The bottle states you should take 1 pill, twice a day. That’s two pills a day. However, the bottle also says serving size is 4 capsules.
Take note, there was not an inner seal upon unscrewing the cap.
Levi MD is an aging and rejuvenation center based out of Boca Raton FL.
Willy Richardson –
I’ve been trying to figure out why my tomato plants were growing like crazy but were barely producing tomatoes. I came across an article that said tomatoes require different sorts of fertilizers at different stages of their growth, and if they were behaving like mine, they probably needed a fertilizer that contained potassium. I saw this & liked that it had just the ingredients listed–potassium, magnesium, zinc & calcium without lots of fillers. I ordered this so I could dissolve the capsules in water & pour around my tomato plants (this is a great thing–they dissolved really easily, which means your body will get the benefit from them quickly). It’s getting to the end of the growing season where I live, and though it’s still warm enough for my plants to just keep on growing, they’ve started slowing down on the fruit production. I figured I had nothing to lose by trying this. It’s too soon to tell yet if it’s going to have any appreciable increase in production, but I hope to be able to come back & say that it did.
George –
This package contains 120 capsules which sounds like a large supply, but the recommended daily dose is 4 capsules, making this only a 30 day supply, you should be aware of this before ordering.
The capsules are a normal size for this kind of supplement, not too large but not small also. It is convenient however to get a dose of calcium, magnesium, zinc, and added potassium all in a single capsule. I am somewhat dissapointed that even taking 4 capsules in a day, you are still getting less than the $DV of calcium and potassium, and just about the recommended %DV of magnesium and zinc. A larger dose and in less capsules would make this a better offering in my opinion.
I do apprecieate that there are no added ingredients that might be considered toxic or less than beneficial; a large plus.
J. Wall –
I chose this mineral blend because it contains both calcium, critical for older women concerned about osteoporosis, and magnesium. I have used topical magnesium cream to relieve painful night cramps in the legs. I wondered whether taking magnesium orally had the same effect. The short answer is yes.
However, I have a few misgivings about this formulary. Each serving size is 4 pills but the daily dosage is 2 pills?
Furthermore, I did not realize that this blend does not include vitamin D. Because calcium could not be absorbed without vitamin D, this means that I’d need to take additional pills just for vitamin D. Taken together, I don’t think that I’ll order this again.