Descrição do Produto: BODi Hydrate Performance Hydration Supplement
O BODi Hydrate é um suplemento de hidratação de alto desempenho, formulado para atender às necessidades de atletas e entusiastas de atividades físicas. Este pó eletrolítico enriquecido com quercetina oferece uma combinação poderosa de quatro eletrólitos essenciais: potássio, magnésio, sódio e cálcio. Esses minerais são fundamentais para a manutenção do equilíbrio hídrico, suporte à função muscular e otimização da resistência durante treinos intensos. A quercetina, um antioxidante natural, potencializa a recuperação e ajuda a reduzir a fadiga, permitindo que você se mantenha ativo por mais tempo. Com um sabor agradável e fácil de misturar, o BODi Hydrate é a escolha ideal para quem busca maximizar seu desempenho e manter-se hidratado em qualquer situação.
1. Hidratação Eficiente: Reposição rápida de eletrólitos perdidos durante atividades físicas, prevenindo a desidratação.
2. Aumento da Resistência: Melhora o desempenho atlético, permitindo treinos mais longos e intensos.
3. Recuperação Acelerada: A quercetina ajuda a reduzir a inflamação e a fadiga muscular, promovendo uma recuperação mais rápida.
4. Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes de alta qualidade, sem adição de açúcares ou conservantes artificiais.
5. Praticidade: Fácil de transportar e preparar, ideal para uso antes, durante ou após os treinos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher medida (aproximadamente 10g) de BODi Hydrate em 500ml de água. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. O produto pode ser consumido antes do exercício para preparar o corpo, durante a atividade para manter a hidratação ou após o treino para auxiliar na recuperação. É importante ajustar a dosagem conforme a intensidade do exercício e as condições climáticas. Para resultados otimizados, combine o uso do BODi Hydrate com uma dieta equilibrada e um regime de exercícios adequado.
polymath –
Due to a mitochondrial disorder, I need a lot of electrolytes to help balance things out. I normally buy the pre-made brand name drinks at the store, but 1) they’ve gotten very expensive, and 2) I’m trying to use fewer plastic bottles. That’s where this powdered electrolyte powder comes in.
It comes in a shrink-wrapped plastic canister, with an inner safety seal under the screw-top lid. (The multi-layered safety measures are appreciated.) Inside you’ll find a little scooper utensil, and one of those pouches that absorbs humidity (which is non-toxic and can be discarded). The powder has good consistency, and dissolves very easily with just some stirring.
What’s great about using powder is that you can use as much as little as you want — you aren’t bound by a specific strength, like the “-ade” bottles. Sometimes I just want to add a little taste to a large bottle of water, so I add a 1/4 scoop of this… And sometimes I really need as much electrolytes as I can get — so I’ll do a full scoop or two. And fortunately, this provides more electrolytes than the regular pre-made drinks.
Yes, it does have a little bit of sugar — but it’s organic cane sugar, and I would rather have that than a bunch of artificial sweeteners!
Ken –
I really liked this one. It does have natural flavorings and ingredients and it tastes great to me. I am not a huge sugary fake flavoring person.
I appreciate that they did not add filler to this just to satisfy a industry standard. Very hydrating for my workouts and runs. Energy booting is a plus for me. Seems to be of a good quality according to the ingredient list. The price point is not bad at about 88 cents per serving.
Danielle Harrsch –
I have been using hydrate for several years and absolutely love it
It’s great for those sweaty cardio days, my son used it for football to keep hydrated
I highly recommend, I haven’t found anything that compares! Excited it’s now available on Amazon
Amazon Customer –
I don’t know why, but I just have trouble drinking plain water. I know the research shows most of us don’t drink enough water, but plain water just doesn’t interest me. When I’m doing something strenuous I might have a sports drink, but those commercial drinks tend to have a lot of sugar in them and I could do without that.
The idea of filling my water bottle and putting a teaspoon or two of this powder in it makes it easy to use and makes it easier (tastier) to drink. The electrolytes are a nice bonus for when I’m working up a sweat, but quite honestly I just like that it makes it easier for me to drink more water. If you’re a gym rat, you’ll likely find this a better way to stay hydrated.
polymath –
I was disappointed with this product for a couple reasons – starting with the sugar content. Each serving is 11.5 grams, but 9 of those grams are added sugar. To be fair, it’s organic can sugar (I think), but that’s still a lot of sugar, and a high percentage of the powder. When I made the drink, the lemon lime flavor is seriously lacking – shockingly, given the high added sugar, it doesn’t even taste too sweet to me.
JP Folkes –
Michael –
I ride bikes; tri-bike, road bike, MTB, fat bike. I drink A LOT of water. Now due to some magic, that water absorbs better with some electrolytes.
I have a huge stash of electrolyte drink mixes; this one is different in that it contains carbs. Seriously, if I am using hydration I need carbs as well as water and electrolytes. These contain cane sugar and dextrose; most others are “sugar-free” and are primarily synthetic sweetener.
This dissolves easy and doesn’t leave clumps in the bottom of my water bottles. The flavor is also a bit void. Hey, many of these have fakey-“fruit” flavor (have you ever really seen a blue raspberry?). I consider this a feature more than a flaw though. I would rather have less flavor. I don’t drink these for flavor.
Amazon Customer –
I gave it four stars because the ingredients are super clean, unfortunately it also tastes that way. It reminds me of drinking lemon grass. The ingredients are so clean, I’m okay with this, but in a world of great tasting electrolytes, this one will struggle to stand out. That is why I deducted one star. I can drink it and will finish the jar no problem with my workouts. But, there are really good tasting electrolytes on the market that are nearly as clean and are more enjoyable to drink.