Descrição do Produto: Ora Organic Magnesium Complex Powder Supplement – 4 em 1 Magnésio: Glicinato, Taurato, Malato
Descubra o poder do magnésio com o Ora Organic Magnesium Complex Powder, uma fórmula avançada que combina quatro tipos distintos de magnésio para garantir máxima absorção e eficácia. Este suplemento em pó foi meticulosamente desenvolvido para oferecer alívio abrangente da deficiência de magnésio, promovendo suporte muscular, sono reparador e alívio do estresse. Com uma mistura premium que inclui magnésio glicinato quelato, di-magnésio malato, magnésio citrato e magnésio taurato, você pode experimentar os benefícios de uma bioatividade superior.
O magnésio citrato é conhecido por seu suporte muscular de ação rápida, enquanto o di-magnésio malato fornece energia sustentada e ajuda a aliviar cãibras musculares, facilitando a recuperação e reduzindo espasmos ocasionais devido à deficiência de magnésio. Para aqueles que buscam melhorar a qualidade do sono e reduzir o estresse, o magnésio glicinato quelato é a escolha ideal, promovendo relaxamento e tranquilidade. O magnésio taurato, por sua vez, não só apoia a saúde cardiovascular, mas também contribui para a clareza cognitiva e a atividade neural.
Além de seus benefícios físicos, o Ora Organic Magnesium Complex também se destaca pelo seu sabor refrescante de tangerina, criado por chefs, tornando-o uma alternativa saudável e saborosa aos tradicionais gomas. Este pó é versátil e pode ser facilmente misturado com água, água com gás, sucos, smoothies e muito mais, proporcionando uma experiência agradável e nutritiva.
A transparência é fundamental para nós. Todos os nossos produtos são testados por terceiros em laboratórios acreditados, garantindo que cada ingrediente e lote atenda aos mais altos padrões de qualidade. Produzido em uma instalação certificada cGMP na Califórnia, EUA, você pode confiar que está consumindo um produto limpo e eficaz.
– Máxima Absorção: A combinação de quatro tipos de magnésio garante que seu corpo absorva o máximo de nutrientes.
– Suporte Muscular Eficaz: Alívio rápido de cãibras e recuperação muscular, ideal para atletas e pessoas ativas.
– Melhora na Qualidade do Sono: Promove relaxamento e um sono mais profundo, essencial para a recuperação diária.
– Redução do Estresse: Ajuda a equilibrar os níveis de estresse, contribuindo para um bem-estar mental e emocional.
– Clareza Cognitiva: Apoia a função cerebral e a concentração, reduzindo a fadiga cognitiva.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) do Ora Organic Magnesium Complex Powder em 240ml de água ou sua bebida favorita. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para suporte muscular, consuma antes ou após o exercício. Para promover um sono reparador, tome uma dose 30 minutos antes de dormir. Este produto é adequado para uso diário e pode ser integrado facilmente à sua rotina de saúde.
odin –
Pretty dang good, I like to take this magnesium supplement before bed, it’s sugar-free and tastes great, the tangerine flavor is very natural tasting, the powder mixes easy enough, though it does require stirring, besides for using plan ol water, I also like mixing it in with some cranberry juice & water it’s very delicious!, I plan on using it in smoothies as-well, I like all four forms of magnesium it provides (malate, taurate, citrate and glycinate), which may assist with sleep, muscle recovery and more, I also love that this magnesium is easy on my stomach, it agrees with me perfectly with no problems or side effects as of yet, as with any supplement it’s difficult to notice any immediate effect, but I do feel confident in the quality of this supplement and ingredients.
This mix provides 500 mg magnesium, using a mix of Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Glycinate Chelate, Di-Magnesium Malate and Magnesium Taurate, however it doesn’t break down the percent or mg of each magnesium type, so technically they might not be split evenly, I also appreciate there are no artificial sweeteners or preservatives in this mix, the ingredients look fantastic, with organic monk fruit, organic beet root juice powder, and natural tangerine flavor, plus it’s even naturally colored.
Made in the USA (with US and imported ingredients), cGMP facility, third party tested, no animal testing, non-gmo, sugar-free & stevia-free (uses monk fruit as the sweetener), provides around 30 servings and a scoop is provided for easy measurement.
Xtian –
This magnesium supplement comes in powder form and the container is about 3x larger than required.
Yes, there should be sufficient space to store the scoop without digging and the outside should be large enough for legible labeling information but the label has plenty of unused whitespace.
As labeled, one serving is 5g and provides 500mg of elemental magnesium (119% of the DV). A typical diet already contains some magnesium and a supplement is only needed to cover the balance. Unfortunately, the included scoop is incorrectly sized and filled flat holds 6.6g of powder, or about 156% of DV! If blindly following the label and taking one scoop, the container would last much less than 30 servings. A powder has the advantage over capsules that it is easy to reduce the dose, so at least that’s quite nice. While magnesium works wonders for my back spasms, 50-70%DV is sufficient and taking only half a scoop would make it last two months.
Still this product feels expensive for what it is. While the added tangerine flavor is pleasant, this also limits the use because it cannot added to many other drinks without distorting the taste. I actually prefer unflavored supplements for that reason.
HoldingFeetToTheFire –
I ordered this product because I like its combination of 4 well researched forms of magnesium and because I experience ‘capsule fatigue,’ the loose powder form is a much appreciated plus. It’s difficult, if not impossible to know which form is the most bio-available to the human body when ingested in a dietary supplement form. Each of them has its avid supporters and detractors and the ‘science behind’ their determinations often weigh personal bias to a greater extent than the actual data warrants. So, it seems to me that combining them, may be the most reasonable path to take.
On their website they go into reasonable explanation for why these 4 were individually selected for the formula.
The taste reminds me of watered down “Tang”, but it is not overly sweet as is so often the case with flavored powdered supplements. While I surely wouldn’t serve it to guests as a treat, the taste is reasonably doable and so I don’t mind drinking it. As is the nature of minerals when mixed in water, it cannot stay suspended and settles to the bottom of the glass, so the last gulp is pretty gritty. But the flavor is not so strong that it should interfere with the taste when added to smoothies or if you do use it in water, simply swirl it well and immediately toss back the last gulp or so.
I always check out a company before consuming a product and this one checks out as legit and traceable. I see several interesting product offerings on their website, where they obviously enjoy use a play on words when naming them. 😊
The building, maintenance, and operation of a supplement manufacturing facility is prohibitively expensive; therefore, the vast majority of dietary supplements are produced by huge, private label manufacturers or contract manufacturers and then ‘brand’ labeled according to customer preferences. This in general gives me confidence, as it is in the best interest of the manufacturer to make sure that what is listed on the label is in fact in the bottle.
I think the product is quality and really like it but unfortunately when considering a reorder, my budget just ‘isn’t having it.’ However, for those to whom that is not a deal breaker, I think that they really should give this a try!
Mike –
I consider the elemental and essential mineral magnesium as vital to my health and wellness. This Ora Organic brand offers you four bioavailable and highly absorbable types of Magnesium. Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Glycinate Chelate, Di-Magnesium Malate, and Magnesium Taurate. It’s convenient and easy to prepare. I mix 1 scoop of the powder in a full glass of water, which is one serving and provides me with 500 mg of elemental magnesium. It has a tasty delicious natural tangerine flavor and is formulated and sweetened with organic monk fruit extract. What I like about taking magnesium in powder form instead of capsules is that you can adjust the amount you may desire. If I eat a magnesium rich diet, then I may only want to take 1/2 scoop or so. I find that supplementing with a quality magnesium supplement taken before bedtime gives me a more relaxed sleep and know I am supporting my overall wellness. Check this out and consider this Ora Organic Magnesium Complex Powder Supplement if you value a quality formulation that tastes good and is easy to take.