Doctor Danielle Gut Assist – Suplemento em Pó para Reparação do Intestino Permeável
O Doctor Danielle Gut Assist é um suplemento em pó inovador, projetado para promover a saúde intestinal e reparar as membranas protetoras do trato gastrointestinal. Com uma fórmula rica em L-Glutamina, Arabinogalactano e Raiz de Alcaçuz, este produto é uma solução eficaz para aqueles que enfrentam problemas como Síndrome do Intestino Irritável (IBS), azia, inchaço, gases, constipação e SIBO. A L-Glutamina, um aminoácido essencial, desempenha um papel crucial na manutenção da função gastrointestinal, fornecendo os nutrientes necessários para a cicatrização e o fortalecimento das paredes intestinais.
- SUPLEMENTO EM PÓ PARA REPARAÇÃO DO INTESTINO PERMEÁVEL – O GutAssist apoia a cura das membranas protetoras do trato gastrointestinal, oferecendo nutrientes como L-Glutamina para prosperar e se recuperar.
- SUPORTE AO SISTEMA IMUNOLÓGICO – A boa saúde realmente começa no intestino. A saúde intestinal precária pode levar a um mau humor e outros desequilíbrios que afetam a qualidade de vida. Manter uma flora intestinal saudável é essencial para a saúde digestiva e a integridade intestinal.
- SUPORTE AO TRACTO GASTROINTESTINAL + DIGESTIVO – Uma mucosa intestinal saudável apoia a entrega de nutrientes, e um trato digestivo bem equilibrado é fundamental para alcançar uma boa absorção de nutrientes. Um intestino desequilibrado pode causar complicações como inchaço, IBS, constipação, diarreia, cólicas ou gases.
- GLUTAMINA, ALOE VERA, RAIZ DE ALCAÇUZ, ARABINOGALACTAN – A L-Glutamina é o aminoácido livre mais abundante do corpo e é central na sustentação da função gastrointestinal, sendo um transportador significativo de nitrogênio, essencial para a cicatrização celular.
- PODE SER TOMADO COM PROBIÓTICOS, ENZIMAS DIGESTIVAS, PREBIÓTICOS – Quando ocorre o intestino permeável, a pessoa pode experimentar uma resposta quase alérgica a partículas alimentares ou bactérias que vazaram pela parede intestinal para a corrente sanguínea, resultando em sintomas gastrointestinais desconfortáveis.
1. Reparação Eficaz do Intestino: Promove a cicatrização das membranas intestinais, melhorando a saúde digestiva.
2. Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece a defesa do organismo, contribuindo para um bem-estar geral.
3. Alívio de Sintomas Digestivos: Reduz inchaço, gases e desconforto abdominal, proporcionando alívio imediato.
4. Melhora do Humor e Bem-Estar: Contribui para um estado emocional equilibrado, combatendo o mau humor associado a problemas intestinais.
5. Compatibilidade com Outros Suplementos: Pode ser facilmente integrado a rotinas que incluem probióticos e enzimas digestivas, potencializando os resultados.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher medida de Doctor Danielle Gut Assist em um copo de água ou suco, uma vez ao dia. Para maximizar a eficácia, pode ser utilizado em conjunto com probióticos e enzimas digestivas. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Mike T –
I’ve been using Doctor Danielle Gut Assist, and it’s been a game-changer for my digestion. The powder dissolves easily and has a decent taste, which makes it easy to incorporate into my routine. After a few days of use, I noticed a reduction in bloating and felt much better overall. It’s been helpful for managing discomforts like gas and occasional constipation. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a gentle and effective gut support supplement!
Brittany –
I couldn’t be happier with this purchase! From the moment I unboxed it, I could tell it was a high-quality product. The build is sturdy, and the design is sleek and modern. Setup was incredibly easy, and it worked seamlessly right out of the box.
I’ve been using it daily, and it has exceeded my expectations in every way. The performance is top-notch, and it has become an essential part of my routine. It’s clear that a lot of thought went into its design and functionality.
If you’re on the fence about this product, don’t hesitate. It’s worth every penny and then some. Highly recommended!
KimberleyM –
Orange has a disgusting smell. Tastes nasty. Even other family members in Kitchen commented on how bad the smell is. Just get the other flavour berry – much better.
Jeremy Alexander –
I bought the unflavored variety thinking I would add it to my smoothies or juices, but I really enjoy the taste alone in water. This product is hand formulated by a naturopath and is organic, non-gmo, and gluten free. Even for those with the best diets, our overprocessed food supply makes supplementing for gut health that much more important. This product is made with glutamine, aloe vera, licorice root, and arabinogalactan and I highly recommend it!
Zayne M. –
I’ve been a fan of Dr. Danielle’s products for a while now so I figured why not pick this one up to help with the bloating I’d been feeling these past few months. After taking it for several days, I noticed that I was feeling a lot less bloated and my abdomen felt more comfortable overall. So far every product I’ve bought from this brand does what it says it does, which is pretty cool.
As for the taste, I can’t really nail it down but the closest thing I could compare it to would be herbal tea without the bitterness. What I do is I add a little cocoa powder and a teaspoon of coffee creamer into the water along with the product and it tastes great. Since the product doesn’t really have much taste, you can basically do whatever you want I guess.
In any case, Gut Assist is another big win from Dr. Danielle and I’m really glad I decided to give it a shot!
UJ –
Looking back at my previous times purchasing this product, it was $25 back in 2021. Slowly that crept up to 30, then 35, and suddenly they want $45 for something that hasn’t changed or improved, and there are many alternatives out there for cheaper. The main ingredient is L-Glutamine which you can find in a ton of different products aimed at leaky gut. I’ve loved this product for the past few years but I don’t respect these business practices, and I can’t get on board with the constant rise in cost.
Star –
I like the ingredients, I think it’s potent as it worked instantly for my terrible indigestion. It dissolves ok and mixes easily with fork into water with few clumps floating around but no biggie it works fast and that’s all it matters! The flavor and smell is mild herbal more so and natural tasting. I use smaller glass to mix this powder in with just enough water to dissolve it smoothly and it goes down easy, then I follow with large glass of water. It worked instantly for me and it heals more than just masks the symptoms. It’s generous in size and it’s a decent value for the benefit I received imo; I still have a lot left in my medicine cabinet but I feel lot better so I don’t need use it often. It will last me while.
Diane –
I like that this product has natural ingredients and is a helpful supplement for my digestive issues. It seems to work well! It dissolves easily and does not really have a taste.
Jeremy Alexander –
It’s very effective for your gut health. I’ve noticed an improvement in my digestive system within the first 24 hours of using it. It also tastes much better compared to other similar products, the aloe really gives it a great taste