Descrição do Produto: The Nue Co. Skin HYDRATOR Supplement
O The Nue Co. Skin HYDRATOR é um suplemento inovador que transforma a saúde da sua pele de dentro para fora. Com uma fórmula poderosa que combina colágeno hidrolisado, ácido hialurônico e aloe vera, este produto é a solução ideal para quem busca uma hidratação profunda e duradoura. Cada cápsula é projetada para fortalecer a barreira da pele, aumentar a produção de colágeno e promover uma aparência saudável e radiante.
- O SKIN HYDRATOR proporciona uma hidratação intensa com uma mistura de ácido hialurônico, colágeno hidrolisado que preenche e aloe vera calmante. Ele fortalece a barreira da pele, impulsiona a produção de colágeno e apoia a saúde da pele de dentro para fora.
- COMO FUNCIONA – Ao repor o ácido hialurônico com colágeno hidrolisado (peptídeos de colágeno), o produto apoia a produção natural de colágeno e repõe ceramidas perdidas, reparando a barreira lipídica da pele e suavizando e preenchendo o seu rosto para um aspecto fresco e hidratado.
- INGREDIENTES LIMPOS – Utilizamos apenas ingredientes clinicamente comprovados e rigorosamente testados em nossas fórmulas para garantir segurança e eficácia máximas. O SKIN HYDRATOR inclui aloe vera, ácido hialurônico e ceramidas.
- NUE CO – Pro Ciência. Pro Limpeza. Pro Planeta.
- COMO USAR – Tome 1 cápsula diariamente pela manhã com alimentos.
1. Hidratação Profunda: A combinação de ácido hialurônico e colágeno hidrolisado proporciona uma hidratação intensa, essencial para manter a pele saudável e radiante.
2. Reforço da Barreira Cutânea: O suplemento ajuda a reparar e fortalecer a barreira lipídica da pele, protegendo-a contra agressões externas.
3. Aumento da Produção de Colágeno: Os peptídeos de colágeno presentes na fórmula estimulam a produção natural de colágeno, promovendo uma pele mais firme e elástica.
4. Ingredientes Naturais e Seguros: Com uma fórmula livre de glúten e composta por ingredientes clinicamente testados, o produto é seguro para o uso diário.
5. Praticidade no Uso: Com apenas uma cápsula por dia, é fácil incorporar o Skin HYDRATOR na sua rotina, melhorando a saúde da pele sem complicações.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula do The Nue Co. Skin HYDRATOR diariamente pela manhã, acompanhada de uma refeição. Essa prática não apenas maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também garante que a hidratação e os benefícios do colágeno sejam efetivamente entregues ao organismo, promovendo uma pele visivelmente mais saudável e hidratada ao longo do tempo.
Ethan –
Finished the whole bottle and can’t really say that I have noticed softer more hydrated skin. Still use lotion when my hands are dry. Oh well, at least they didn’t cause any bad side effects.
roguedelaney –
I saw these at Sephora and regretted not giving them a try so I was excited when I saw them on Amazon! This way I can take advantage of subscribe and save because I’ve heard long-term use is key with these. I live in cold, dry New England so I need all the help I can get with keeping my skin hydrated. I have been taking them for about a week now and I think it’s hard to gauge whether they’re working or not but so far I feel happy with them.
You get a months’ worth with this size (30 capsules).
-Vegan formula
-Easy to swallow
-Taste like collagen pills which is very subtle. Not a fully neutral taste but nothing gross either. On a spectrum of absolutely no taste being a 1 and fish oil pills being a 10 I’d put these at a 2. Just a slight taste.
-No negative side effects
Health and Beauty lover –
After finishing this bottle, I can say that I didn’t have any issues or adverse reactions after taking these. The capsules were medium sized and easy to take, with no strange taste or smells.
RABynum –
I took these for the entire 30 days and I’m impressed. First off, 1 capsule a day is very much appreciated!! I hate when the dosage is something unrealistic like 2 capsules up to 3 times a day, like who has time to keep up with that. Secondly, these are easy to swallow with no after taste or effects. I just kept the bottle next to the coffee pot and took 1 every morning. My skin is softer, smoother, brighter, and visibly more plump. My fine smile lines are gone and my forehead line has diminished quite a bit. I’m not too surprised; I’ve tried several products from the Nue Co. and have yet to be disappointed. No complaints here!
Bridge –
I saw no difference in the hydration quality of my skin while using these capsules.
They are easy to swallow and have no smell. I really like the glass bottle as opposed to all the plastic supplement bottles out there.
The price is pretty high for the supply provided. But the biggest issue is I saw no results.
I have been taking these for about three weeks now. I like that they are tasteless and easy to swallow. There’s no funny smell, either. It’s so hard to quantify or prove supplements are working. I feel like they are. I also think they give me energy. I think my skin is getting healthier when I look in the mirror. I am more than halfway through the bottle, and I will continue to take them.
This supplement seems to have given me slightly smoother skin after the full bottle was consumed as directed. I feel like it would have had an increased effect if I continued to take them, but I started another supplement afterwards. The price is a little high, but I think the ongoing benefits would justify that with continued use. These caused no negative effects at all.
Amazon_Obsessed –
I do like that these capsules are tasteless, odorless and easy to swallow, as there are some out there that are not so pleasant. I have really dry skin so I’m always on the lookout for anything to help me, so I was excited to try these out as the idea sounds novel, treating the issue from within as opposed to slathering on moisturizer all the time. Unfortunately, after consuming the entire 30-day supply I cannot say that I have noticed any improvements. It’s possible it might just take more time but as these are rather pricy, I’m reluctant to keep trying “just in case”.