Descrição do Produto:
Os Suplementos Ancestrais de Intestinos de Carne Bovina Alimentados com Grama (Tripe) são uma poderosa adição à sua rotina de saúde digestiva. Com 3000mg por porção, este suplemento é formulado para apoiar a saúde do estômago e do intestino, promovendo uma digestão saudável e níveis adequados de ácido estomacal. Baseado na sabedoria tradicional de práticas ancestrais, este suplemento de órgãos bovinos é rico em blocos de construção específicos para o intestino, que favorecem a função intestinal e a saúde digestiva.
Além disso, os benefícios energéticos para a tireoide são notáveis. Com uma rica concentração de vitamina B12 e selênio, esses suplementos de órgãos intestinais podem apoiar a saúde da tireoide, resultando em um aumento da energia e uma sensação geral de bem-estar. A nutrição proveniente de alimentos integrais é uma característica marcante deste produto, que contém diretores bio-moleculares que auxiliam o DNA na construção de tecidos intestinais saudáveis, além de probióticos naturais que sustentam um ambiente intestinal equilibrado. Os suplementos são também uma fonte de proteínas, peptídeos, enzimas e cofatores altamente biodisponíveis.
Produzidos em pequenos lotes nos EUA, sem OGM, enchimentos ou agentes de fluxo, nossos suplementos são obtidos de vacas alimentadas com grama, criadas em pastagens sem hormônios em campos verdes da Nova Zelândia e Austrália. A nossa missão, como fundadores do Movimento de Órgãos Bovinos, é tornar a nutrição vital acessível a todos, repondo o que o mundo moderno deixou de lado.
– Saúde Digestiva Aprimorada: Promove uma digestão saudável e alivia o refluxo ácido.
– Apoio à Tireoide: Contribui para a saúde da tireoide, aumentando a energia e o bem-estar geral.
– Nutrição de Alimentos Integrais: Fornece nutrientes essenciais que ajudam na construção de tecidos intestinais saudáveis.
– Produção Sustentável: Feito com carne bovina alimentada com grama, sem hormônios ou aditivos artificiais.
– Foco na Qualidade: Verificado por terceiros para pureza, garantindo um produto de alta qualidade.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição, para maximizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada ao longo do dia e, se necessário, consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver tomando medicamentos.
Wilhelm –
I bought this product in order to eliminate horrendous histamine problems I’m having for the past 5 years with hives, headaches, rushes and sleepless nights. It’s only been a week so I haven’t noticed the difference in my histamine issue however I have noticed my hair is not falling out as intensely as before ( it was a big issue) and I sleep deeply and definitely have more energy. I take 1, 3 times a day and I keep it in the freezer. Those who have histamine issues probably should. Now I need to get kidney supplements to increase my dao for regulating histamine. So I’m definitely sticking with this brand!
Victoria W –
No problem
John H –
I’ve been strictly on an animal-based diet for over 2.5 years now and have been overjoyed to heal numerous health issues and restore my youthful glow. However, I was still struggling with a few unresolved issues. This is why I gave Ancestral Supplements a shot.
I reached out to the company with questions about where to start. Brian was prompt, thorough, generous, and genuine in his response. I’ve not experienced this level of customer care from a company in a long time. Thank you for the caring authenticity.
About a week into taking Bone Marrow, Organs, and Gallbladder I felt happy mood surges throughout the day, strong, stable energy, a feeling that my brain function was “crisp and online” immediately upon waking, waking before my alarm, deeper sleep, and more vivid dreams with an ability to recall them. Some days I experienced slight detox symptoms (headache, tight muscles, low mood, etc.) but they quickly cleared by the following day.
Next, I added Collagen, Pancreas, and Thyroid. I’ve since noticed effortless digestion and an improvement in my body temperature regulation. I used to turn ice cold after eating or drinking my morning coffee and noticed that this reaction is greatly decreased.
My hair, which was falling at an alarming rate, dry, brittle, thinning, and slow to grow is looking shiny, vibrant, soft and full of body. My stylist commented completely unprompted that I have a noticeable amount of new growth and proceeded to show me the proof – she was surprised by this. Funnily, my stylists told me that I needed to take Biotin pills to improve my hair. I tried them but they never worked.
A strange sort of rash down both of my legs which had been frustratingly impossible to manage for a couple of years and was leaving scars has now disappeared only a few weeks into taking these organs.
I noticed today that the last twinges of knee pain have faded away. I found myself sprinting down my staircase when I normally go carefully because even after 2+ years on carnivore I still had a bit of pain.
I am 100% positive that everything I am noticing is due to the addition of these organs because I’ve changed nothing else in my lifestyle prior.
I typically avoided taking pills/supplements because as they would digest in my system I would taste the ickiness of the pill contents. Not only do these organs digest effortlessly, but there hasn’t been an unpleasant aftertaste. After swallowing them (either with a fatty coffee or food), I sort of forget that I took them until I feel that now familiar surge in my mood/energy/sense of wellbeing.
As a final thought, I have tried many supplements, diets, medications, and products over the course of my life and never felt different in a long-term sustainable, healthy way – no matter the claimed quality or high price tag paid. Meds came with side effects and questionable chemicals while supplements were not effective and, therefore, a waste of money. I giggle now because I once took iron supplements as advised by my doctor specifically to increase my iron status then was subsequently denied the opportunity to give blood because my iron was too low. Oh the irony!
I’ve also given many other lifestyle changes a try desperate to fix various health problems. After falling for the claims of health improvements to be experienced with increasing my plant intake, I eagerly tried juicing (esp. green juices), superfood smoothies, the vegan diet, the vegetarian diet, daily massive salads, etc. My health deteriorated further as I ingested more plants. Nothing restored my physical and mental health back to prime except for A) a whole foods animal-based diet (carnivore/zero carb), and B) adding these organs from Ancestral Supplements – my body doesn’t lie – end of story. I feel truly grateful to be where I am and at my current level of health and only wish I could have uncovered these answers years ago and saved myself a ton of pain and heartache:-)
About the price and comments that these are expensive, I choose to see it this way for myself: A) I am saving myself long term health issues and future medical bills, and B) these are the only supplements I’ve ever used that actually bring swift and powerful results C) I feel amazing and my body loves the nutrition. I’ve wasted hundreds of dollars on expensive, useless pills from both well-meaning conventional doctors and functional medicine practitioners. I am so happy for the privilege to purchase these little beauties. Note: This review will be found on multiple Ancestral Supplement pages as I threw myself into ordering many different organs at once. I’ve since added Colostrum, Adrenal, and Brain
UPDATE: 2/2021: I feel more limber now despite quitting my 3-session-per-week yoga practice over 2 years ago. My muscles stay comfortable and relaxed as long as I take these supplements even in times of stress. My slow digestion and indigestion have both cleared up massively – such a relief! My mood has improved as I recently noticed that I am not as affected by cloudy, dreary, or rainy (sunless) weather – though I will always appreciate a healthy dose of sunshine!
Julian Blanes –
Absolutely brilliant, worth the price.
John H –
I came across Ancestral Supplements by accident.I ended up reading tons of reviews on how these supplements are helping people just like me.I’m three weeks into taking max dosages of each of the three I purchased and feeling much better.I had questions so I emailed Mr. Brian Johnson and to my surprise he got right back to me with a wealth of information,kindness,and generosity.Below is my email correspondence with Brian,I hope it may help someone else and also give some insight about the owner and the pride he takes in his company.
Dear Brian and company,I just wanted to take a minute to tell you that I am a believer.I came across your supplements by accident and then spent some hours reading reviews on Amazon about the miracles that people are having because of your products.
I have spent hard earned money on supplements in the past without much result and have also used Moringa and Diatomaceous earth with some results.
I decided to take the leap of faith and ordered the Beef Organs.Just 3 days in at max dosage I began to feel quite a bit better.So much so that I thought I may be having a placebo effect. I have been taking the Beef Organs now for almost three weeks with quite a positive affect on my overall well being.I liked it so much I purchased the Colostrum and the Bone marrow which I am also taking at full dose with no adverse side effects.A bit early to tell but I do feel better.
Let me say I do have quite a few problems and not sure if I’m taking the supplements that I should be taking although I’m sure I would benefit from all of them.
I have pretty severe Psoriasis along with painful Psoriatic arthritis at 53 years of age.I also have some neuropathy in my right arm from smashing my elbow years ago.It can be quite painful at times.I’m overweight but somewhat active and suffer from chronic lower back pain.Brain fog check and short term memory not very good these days and that really bothers me.I could go on and on but that would be whining.
Thankfully I did not become dependent on opioids but I think it could have gone that way had I not given up on them.They just didn’t work after awhile and I didn’t like the fog they put me in.
All that being said I could use a bit of help on which supplements may benefit me most effectively because I’m not a rich man by any means and I need to be frugal about what I do purchase.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this email,I really hope to hear what suggestions you may have.
Thanks again Brian and company. I am a believer!
Hi John!
Thank you for your email and for sharing your story. I commend you for taking control of your health. We have had many customers that have dealt with similar struggles… psoriasis, neuropathy, low back pain, etc. The good news is that many of them do wonderfully with our Ancestral Supplements and even better when adopting an ancestrally aligned lifestyle. Our bodies have this remarkable ability to heal… we just have to create the right environment for it to do so. This is what you’re doing now… you’re creating the right environment. You have every reason to be hopeful.
Have you ever been to our “About Us” page on our website? If not, please have a look. I know… I know… the picture defies modesty, but I always say “show ’em, don’t tell ’em,” unless they ask of course. Our “About Us” page is chalked full of Ancestral tenets that support health and healing. I would love for you to start wearing the UVEX glasses and/or trying the cold shower practice… little things (with anthropological and scientific basis) with huge benefit… just look at it!
I would be remiss if I didn’t encourage you to also include our Bovine Tracheal Cartilage into your regimen. Are you familiar with the great Dr. John Prudden and his work with bovine tracheal cartilage? The life’s work of Dr. John F. Prudden showed that bovine tracheal cartilage had unique and powerful effects on wound healing, immune conditions, joint health and other conditions considered to be treatment-resistant to conventional therapies. All of these conditions were immune in nature with the exception of the wound healing studies.
Those treatment-resistant conditions include treatment-resistant cancer, psoriasis, arthritis, scleroderma, and wound healing. I’d encourage you to Google it sometime… his work is peer-reviewed, published in respected journals, and of course, tucked away in favor of non-native ways to treat symptoms (w/ pharma) in contrast to the root cause.
According to Dr. Prudden, “bovine cartilage closely resembles fetal mesenchyme, the primordial tissue from which muscle, bone, tendons, ligaments, skin, fat and bone marrow (the heart of the immune system) all develop.” This is one of the various proposed mechanisms of action… this is indeed a powerful compound… this was before modern day stem cell research. This is very interesting stuff… it’s clinically proven… it’s well published… it’s anecdotally backed and supported. Our BTC is available on Amazon with 2-day delivery here… or better yet, let me buy you a bottle for you to try and see for yourself. Just send me your address.
Please stay in touch, keep me updated… good things are in store. I will always be around if you need anything.
Brian Johnson, Owner
Ancestral Supplements
Thanks so much for the really fast response Brian,I certainly didn’t expect that! Just got done reading “About Us” and it really was a good read! I gotta say you’re built like a freaking brick house!
Thanks also for the recommendations on reading material,I will be looking into Dr. Prudden for sure.
I just ordered the Uvex glasses which will be here Friday. You are very generous in offering me a bottle of your BTC.Normally I don’t accept such offers but I also won’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
My address is:XXXX
Thank you very much Brian,I truly appreciate it and the time you’ve taken to respond to me.
I will stay in touch and let you know my progress.I know it’s going to take some time but I’m excited and believe me,it’s been a long time since I’ve been excited about supplements.
I’m pretty sure you’ve gained a lifetime customer,thanks again. John
Thank you so much for taking me up on the offer and for such kind words, brother. I’m beyond happy to hear that you see value in this whole-food nourishment and our customer service… customer service means everything to me which is why I try my very best to be helpful to each and every customer! I’d like to see more companies return to old fashioned values… where the owners have the experience, knowledge and desire to help their customers. I literally put my whole heart and soul into this company so it means the world to me to receive such positive feedback — thank you so much for sharing.
Reviews are the lifeblood of our brand… they validate value, help to create awareness and add experiential insight to the customer. This would really be a huge deal for us… Either way, thank you for your consideration and I sincerely hope to stay in touch.
P.S. I’ve got a fresh bottle of BTC on the way! Will you please let me know when it arrives?
I’m so impressed with Brian and Ancestral Supplements.I am excited for continued healing.Let me say that I don’t give 5 star reviews lightly and certainly not for anything I may receive. This is just my review based on my experience with the products so far and the excellence of the customer service I have received. I hope this helps someone else as so many of the other reviews have helped me. I’ll be back with an update in a month or two!
UPDATE: (I was not paid or compensated for my honest review)
I finished the Beef organs,Colostrum,Bone marrow,and the BTC and just received my new order 3 days ago. I really appreciate you sending me a free bottle of the BTC and though I only did take it for a month I just wasn’t feeling it. My psoriasis got a bit worse though I’m not attributing that to the product. I don’t have a lot of money but I believe in these products whole heartedly. I could afford 3 bottles so I ended up choosing the trifecta as I did feel benefits from taking the Beef organs and Bone marrow.Adding the beef liver just seemed the right thing to do and now that I’ve been taking that in addition to the organs and marrow I have that feeling of well being again.I can really feel the difference in just three days so your advice on these three is golden.I look forward to trying other things like the brain and others but I will stick with these three for now as I want them monthly and don’t want to miss a day.Thanks so much for these fantastic products Brian,your compassion for what you do really shines above what others are doing and your customer service is pure excellence.
Amazon_Customer –
Es buen producto, estoy todavía observando los efectos , por lo pronto tengo más vitalidad
Barbara Atthachoke –
Since starting on the ancestral journey less than a month ago I’ve noticed some awesome affects; Fat is beginning to melt away – even the old bad fat on the belly and chest I was never able to shift! Eyelashes and eyebrows have started growing again (lost these following radiotherapy over a decade ago), muscles have grown a little bit but the muscle I do have feels better and stronger, my skin feels more alive and silky smooth – all in less than a month!! I’m sure there will be lots more healing going on inside my body and I’m looking forward to getting back to my best and making the most of life! A good friend came for a visit a few weeks ago looking tired and worn out from work and other stresses, like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. I sent him the liver + bone and marrow soon after. He came to see me a few days ago and was looking more like his old self – better colour, strong, positive and vital. What a difference! From now on everyone I meet who needs help will be recommended Ancestral Supplements.
I’ve tried a lot of things over the last few years with varying results but nothing has brought as many undeniable benefits as these supplements. Not even close. I love reading through the reviews and hearing all the heart-warming stories of folks health and well-being improving. Just awesome!
Some companies exist to only make money. This company exists to make people better. Go for it!