Descrição do Produto: Happy Healthy Hippie Pump It Up Lactation Supplement
O Happy Healthy Hippie Pump It Up é um suplemento de lactação projetado especialmente para mães que estão amamentando. Com uma combinação poderosa de ervas, este produto visa oferecer o suporte necessário para aumentar a produção de leite materno, proporcionando uma experiência mais tranquila e satisfatória para mães e bebês. Composto por sementes de erva-doce, camomila, folha de motherwort e folha de framboesa vermelha, Pump It Up é uma solução natural e eficaz para as novas mamães que buscam aumentar sua oferta de leite.
- [Suplemento Herbal para Mães Lactantes] Às vezes, nosso corpo precisa de um suporte extra na produção de leite, e é por isso que criamos o Pump It Up. Feito com 4 ervas poderosas, Pump It Up é um suplemento de amamentação que apoia as novas mamães!
- [Apoia o Aumento da Produção de Leite] Os suplementos de amamentação Pump It Up incentivam 1) descargas mais rápidas 2) Abundância na produção de leite 3) Alívio do estresse pós-parto e aumento de energia 4) Redução da flatulência no bebê. Ele pode atuar como vitaminas pós-natais para mães que amamentam.
- [Ervas 100% Naturais] Pump It Up é feito com ingredientes à base de plantas especificamente escolhidos para apoiar a produção de leite materno, incluindo sementes de erva-doce, camomila, folha de motherwort e folha de framboesa vermelha. Além disso, é certificado vegano e não contém OGM.
- [Benefícios Positivos para Seu Bebê] Nossas ervas de suporte passam naturalmente pelo seu leite materno, promovendo alívio rápido e suave de cólicas e gases. Nossos comprimidos de suporte à lactação consideram o que é melhor tanto para você quanto para o seu bebê!
- [Compromisso Happy Healthy Hippie] Mergulhe no mundo do Pump It Up com confiança e experimente descargas mais rápidas, humores mais calmos e uma abundante produção de leite.
1. Aumento significativo na produção de leite materno, proporcionando mais conforto para mães e bebês.
2. Alívio do estresse pós-parto, ajudando as mães a se sentirem mais relaxadas e energizadas.
3. Redução da flatulência e cólicas no bebê, promovendo um sono mais tranquilo.
4. Composição 100% natural e vegana, garantindo segurança e qualidade.
5. Suporte emocional e físico para novas mães, facilitando a adaptação à maternidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Pump It Up, recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada e uma dieta equilibrada para maximizar os efeitos do suplemento. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo regime de suplementação, especialmente durante a amamentação.
Hector Lopez –
I think my expectations might have been too high for these? I only pumped 1oz more than normal, and only a couple pumps. The taste is great reminds me of tea. The amount of vitamins you get for the price could be better in my opinion. One good thing I noticed for sure is that my milk has a higher fat content to it. Not sure if it’s these supplements that caused that or if it is just my body’s reaction to my baby growing. Good product but not a miracle worker.
Lola –
Let me start by saying that I don’t normally post reviews unless it’s beneficial to other people.
First of all, this did not help my milk supply at all. It made me super gassy and so uncomfortable. At first, I thought it was my diet so I changed that. Then I started drinking more water thinking I was dehydrated. Then after my 5th day, I looked towards my medications that I take and the ONLY new pill was this one. After stopping it for a few days, I felt so much better.
Now on to my baby! I have a 6 week old that had normal bowl patterns. Literally would eat and poop, until I started taking these pills. He became severely constipated (so bad that we bought the Windee product to relieve his trapped gas and constipation). He was straining, grunting and crying hysterically just to get gas out! His poor little belly was hard as a rock and so tender, he would scream if we touched him. We were doing the bicycles, Tummy time, gripe water & chamomile tea *not with anise* around the clock… I mean you name it, we tried it. The Windee product literally saved us!
***(FYI: use caution with Anise and infants as it can cause seizures)***
Good thing I was only on these pills for 5 days and not any longer or we may have rushed my baby to the ER!
Please be cautious when purchasing things & ask the pediatrician. It’s better safe than sorry & I’m truly sorry I bought this product and put my baby under so much unnecessary stress!
CCrossley –
Having a baby is hard. Having a baby during Covid is even harder.
I was due with my 4th baby in early May of 2020, though it had been almost a decade since I’d had my last. I struggled to varying degrees to maintain my milk supply with baby 2 and 3 and was excited to see what the developments in lactation support might be able to do- expecting to need a booster at some point.
I couldn’t, however, have ever expected how Covid-19 would effect my postpartum life. As a self-employed hairstylist, I have never had the luxury of maternity leave- I typically schedule myself out of work for 5-6 weeks- not knowing when the baby might come in that time. Then return to a limited schedule. This pregnancy was no different in planning, but way different in actuality.
My job was shut down in mid March for quarantine. Baby, luckily, came a few weeks early; healthy, happy and big! My milk came in as usual, and the weeks started to fly by.
Mid June we were told we could return to work. My baby was 7 weeks old, I’d been out of work for 12 weeks. My partner had 2 weeks left of his leave and I had over 100 clients displaced and eager to get in. We made the decision as a family that I would get as many people in during those two weeks as was possible. And it was, by far, the most exhausting time of my life.
I worked 12 days straight with 12-14 hours each day. I would feed the baby early in the morning and pump then go to work. I failed to plan enough h time to pump, and when I did have time, the salon was too busy and the bathroom unavailable. A few days I went 12+ hours between pumping. I was miserable, uncomfortable, hormonal, dehydrated and under fueled. Each day, my pumping sessions produced less and less milk. I’d come home from work and cry as I held my baby.
I spent one whole evening searching Amazon for portable /cordless pumps- almost spending the $500. Then I remembered hearing about these supplements. I ordered them immediately, thinking worst case I’m out a few bucks before I committed to a few hundred.
The VERY NEXT DAY after using “Pump It Up” my morning pumping session produced 4 oz instead of 2. I immediately ordered 2 more bottles directly from the Healthy Happy Hippie website. I couldn’t be happier with the results.
The capsules do have a slight licorice flavor/scent, but I don’t mind it in the least. There’s no heartburn or indigestion and especially no burping aftertaste.
HHH and Pump It Up saved my milk supply during one of the physically and emotionally hardest times in my life. I’m extremely grateful!
jacqueline pipkin –
I really wanted to like this product. In the first few days of taking this supplement I had so much milk that I felt engorged (and got a clogged duct out of it) and I was genuinely excited! With my previous baby I made just enough for her but no extra to save up. So having a product to help keep my freezer stocked was amazing.
HOWEVER my poor 2 month old baby has had so much gas she’s absolutely miserable. She went from pooping 1-2x daily to not pooping for days. After stopping for a few days, she went right back to normal.
Also, my supply went right back to normal after the adjustment period (about a week and a half). I’m so bummed.
The pills are somewhat buoyant so that makes them a little difficult to swallow and have a somewhat earthy aftertaste that can be unsettling but goes away quickly.
Doing further research into the ingredients I noticed some are not recommended for infants so that’s also troubling. It could be possible that it’s the cause of my babe’s discomfort.
All in all, this product worked for a short time with fantastic results but I cannot in good conscience keep taking these knowing it’s making my babe suffer.
customer –
I’m a mother who is 7 months pp and have struggled since my baby’s birth with milk supply. I found out the hard way that Fenugreek didn’t work for me, it seemed to be decreasing my milk supply. That’s when I found these supplements, and they’re the best thing I’ve tried. They help with my supply and I’ve even been in a better mood since taking them. I’m not super tired these days, and I have a consistent supply when I pump bottles for my baby. Now I will say, I don’t have enough supply for storage, that just hasn’t been my journey however, I am more than happy with the results I am able to produce for my baby. Hope these vegan supplements work for other mamas out there!