Descrição do Produto: Nourish Lactation Supplement – Suporte Pós-Parto para Fluxo Saudável de Leite
O Nourish Lactation Supplement é um suplemento nutricional especialmente formulado para mães no período pós-parto, visando promover um fluxo saudável de leite materno. Com uma combinação única de ingredientes naturais, como ervas galactagogas, vitaminas e minerais essenciais, este produto foi desenvolvido para apoiar a lactação e garantir que as mães tenham a nutrição necessária para alimentar seus bebês de forma eficaz. A fórmula é rica em nutrientes que ajudam a aumentar a produção de leite, melhorar a qualidade do leite materno e proporcionar energia e bem-estar às novas mães. Além disso, o Nourish Lactation Supplement é livre de aditivos artificiais e conservantes, garantindo um produto seguro e saudável para mães e bebês.
1. Aumento da Produção de Leite: Ingredientes galactagogos que ajudam a estimular a produção de leite materno.
2. Melhoria da Qualidade do Leite: Nutrientes que contribuem para a composição ideal do leite, beneficiando a saúde do bebê.
3. Suporte Nutricional: Fórmula rica em vitaminas e minerais que atendem às necessidades nutricionais das mães durante o pós-parto.
4. Aumento de Energia: Ajuda a combater a fadiga comum no período pós-parto, proporcionando mais disposição para as novas mães.
5. Fórmula Natural e Segura: Composição livre de aditivos artificiais, garantindo um produto seguro para o uso durante a lactação.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas do Nourish Lactation Supplement diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada e uma alimentação equilibrada durante o uso do suplemento. Para mães que estão amamentando, o uso contínuo pode ser benéfico para manter a produção de leite em níveis saudáveis. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente durante o período de lactação.
jessbwallace –
With my first kid 7 years ago, I couldn’t produce enough and had to supplement with formula. Well, NOT this time because girl I am here to tell you that THIS is the STUFF. $30 is a bargain for this glorious bounty of milk I make.
I started taking it as soon as we got home from the hospital with my C-section son, at 3 days old, 2 times a day. I CANNOT keep up with the milk, I’m telling you that I’ve suddenly discovered myself to be an all-powerful goddess of life-giving nourishment, and when I briefly ran out of it a week ago, I immediately noticed a drop in the ounces I pumped. My baby is fed at the boob, the fridge is stocked with pumped bottles for the hubby, and STILL the freezer is full. This supplement is a magical miracle.
Jenna Marie Jensen –
This a little pricey but I like that this product is all natural so I was willing to deal with that. I do not like taking pills/capsules, so it was a relief to see that these are not big and are fairly easy to swallow. Also they do not have a terrible smell.
I have been using this product for about 2 weeks and I have seen some positive changes in my milk production. On average before taking these I would express between 6 or 7 ounces. Now am doing 7 or 8 ounces. I was hoping for more but then my body does take time adjusting to changes. I will definitely continue trying the Nourish.
I have recommended this product😀
Avia Gorse –
I didn’t notice a difference BUT I do like the ingredients! Au de naturale!
Jevon –
So I was skeptical if it would actually work. I had these and a few other things in my cart and I just chose this one to give it a try. I must say I’m super impressed by the difference in my milk supply. I had my baby a week ago and soon as I got home after a day stay I started taking these and I noticed I was at first only pumping 2-3oz which isn’t bad to just have had her but now I am already up to 7-8oz in 1 pump session.. works instantly. I would highly recommend this if you are in need of a quick response
Liz –
Love the products they help a lot in my breastfeeding journey. Only problem i encounter every single time is that it always gets stuck in SFO for weeks for some reason. This order is by far taking the longest time to come.. Been in SFO for 24 days now.. I ordered it a week after I started my last bottle hoping for it to arrived just in time but to no avail. I am completely out now.. Has not arrived upto this writing.. Disappointed!
Amazon Customer –
Due to Covid, I am home all day with my Little One. I was struggling with Nursing and Pumping. I felt like I wasn’t producing enough milk, so I felt like I had to choose between Nursing and Pumping, which became very stressful. Now that I’ve started taking Nourish, I don’t have to make that choice. I’m producing milk with ease. It has made this whole process much easier and less stressful.
Thank you so much for such an Amazing Product!
jessbwallace –
I’m so happy I found this product. I’m always so skeptical about spending my hard earned money on supplements but let me tell you….this is the best supplement I’ve ever bought.
Try pumping so many times a day only to have sore nipples and get 2.5 ounces TOTAL from the session. I was about to give up.
I received this March 24th and I have taken 4 pills total so far (March 26th). I pumped and had to empty the bottles before I finished! I pumped 10 ounces in one session. I seriously cannot believe the results. My baby can be nourished AND I can build my freezer stash for when I go back to work. I can breastfeed and no more supplementing formula!
Not for me. Hard to get in and didn’t quite fit all of the way. Maybe with much thinner nose skin which mine isn’t that thick but could’ve posed a problem. Gets lost/comes out easily . –
First ingredient is Fenugreek. I have heard mixed things about Fenugreek for lactation and milk supply. I had never needed assistance until baby #3. And this had good reviews and a decent price so I did it. I’ve been taking it as directed, drink soooo much water, eating high protein and lots of oats flax and brewers yeast, all things I have done with every baby– except take this supplement. My supply is drying up..and FAST. My 10 week old is hungry and so fussy/gassy. I’m excessively tired, more than usual. So I read from a lactation consultant and a few other sources, that Fenugreek is known to cause side effects in people with thyroid disorders(myself), also asthma, and can lower milk supply and cause excess gas/colic in babies. This isn’t 100% of the time but it’s fairly common. THIS I did not know or else I wouldnt have even tried it. Because we are miserable. I went from making 4 oz each side to 1 oz each side while taking this. I’m now supplementing with formula against my will, because I have breast fed 2 babies prior for 19 months each. I have since stopped and will be working on increasing my supply back up without Fenugreek. Also, have to chalk this uo as a TOTAL loss because you can’t return/refund this trash. 😢