Descrição do Produto: Digestive Multi Enzyme Ultra Blend Support
O Digestive Multi Enzyme Ultra Blend Support é um suplemento inovador, projetado para proporcionar um suporte digestivo eficaz, especialmente para aqueles que consomem glúten. Com uma fórmula avançada que combina 13 enzimas benéficas, este produto auxilia o corpo na quebra de glúten e outros nutrientes difíceis de digerir, promovendo uma saúde intestinal ideal e um bem-estar geral. Cada cápsula é uma poderosa aliada na digestão de proteínas, carboidratos, frutas, vegetais, feijões, laticínios e gorduras, tornando-o adequado para todos os tipos de dietas.
A fórmula é especialmente desenvolvida para facilitar a digestão do glúten, evitando desconfortos como gases e inchaço. Ao permitir que você desfrute de momentos especiais, seja em um jantar fora ou em uma celebração, sem a preocupação com o glúten oculto, este suplemento se torna um verdadeiro companheiro na sua rotina alimentar. Além disso, a mistura de enzimas lácteas contidas no produto apoia a digestão de laticínios, açúcares e lactose, proporcionando alívio de desconfortos ocasionais.
Outro grande benefício do Digestive Multi Enzyme Ultra Blend Support é a promoção da absorção de nutrientes essenciais. Quando o glúten é adequadamente quebrado, o corpo consegue absorver melhor as vitaminas e nutrientes presentes nos alimentos, contribuindo para uma saúde mais robusta. A fórmula é amigável, sendo livre de OGM, vegana e isenta de laticínios, nozes, glúten, trigo, soja, açúcar, adoçantes artificiais e sabores artificiais. Cada frasco contém 60 porções, garantindo um suprimento de dois meses.
– Suporte à Digestão do Glúten: Ajuda a quebrar o glúten antes que ele cause desconforto, promovendo uma digestão mais suave.
– Aproveite Momentos Sem Glúten: Permite que você desfrute de refeições e celebrações sem preocupações com o glúten oculto.
– Promoção da Absorção de Nutrientes: Melhora a absorção de vitaminas e nutrientes essenciais, contribuindo para uma saúde geral.
– Fórmula Amigável: Produto vegano e livre de alérgenos comuns, ideal para diversas dietas.
– Fácil de Usar: Com apenas uma cápsula por dia, é uma solução prática para o suporte digestivo.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que adultos tomem uma cápsula (1) diariamente, preferencialmente durante uma refeição. Armazene o produto em um local fresco e seco. Para crianças com 12 anos ou menos, é aconselhável consultar um médico antes do uso. Com essa rotina simples, você pode otimizar sua saúde digestiva e aproveitar ao máximo cada refeição.
Matt Fab –
I like taking these before my meals, especially with gluten. They have enzymes for digesting all of the difficult things. I notice that my stomach does much better if i take these first.
I’m not gluten sensitive , but my wife is, and she does take these before eating gluten. It’s not a cure, but it is helpful. I really enjoy having these at the table.
Nick E –
Gluten and Lactose Blocker: $34.72 at the time of review
As someone was close family members that have gluten intolerance and lactose intolerance, the idea of an enzyme supplement that could help tame either one is tantalizing. One of my family members actually has celiac and we’re not willing to risk something like this with them. However, another one just seems to get discomfort from gluten in their food. And yet another one is lactose intolerant. So, we decided to try these to see how it would impact their digestion.
*What I liked*:
The best part about these capsules is that they are easy to take. Just like any other pill, take it with water. There’s no bad taste or after taste.
They do appear to include a good variety of enzymes. I’m not knowledgeable enough to understand how those enzymes interact with gluten and or lactose. So I’m not authoritative enough to say whether they work or not.
*What I didn’t like*:
The jury seems to be inconclusive here. As mentioned above, we didn’t give these to the person with celiac, but we did try them with the other two. The person with discomfort from gluten digestion ate some fresh bread with dinner. They said they felt a little bit better, But that’s kind of subjective. The person with lactose intolerance still had issues. This is not a replacement for Lactaid, for them at least.
*The Bottom Line:*
This is an interesting supplement. Normally I’m pretty skeptical about dietary supplements that haven’t been cleared by the FDA to treat or address the thing that they claim to. However, I really wanted these to work. My family members tend to be miserable when they eat gluten or lactose so they have to avoid them. Of course, there’s a lot of delicious food made with those things. We’re going to continue to try these in future meals so the jury is still out. For the time being, I’m going to give this a provisional four stars out of five based on the potential family member indicated. I’m not sure whether I’d order them over again, but if we get some more conclusive results I’ll update this review.
Stebe –
I got these excited because there’s Celiac’s in my family, but when it arrived I started looking at the ingredients more closely.
Oh, lots of them, certainly sound sciencey…
But when I looked up the science it turns out there’s only a few types of enzymes around that have ANY research backing them to help with gluten intolerance or Celiac’s (and tbh the science isn’t even robust for those either), and NONE of them were in this mix.
I’m rating it 2 stars because we haven’t actually tried it out for awhile anyway. I will adjust the rating once we do.
Sharon S. –
working well so far. unable to “test” the contents and effectiveness, but I do notice a difference in the amount of discomfort i was getting often. happy to have found this item
Sunny Latrobe –
I ordered this MB One Pharma Digestive Multi Enzyme Ultra Blend because I was curious if this is actually a product that would help me with digestion. Some times I have difficulty with certain gluten containing items. It’s not a full blown allergy, but an intolerence that flares up at times, especially when there are a lot of preservatives or added sugars in the item. I got serious stomach upset a couple of times since I’ve owned this and taken the blocker after I ate- it worked well for me! Within twenty minutes I didn’t feel as bloated and uncomfortable. I have had a really good experience with this product and recommend it.
Dana Marcel McKee NOLA504NERDS –
I got this for my husband and he’s very happy with it thus far. He takes it in the morning with his breakfast. No bad taste or after taste. Easy to swallow. So far it seems to be working great.
Dianne L. –
This is a very niche item, I’ve been taking it and feel better since I started. I feel some ill effects with my diet sometimes and look for ways to help my system out. I was a little skeptical at first with this product, but after using for weeks I feel it’s valuable to me and I feel better with it compared to without it. It’s not the cheapest thing out there, but it’s a good value for those who can use it. I will continue to take. The quality and ingredients are top, tasteless and odorless.
Born to Shop –
These may work as a digestive enzyme, but they didn’t really help with the gluten aspect for me. I feel like they work just like any other digestive enzyme I have used which tend to not help if I eat gluten, my gluten issues only get better if I avoid gluten, this didn’t help.