Descrição do Produto: Barlean’s Stomach Repair Gut Health Powder Supplement
O Barlean’s Stomach Repair é um suplemento em pó projetado para promover a saúde intestinal e proporcionar alívio para problemas estomacais. Com uma mistura única de ingredientes ativos, este produto é ideal para quem busca melhorar a digestão e manter o bem-estar gastrointestinal. Formulado com uma combinação de ingredientes não-GMO, sem açúcar, sem glúten e vegano, o Barlean’s é a escolha perfeita para quem se preocupa com a saúde de forma consciente.
Entre os seis ingredientes curativos que compõem esta fórmula, destacam-se o Extrato de Raiz de Alcaçuz Deglicirrizinado, Aloe Vera 200x, Carvão Ativado, Goma Mastic, Extrato de Semente de Toranja e Goldenseal. Cada um desses componentes foi cuidadosamente selecionado para oferecer benefícios ótimos à saúde intestinal. O carvão ativado, por exemplo, confere ao pó uma coloração escura, mas é conhecido por suas propriedades de desintoxicação e limpeza.
A saúde intestinal é fundamental para o bem-estar geral do corpo, e o Barlean’s Stomach Repair oferece uma solução prática e saborosa para quem deseja realizar uma desintoxicação. Com um tratamento de 30 dias, você pode eliminar impurezas e resíduos, sentindo-se melhor a cada dia. Ao invés de engolir pílulas ou cápsulas difíceis, você pode desfrutar de uma bebida deliciosa com sabor de chai de baunilha, adoçada com Stevia.
Fácil de usar, basta misturar 2 colheres de chá do pó em água, chá ou leite de sua escolha para criar uma bebida reconfortante. Cada embalagem contém 30 porções, tornando-o ideal para uso diário. Com mais de 30 anos de experiência, a Barlean’s é uma marca confiável que se dedica a ajudar as pessoas a viverem suas vidas mais saudáveis.
– Alívio de Problemas Estomacais: Ajuda a aliviar a indigestão e a irritação do trato gastrointestinal.
– Saúde Intestinal: Suporta membranas digestivas saudáveis e células estomacais para uma digestão eficiente.
– Desintoxicação Eficaz: Promove a limpeza de impurezas e resíduos do organismo em um tratamento de 30 dias.
– Fórmula Saborosa: Proporciona uma experiência agradável com seu sabor de chai de baunilha, tornando a ingestão diária mais prazerosa.
– Praticidade: Fácil de preparar, sem necessidade de engolir pílulas, ideal para quem busca conveniência no dia a dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar 2 colheres de chá do Barlean’s Stomach Repair em 240 ml de água, chá ou leite de sua preferência. Consuma uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente em jejum ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. Este suplemento é ideal para um uso contínuo de 30 dias, promovendo uma desintoxicação eficaz e contribuindo para a saúde intestinal. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Swayzey –
I don’t really like probiotic stuff but I struggle with digestion pain in my abdomen so I’ve been looking for a decent alternative. It takes about a week of consistent daily use for me to notice a difference but I definitely think this has helped. I have the vanilla chai and add it to my daily protein smoothies and it’s really good!!
K. C. –
I tried it yesterday for the first time in conjunction with mastic gum. I’m attempting to get rid of h pylori and ulcers after antibiotics and PPIs have failed to eradicate h pylori.
Mixed with vanilla almond milk, it tastes like a chai latte. Not my favorite flavor, but good enough to drink daily without feeling gross.
I farted all damn night lol
I woke up feeling very fresh, and it feels like my digestion is moving along. Prior to taking it, I felt constipated even with farting, and I was bloated as all hell, and it was painful. I will update after 2 weeks to see if it works just as good as antibiotics and PPIs for my ulcers and h pylori.
I think taking this even without h pylori, this stuff would be great for digestive health in general. I might be addicted so far lol
UPDATE: It legit felt like my ulcer was healed in less than one week on this. While I don’t think this does anything for h pylori, it will help keep my ulcers to a minimal so I can kill the h pylori with other methods.
ferocity –
I have had symptoms of GERD for several months and recently realized that I most likely developed an ulcer. After diagnosing myself (I’m a nurse practitioner), I decided that I didn’t want to add a medication to my day so I researched natural interventions for GERD/PUD. I found Barlean’s and thought I’d give it a try. I figured that if it wasn’t effective, I would go ahead an take an H2 blocker. The first day that I tried this product, I didn’t notice much of a difference. The second day, I noticed that I took TUMS only twice during the day and I didn’t wake up with heartburn. It’s now day 5 and I went to sleep last night without heartburn, woke up without it, and haven’t needed TUMS for 2 days. This stuff works. Actually, the day after I started it, I saw my family doctor and told him about my symptoms and that I was trying this product. I told him that it had aloe, licorice, and activated charcoal in it and he said that he takes aloe right from the plant because aloe is well-known for it’s gastric healing properties. He also recommended that I try coffee tamer for my tea, which has also helped.
As far as the taste, I just mix it with my protein shake in the morning. I use almond milk and found that it’s better with chocolate protein powder than with vanilla. It vaguely tastes like bananas. Frankly, it works and I don’t even care what it tastes like. If you are having symptoms and would like to try something natural before a pharmaceutical, this is the product for you.
Shannon K –
I am guessing those who hate the taste of this may be trying to drink it with just water instead of almond milk. It IS sweet, but I’d rather have it be sweet than bitter — mastic gum tastes like pine, licorice is a strong flavor and charcoal is very bitter so I think the manufacturer needed to err on the side of too sweet to mask the very unpleasant bitter piney taste this would have otherwise. I add it to unsweetened vanilla almond milk and use a shaker bottle with metal ball to blend it and I actually like the taste a lot.
I have been suffering with severe GERD and gastritis. I’m out of work because I’m a voice actor and I’ve lost my ability to speak without gasping because I have acid in my esophagus and diaphragm. The process of getting referred to a specialist and waiting to get tested for h pylori and other potential gastric issues has been a frustratingly long one. In my desperation, I am trying to self treat and heal so I can get back to work so I decided to try this product and am glad I did.
I am not healed yet and still can’t speak without gasping for breath, but after having taken this for 4 days, the intense burning pain and nausea are so much better, as is the reflux. I still have reflux because my doctor told me I have to stop taking antacids until the h. pylori test, but it’s not as severe and I find this to be very soothing to my stomach. I also feel better knowing if I DO have h pylori that at least I’m doing something to tamp it down (taking mastic gum) while I wait for proper antibiotics rather than just letting it fester for weeks and get worse.
M. –
I really had high hopes for this product. I have had chronic stomach pain for a year which my GI doc thinks is either an ulcer or gastritis. I gave this a try. I cant say whether or not it would help the stomach, because I could only tolerate it for 7 days before the bloating and abdominal cramping became too much to bear. I am not sure if it was all of the stevia, but my guts were not happy. It did not worsen the pain in my stomach (below my sternum) but it did give me horrible bloating in my lower guts.
Amazon Customer –
I’ve been suffering stomach issues since my late teens, acid reflux, bloating l, gastritis, walls in my tummy are very sensitive, I had my last endoscopy 5 years ago with gastritis and cronic stomach inflammation, I’m constantly stressed and sometimes due to my job I don’t eat at the right time and all these culminates affecting and making my problem even worse. I ordered other products on line but all failed to deliver the results Advertised or promised, this one did not have many reviews but I decided to give it a try and I’m glad I did it seems to be working very well I can feel improvement within the first week burning sensation is gone and no more acid reflux. This is my second order so I truely hope it keeps improving my healing process.