Descrição do Produto: Fairhaven Health FertileCM Suplemento de Fertilidade para Mulheres
O Fairhaven Health FertileCM é um suplemento nutricional especialmente formulado para mulheres que buscam apoiar a produção saudável de muco cervical fértil. Este produto combina uma mistura excepcional de vitaminas, aminoácidos, antioxidantes e probióticos, proporcionando um suporte abrangente para o ciclo de ovulação. A fórmula inclui ingredientes de alta qualidade, como o aminoácido L-Arginina, vitamina C, N-Acetil-Cisteína, extrato de semente de uva e probióticos Lactobacillus Acidophilus, que ajudam a manter um microbioma vaginal saudável.
A rotina de uso do FertileCM é simples e conveniente, bastando ingerir 3 cápsulas por dia durante as refeições. Fabricado nos Estados Unidos com ingredientes nacionais e importados, cada lote é rigorosamente testado de acordo com os requisitos da FDA, garantindo a qualidade e a segurança do produto. Desde 2003, a Fairhaven Health é uma marca confiável, desenvolvendo produtos em colaboração com um painel diversificado de especialistas médicos e utilizando testes de terceiros para verificar a potência e a qualidade.
– Apoio à Fertilidade: Contribui para a produção de muco cervical fértil, essencial para a concepção.
– Fórmula Completa: Combinação de aminoácidos, vitaminas e probióticos que promovem a saúde reprodutiva.
– Facilidade de Uso: Regime simples com apenas 3 cápsulas diárias, tornando a rotina mais prática.
– Qualidade Garantida: Fabricado nos EUA com testes rigorosos, assegurando a pureza e eficácia do produto.
– Saúde do Microbioma: Os probióticos ajudam a manter um equilíbrio saudável da flora vaginal, essencial para a saúde geral.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 3 cápsulas do Fairhaven Health FertileCM diariamente, preferencialmente durante as refeições. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta e fora do alcance de crianças.
Nicole R. –
So, is a morning, this review is going to get descriptive. Anyone on the TTC journey is probably used to that though. I’ve been using this product for about a year. 36 years old. There were some other things going on in life, namely physical distance, that may have held things up. However, I have been tracking CM diligently… And this past cycle…WOW… I’ve been having a little bit of egg white CM when I would check, and I had read that sometimes you may not detect any, but it doesn’t mean you don’t have any. So I had tried not to be worried because I felt like I still didn’t have enough. Well, this past cycle change that. On two separate occasions, two days apart, I saw very long strings of CM dripping out of me when I sat on the toilet. I tested it, and sure enough, that’s what it was. I was shocked. I had never seen so much/such a long string of CM. So I give you that TMI to let you know that I do think these take time to work for some, but they definitely do work! Don’t stress! It will happen when it’s meant to. We just do what we can to facilitate. I have a cousin who recently conceived naturally in her early 40s. And another family friend who also recently conceived naturally at 45. It can and will happen! Let’s just relax and do our part. But just know that this stuff definitely does help the process!
Suzster –
Let me start by saying this is my first review and for me to leave a review, I have to feel pretty strongly about a product and its delivery. This is one such product.
To start, I am 42, first try at trying to conceive and have had scant to no EWCM since my 20s to early 30s. To the point that I had to really think back to when I last saw the stuff. I had a myomectomy for two fibroid removals and was given the clear to try in November 2013 but even with the fibroids removed, no EWCM. I figured I was screwed since all the books and forums say this is the key to helping the swimmers.
After reading forums, youtube, and Amazon reviews, I decided to try this product along with OvaBoost. I started taking FertileCM on CD1 while on my menses. Supplements usually take 2-3 mos to actually make an impact and so I figured, might as well start and build up for upcoming months. I never expected the immediate results.
By CD 10 I started noticing ‘something’ but figured it was me reading into stuff and wishing. When it was just creamy on day 11 and day 12, I thought ehh, something may be happening but not the full effects yet. After all, it is ONLY CD11 / 12.
By the afternoon of CD 13, I knew something was different. The consistency was surely stretchy and while not copious amounts…it was more than I had seen in over 10 yrs. Later that evening there was no doubt, this stuff was working and working hard at doing what it says it does. So much so that I had purchased a back up fertility friendly lubricant product but I could tell this was NOT going to be needed if things kept up the way they were. And they did.
I am going to call CD 14 of this cycle Flashback Tuesday and doubly so because it was my ovulation day and the amount of mucus I experienced was unbelievable. Here was the copious amounts some folks mentioned in their reviews. Every time I went to the bathroom it was there and in generous amounts. I couldn’t believe it. CD 15 was an exact repeat of CD 14 and just as surprising. It made TTC awesome without awkward exits to apply lubricant or slow down the process. On CD 16, everything went back to creamy and normal being that I had ovulated.
I am now on my TWW and pray that this helped. I never used the backup lubricant (except on those days leading to the peak) because FertileCM delivered – even earlier than expected. Why haven’t others said that it starts working that very cycle that you use it?
I took it as instructed on the bottle, and drank plenty of water.
Thank you Fairhaven Health for such a product.
Jessica –
Not to sure if this worked being we took a different route , but didn’t seem to bad taking them. Came in on time, good packaging.
femme512q –
After 2 months of consistent use, I did not get the EWCM (google it if you don’t know what I’m talking about) that I was hoping to get from this product. No change whatsoever to my cm, and trust me, I looked long and hard. It did however give me headaches consistently after the second pill each day (at first I thought it was hay fever/ sinus issues, but it happened on rainy low pollen days and I finally figured out it was the pills). nonetheless, I suffered thru the headaches and hoped it would work but no such luck (but maybe it’s because I’m 37 and I need more help than what it could provide). After further research I heard about drinking green tea to increase EWCM and voila after only 3 or 4 days of roughly 2-3 cups a day starting right after my period ended (both decaf and non decaf worked for me, I drank whatever I had in the house, no special brand in particular), my CM increased in amount (so much it was kind’ve gross, no searching necessary) and I got the consistency most of us trying to conceive are looking for (e.g., like egg whites). I’m in my late 30’s, but I “felt” like an 18yo again– even the antihistamines i take almost daily didn’t dry me out down there. I know that most of you desperate to conceive will buy this anyways notwithstanding my bad review, but if it doesn’t work for you like it didn’t for me, I strongly urge you to try slamming down a few cups of green tea every day and see if it helps. Good luck with the baby-making everyone.
Jessica –
I definitely noticed an increase in cm after using this product, though I still didn’t get any really fertile cm (just more creamy). However, I did start getting mouth ulcers and when I looked it up, apparently it can be a side effect of the l argenine. The mouth ulcers are so unpleasant I won’t be using it anymore.