Descrição do Produto: GlutnGo com Tolerase G 100mg
O GlutnGo é um suplemento de digestão projetado especificamente para aqueles que enfrentam a intolerância ao glúten. Com uma fórmula clinicamente comprovada, cada frasco contém 90 cápsulas que oferecem uma solução eficaz e segura para a digestão do glúten. O destaque deste produto é a presença da Tolerase G, uma enzima que degrada os epítopos do glúten de maneira mais eficiente do que outras enzimas disponíveis no mercado.
- Superioridade Clínica no Suplemento de Digestão do Glúten: Um frasco de 90 cápsulas do GlutnGo da Bricker Labs com Tolerase G 100 mg degrada epítopos de glúten de forma mais eficiente do que outros suplementos enzimáticos.
- Ajuda na Digestão do Glúten: A Tolerase G é uma enzima projetada para ter atividade ideal nas condições adversas do estômago; é a primeira e única enzima em suplementos de enzimas digestivas que se mostrou eficaz em vários estudos humanos.
- Inativa Glúten Oculto em Dietas Sem Glúten: Contém a poderosa enzima AN-PEP, um ingrediente que quebra o glúten residual, promovendo a saúde digestiva.
- Enzimas Rápidas, Seguras e Eficazes para Digestão: Para melhor eficácia, recomenda-se tomar de 1 a 2 cápsulas do suplemento de enzimas digestivas GlutnGo no início de uma refeição que pode conter glúten.
- Suporte Digestivo Vegano, Não-OGM e Sem Glúten: Suplementos de digestão em cápsulas convenientes e fáceis de tomar para alívio do glúten.
1. Eficácia Comprovada: Estudos clínicos demonstram que a Tolerase G é superior na digestão do glúten, proporcionando alívio rápido e eficaz.
2. Saúde Digestiva Aprimorada: A presença da AN-PEP ajuda a eliminar o glúten residual, promovendo um sistema digestivo mais saudável.
3. Fácil de Usar: As cápsulas são práticas e podem ser facilmente integradas à rotina alimentar, tornando o uso simples e conveniente.
4. Segurança e Confiabilidade: O GlutnGo é formulado com ingredientes veganos e não-OGM, garantindo um produto seguro para todos os consumidores.
5. Versatilidade na Alimentação: Ideal para quem segue uma dieta sem glúten, mas ainda deseja desfrutar de refeições que possam conter traços de glúten.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 cápsulas de GlutnGo no início de cada refeição que possa conter glúten. As cápsulas devem ser consumidas com um copo de água, facilitando a dissolução e a absorção das enzimas no trato digestivo. É importante seguir as orientações de uso para maximizar a eficácia do produto e garantir uma digestão saudável e confortável.
Becca –
I have an extreme non-celiac gluten sensitivity where I end up with swollen joints, (face & lips even, just severe inflammation) stomach issues, then eventually within a few days blisters between my fingers that look like I stuck my hands in acid & take about 2 months to completely heal…..
Needless to say, I almost never eat out, unless I know it is somewhere that takes extreme precaution, example not cooking fries in oil that breaded stuff is also fried… I was going on a work trip for 6 days where we would stay in a resort, eat at the buffet most meals, every breakfast & lunch, & then half of the nights have dinner there or out in another restraunt on the property… I was mortified thinking if I should plan to fast the whole time, drink juices, or what… I did NOT want to be miserable. I have tried another similar supplement (gluten cutter or something) & had no results…
I used this religiously each time I ate, every single meal (2 capsules even though I believe it says take 1) though I was extra careful to not have contamination (not using condiments that may have been contaminated like the butter near the bread station or eating anything in an unknown sauce/seasoning, not taking pickles off the bar next to hotdogs/hamburgers but only from the salad bar) & did NOT have any type of reaction the WHOLE time, I’m saying it did its job because theres NO way I didn’t get even a trace of gluten the whole time.
I actually have tried it a couple times since being back from vacation as well, even somewhere twice that I questioned the cross contamination on french fries & another fast food place I order burgers “protein style” that I always had reactions to because I’m positive they wrap the lettuce around burgers with the same gloves used to assemble burgers with buns. Used this each time – NO reaction!!!
Life saver! I am definitely convinced it works. Will be purchasing again, I keep it in my diaper bag so I always have it incase I end up eating out.
Rebecca sattler –
Completely didn’t work. Would get a refund if I could. Think they were faulty.
Kindle Customer –
I took 2 of these and had no tummy ache after eating. However, I still had diarrhea for two days after. So, far no headaches. The pills were easy to swallow and had no after taste. Took them half an hour before eating a meal with wheat flour.
Grace du Ciel –
I am gluten intolerant, not celiac. This product works very well for times when I encounter gluten unexpectedly (dining out or at friends/relatives). I do not experience any digestive upset, migraines or seasonal allergies even when indulging in a few old favorite foods containing gluten. I overdid it and ate a couple of sandwiches, etc., during a one-week experiment to see if GlutnGo would allow me to eat gluten freely again. While I did not have the usual discomforts, I still cannot tolerate wheat as a normal food. After the “experiment,” my fingers began to ache from osteoarthritis. The pain had been entirely eliminated when I stopped eating gluten-containing foods several years ago. I hadn’t experienced this pain for so long, I didn’t actually realize that wheat/gluten was so involved in (yet another) chronic disease plaguing me. Bottom line: great for once in a great while or when suspected gluten is in restaurant food or eating out, but not a “cure.”
Kindle Customer –
Like how easy it is to use
Cindy Pieronek –
I am Celiac so eating out is always a crap shoot for cross contamination no matter how careful I am, do my research or 20 questions to the restaurant staff. That’s after determining if a particular restaurant understands Celiac clients and lengthy questions prior to dining. While I am waiting for the clinical trials of certain drug therapies to complete that will sequester gliadin so it’s not even an issue, GlutnGo is working very well for me. it’s been a blessing. I use it in conjunction with another gluten digesting formulation called Gluten Flam. This combination has helped me avoid getting sick while eating out at gluten free friendly restaurants. I have to stress that GlutNGo and Gluten Flam are not to be used by Celiac patients while eating anything with gluten. You must adhere to a strict gluten free diet if you’re Celiac. This is critical and not to be understated. However, this seems to be working for me where other supposed gluten digestive enzymes did nothing and I had side effects from cross contamination. So pack this next time you are travelling or put it in your pocket and take it before you eat at your favorite safe gluten free friendly restaurant. And always do your research before going out! Bon Appetit!
Kimberly –
Works great for me when I’m in a pinch and think I’m consuming something with gluten in it.
valley chick –
I work extremely hard to avoid gluten because it cause tremendous stomach cramps, and the inflammation exacerbates my multiple sclerosis. I always eat one or two of these before a meal at a restaurant in case of accidental exposure to gluten, and that has saved me more than once, when suddenly a waitress came over and said, “Oh, I’m sorry, that dish does actually have gluten in it.” If I’ve eat a lot of gluten, I might still have some mild aching, but the gluten go will make it tolerable, where if I didn’t have it, I’d be writhing in pain. If I’ve consumed only a little gluten, GlutnGo ususally does the trick. This stuff has been a lifesaver! I have many times taken it just after I’ve consumed the gluten, and it still works, as long as the meal hasn’t really digested yet.