Descrição do Produto: Dr. Christopher’s Formulas Kid-e-Mune Herbal Supplement, 2 Fluid Ounce
O Dr. Christopher’s Formulas Kid-e-Mune é um suplemento herbal especialmente formulado para fortalecer o sistema imunológico das crianças. Com uma combinação única de ingredientes naturais, este produto é ideal para ajudar os pequenos a se manterem saudáveis, especialmente em épocas de maior exposição a vírus e bactérias. A fórmula é composta por glicerina vegetal pura, que não só atua como um conservante natural, mas também proporciona um sabor agradável, tornando a administração do suplemento mais fácil e agradável para as crianças.
Durante os meses de verão, é possível que os produtos cheguem quentes, mas a Amazon armazena e envia os produtos de acordo com as recomendações dos fabricantes, garantindo a qualidade e eficácia do suplemento. O Kid-e-Mune é uma escolha confiável para os pais que buscam um suporte natural para a saúde imunológica de seus filhos, promovendo bem-estar e vitalidade.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Ajuda a proteger as crianças contra infecções e doenças comuns.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Composição livre de aditivos artificiais, ideal para a saúde infantil.
– Fácil Administração: A glicerina vegetal proporciona um sabor agradável, facilitando o consumo pelas crianças.
– Suporte Durante o Verão: Especialmente útil em épocas de maior exposição a patógenos.
– Produto Confiável: Fabricado de acordo com rigorosos padrões de qualidade, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se administrar 1 a 2 ml do Dr. Christopher’s Formulas Kid-e-Mune diariamente, preferencialmente antes das refeições. O suplemento pode ser administrado diretamente na boca ou diluído em um pouco de água ou suco. É importante agitar bem o frasco antes de cada uso para garantir a homogeneidade dos ingredientes. Consulte sempre um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente em crianças.
Holly P. –
When my little ones come down with an illness, I will give them this! My 2 year old loves the flavor (6 year old does not, but still takes it) and more importantly, I really see a difference with how quickly they feel better! They just recover from the illness faster.
My 2 year old touches the dropper every time, so I buy one for him and another one for my 6 year old so they don’t share germs.
CH47 –
I am not sure how I first came across Dr. Christopher’s products, but everything I have tried has worked as advertised. I recently found their children’s liquid vitamins and homeopathy herbs/medicine. I usually give my 3 year old twins elderberry syrup as an immune booster, but wanted to try this until I can start making my own. The girls like the taste (cinnamon) and so far it seems to be working great. Based on my experience using other products from Dr. Christopher (the beauty cream is one of my favorites), I trust this brand and plan to buy more from them.
Courtney E –
We love this for boosting our toddler’s immune system when she’s not quite sick, but want to protect her from the bugs going around! Wonderful herbs inside. She loves the taste too and asks for this often. I recommend Dr. Christopher’s Kid-e-Well when kids do catch a bug and need help recovering.
Brittany Cottle –
I love this tincture and use it with my kids everyday in the fall and winter. It seems to be magic but even if we do get sick it is very mild compared to everyone around us. Love the clean ingredients and amazing results.
Analee Brown –
We use this daily my kids love it and ask me to give them some even if I forget!
Amazon Customer –
This product is amazing for kids works great for keeping their immune system up.
Jamie Bohn –
I’ve used Kid-e-Mune for years, but always had to make a long trip to the health food store, not to mention, the prices are so much more expensive! We use this at the first sign of a sore throat and it always helps to keep any sickness at bay, or from going to the extreme. I think it’s the best quality of any liquid echinacea out there! Years ago I used it to get rid of my strep throat. I gargled with it and also rubbed it on the outside of my neck where my infected tonsil was. I’m not saying use this in place of antibiotics for strep, but I was able to get rid of it with kid-e-mune; it’s very potent stuff!
Matthew Layton –
I’ve bought this product before and loved it. Very pleasing taste and my child beg me for it.
I bought two more recently and tried it before I gave it to my child. And boy, am I glad I did. This new batch has a very strong taste that stings the mouth, almost like an alcohol tincture, but seem to linger much longer. I read the ingredient and saw cinnamon flavor. I don’t recall seeing that before. Maybe that is the difference and in this batch they overdid it.
I’ll be returning the unopened bottle and probably will start making my own echinacea glycerin extract as a substitute. Three stars because it was good at one point, maybe just the batch. I’ll update this review if I find out.