Descrição do Produto: Intestinal Fortitude GLR-6
O Intestinal Fortitude GLR-6 é um suplemento inovador projetado para reparar a mucosa intestinal e promover a saúde digestiva. Com uma fórmula poderosa que combina L-Glutamina, Ulme Escorregadio, Raiz de Alcaçuz DGL, Raiz de Malva e Feno-grego, este produto é a solução ideal para quem sofre de problemas intestinais, como a síndrome do intestino irritável (IBS) e a permeabilidade intestinal (leaky gut).
- FEEL BETTER FASTER: O GLR-6 oferece um meio natural de acalmar a irritação e a ulceração do trato gastrointestinal, além de fornecer o combustível necessário para a auto-reparação do organismo.
- IMPROVE YOUR GUT HEALTH: Usuários relatam menos desconforto estomacal, menos idas ao banheiro, ausência de medo ao comer, redução do refluxo ácido, diminuição da diarreia e fezes mais firmes.
- HIGH POTENCY: Comparado a concorrentes, nossa fórmula de máxima potência contém de 2 a 6 vezes mais ingredientes ativos cientificamente comprovados para ajudar você a se sentir melhor. Experimente o melhor suplemento de reparo da mucosa intestinal disponível no mercado.
- SUPPORT YOUR BODY’S NATURAL RESPONSE: Seis dos compostos mais protetores da natureza trabalham juntos para reparar sua mucosa intestinal e ajudar seu corpo a fortalecer as junções gastrointestinais.
- SAFE, NATURAL, AND EFFECTIVE: Nossos suplementos são processados em uma instalação em conformidade com as normas GMP nos EUA e são livres de glúten, laticínios, OGM, trigo, nozes, amendoins, ovos, peixe, corantes ou conservantes.
1. Melhora significativa na saúde intestinal, reduzindo sintomas desconfortáveis.
2. Fórmula de alta potência que garante resultados mais rápidos e eficazes.
3. Composição natural e segura, ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
4. Acalma e repara a mucosa intestinal, promovendo um sistema digestivo saudável.
5. Redução do medo de comer, permitindo uma alimentação mais tranquila e saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas do Intestinal Fortitude GLR-6 diariamente, preferencialmente com um copo de água antes das refeições. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades específicas. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e sempre consulte um médico antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
Crone –
I have been using this product going on about 8 years or so?…long time…I really should remember when I started taking this…lol. Because with this product, I can walk upright, and not spend my days clutching my stomach in a fetal position as if squeezing it would help…lol. The pain was SO bad, that it took my breath away. Mainstream medicine gave me some pills that at first, I thought that they should be inserted instead of swallowing…only a horse would have had a chance to swallow that thing. If I managed to get it down…it was, it constipated me..I was losing hope when In walks this Miracle in a bottle….GLR-6.
First, Blessings and nothing but GOOD thoughts to the Geniuses who put this together!!! Not only does it stop the pain, but it also provides enough lubrication to give a bowel movement that doesn’t make you think it is an Olympic Event. Did I mention that I spent 9 days in the hospital for an impacted colon before my God pointed me in this wonder drug?…And the cherry on top? It’s NATURAL…stuff that grows in Nature…not formed in labs.
Well, What Are You Waiting For! Yes, the name is weird, but….IT WORKS!!! Prilosec took my stomach lining, and GLR-6 gave it back. Yes, it is a little expensive, and I have to move stuff around in my budget…BUT..I can walk upright with wincing, and the last time I grabbed my stomach in pain was when I ate too much Bananas Foster ice cream…lol.
There are no words to say how appreciative I am for the development of this miracle…so, THANK Y’All❤️❤️❤️
Joseph Dcruz –
Controls leaky gut, but not to the extent that I require it.
fibro diva –
Last Nov 2020, I starting having severe pain in my stomach. I already have chronic diverticulitis so this on top of it was excruciating. I have had many tests including colonoscopy, endoscopy and biopsies of my stomach lining and all the specialist said was I had “inflammation”, and offered NO solutions. I had tried everything, including adapting a diet to help with inflammation and individual supplements, but could not get rid of the severe pain. It has been so painful and disabling, it has affected my quality of life. I finally figured out my gut lining was depleted from being on Omeprozole for over 20 years. I promptly stopped that medication, but it didn’t help, the damage was done, but I am stopping to prevent more damage. After months of searching for a solution, I stumbled on this supplement. It took a couple weeks, but my inflammation has decreased 60% so far. I couldn’t believe it. I only take one as something in it makes me a bit itchy, but I will take that over severe pain. I am starting slow and hoping my body will adjust so I can up the dose to 2, and maybe 3 or 4. I also starting taking their other product AI-5 which helps inflammation as well. I only take one of those as well because the green tea revs me up. I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome so I am sensitive to everything, so I have to take low doses. I was so thankful I emailed Will, the gentleman that created these supplements who suffers from severe stomach and bowel issues as well. This has been a Godsend and I am so grateful for this supplement. There is nothing like it on the market, believe me, I searched for months. I completely recommend this supplement, also for folks with Crohn’s and Colitis. Eternally grateful!
H –
I considered buying all the different components of this product from iHerb which would have been cheaper but I thought I’d end up taking too many different tablets a day hence I decided to buy GLR-6. I have also made changes to my diet which have helped greatly.
Bruce –
Although the product did not work for me, getting a refund from the owner was easy.
D. Keiffer –
I had been suffering from a severe flare up of my microscopic colitis for seven months. All of my usual strategies (going gluten free, dairy free, staying away from trigger foods, eating a BRAT diet) were not working as well as they had been in the past. Then I discovered GLR-6 and decided to give it a try. I am glad I did. I took my first capsule right before I went to bed. The next morning there was a marked improvement of my condition. For three nights I took one capsule and every morning there was more improvement. I then upped my dosage to one capsule in the morning while continuing to take the one capsule in the evening. By the beginning of the third day I am happy to report that my flare up seems to have completely subsided. I plan to continue taking the two capsules for awhile. I do not think I have to increase the dosage any further. This really, really works for me.
The Architect –
Stuff is amazing. It made a difference after first day. I use in conjunction with their Colostrum product and am feeling much better daily. Takes a couple months for most to receive any benefits.
The bad: after two months I started getting major heartburn feeling going up my throat. It wasn’t noted originally as GLR being the cause but once I stopped taking it, the heart burn went away.
Product has a high amount of homeopathic herbs and some of which causes minor side affects. It’s powerful stuff but if this happens then it’s a good sign. It means to stop taking it and because your gut lining isn’t the problem. It took two months for me and may take more or less or no time at all depending on your body reacting to it.
Gaby –
I started taking these GLR-6 supplements because I started to develop indigestion every time I went out to eat at a restaurant. I also developed an inability to digest way garlic and onions. Most restaurant fare, depending on what you order, is high in fat and hard on the digestive tract, and I would always end up with nausea after eating out. Whenever I would make pesto sauce I would feel sick because of the raw garlic. I started taking these as directed and just after a few days I started to notice that I didn’t suffer from the nauseating effects of hard to digest food. I went out and had a sinfully fatty burger and onion rings (I don’t eat this stuff on a regular basis by the way) and I didn’t have any problems! I continue to have positive results; no belly aches at all (unless I eat and have interacted with toxic individuals. Make sure not to eat in a stressful, agitated environment, it disrupts digestion.) I am so very pleased with this product and I am not at all bothered by the fact that you have to take four pills a day. I take 2 in the morning and 2 in the late afternoon. I have no side effects from this supplement. It does exactly what it’s intended to do. I highly recommend this to anyone with digestive issues.