Descrição do Produto: Nutricology Delta-Fraction Tocotrienols Dietary Supplement
O suplemento alimentar Nutricology Delta-Fraction Tocotrienols é uma fonte premium de vitamina E, formulado para promover a saúde cardiovascular e oferecer suporte antioxidante. Cada cápsula contém 125 mg de tocotrienóis, uma forma potente de vitamina E que se destaca por suas propriedades benéficas à saúde. Os tocotrienóis são conhecidos por sua capacidade de ajudar a proteger as células do corpo contra os danos causados pelos radicais livres, além de contribuir para a manutenção de níveis saudáveis de colesterol. Este produto é hipoalergênico, tornando-se uma escolha ideal para pessoas com sensibilidades alimentares. As cápsulas moles são fáceis de engolir e garantem uma absorção eficiente dos nutrientes, proporcionando uma experiência de uso prática e eficaz. Com 90 cápsulas por embalagem, o Nutricology Delta-Fraction Tocotrienols é uma solução acessível e conveniente para quem busca melhorar sua saúde cardiovascular e bem-estar geral.
1. Saúde Cardiovascular: Os tocotrienóis ajudam a manter níveis saudáveis de colesterol, promovendo a saúde do coração.
2. Ação Antioxidante: Protegem as células contra os danos dos radicais livres, contribuindo para a longevidade celular.
3. Fórmula Hipoalergênica: Ideal para pessoas com alergias ou sensibilidades alimentares, garantindo segurança no consumo.
4. Fácil Absorção: As cápsulas moles são projetadas para uma absorção rápida e eficiente, maximizando os benefícios dos nutrientes.
5. Suporte Geral à Saúde: Além da saúde cardiovascular, os tocotrienóis podem auxiliar na saúde da pele e no fortalecimento do sistema imunológico.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula mole do Nutricology Delta-Fraction Tocotrienols diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante seguir as orientações do rótulo e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, fora do alcance de crianças.
Tru –
This is probably one of the best tocotrienol products available in the USA today. Derived from annatto as opposed to palm oil (which is also good) It is 90% delta and 10% gamma tocotrienols which studies have shown to be the most effective antioxidant of the tocotrienol family for the human body and isolated in 125 mg extract pills. The only downside might be for vegans as the oil capsule is made of “gelatin” (with glycerin and purified water). But other than that even the 50 mg mixed tocotrienols derived from palm oil, while also good and includes tocopherols, it still doesn’t pack the antioxidant punch that these little capsules do. I only wish they made them in 150mg as that is the daily dosage most studies used
Bo –
I experimented with this after doing a lot of research. I do extensive blood tests with LabCorp every 6-8 weeks to keep track of my lipids and liver function (through comprehensive metabolic panel). I am well aware of mixing tocotrienols and tocopherols and the effects of that. Plus the issues in relation to dosage (higher dosage can reduce effect). I tried both 125 mg/day and 250 mg/day. Did lipid/CMP blood tests at the 4 and 8 week after starting at 125 mg dose and increasing to 250 mg after 4 weeks. No real effect at all on blood lipid except maybe a 5% increase in HDL. No effect on triglycerides or LDL.
What concerns me on here is that people give great reviews without having any metric for whether it actually works! Or say they will follow up, and never do. So bear that in mind when looking at these reviews.
It is entirely possible that it may work for some people. I have read a lot of good things about delta-tocotrienols, but there is a lot of conflicting information about how to use them. You might be better off with straight up niacin and/or pantethine, I get great results from them! Good luck if you decide to try this product!
Sidney Frank Rosen –
I have been taking these for a bit now and I am happy with it. Cannot say it has changed my life, but maybe it has and I just don’t know it, because, really, I can’t look inside me. I make sure not to take it with other forms of vitamin E, and I make sure to eat it with a bit of fat (a tiny wad of coconut oil or with some krill oil). I will keep updating as I progress taking it. The only current chronic issue I have is osteoarthritis (annoying and painful especially when you are young … ish). If it improves, I’ll write about it.
Zatronium –
Unlike most reviewers, I am taking these to compliment D-Ribose, which is a type of sugar. I have severe nerve damage throughout my body and a spine crushed in 3 places. I did many years of studying. Nothing seemed to have any effect.
Three weeks after I started taking D-Ribose I felt a warmth in my extremities like ice cracking after a long winter. It felt weird, but was very welcome since it replaced a complete lack of sensation. Annoyingly though, the effect would radiate around, I would feel sick for a day or two, then the cycle would repeat. So I tapered the D-Ribose. Terrible idea. On the third day of tapering I felt like I’d been punched everywhere all at once. Naturally, I started taking D-Ribose again and the sensation returned. I hypothesized it was due to D-Ribose’s increased oxidation adding to an already high metabolic load. So I searched for a vitamin which reduces oxidation. E-vitamins… But E-vitamins cause prostate cancer in males. Thus I selected Delta Fraction Tocotrienols, touted as the least harmful E-vitamin in several studies.
2 years of 2000mg D-Ribose and 250mg DFTs daily. As of yesterday, I can feel my toes again. The toes were the last extremity to regain feeling. I don’t know if the DFTs were really necessary (this is hardly scientific) but I’ll give it 5 stars anyway.
infrared4ever –
Delta-Fraction Tocotrienols 125 mg est un produit de grande qualité sans ajout de conservateurs
cornel –
Tocotrienole gehören zu einer weniger bekannten Gruppe der E- Vitamine (Tocopherole, Tocotrienole, Tocomonoenole und Tocopherole aus mariner Quelle). Allgemein erhältich sind die Tocopherole und seltener die Tocotrienole.
Mit der westlichen Nahrung werden ca. 1 bis ca. 10 mg Tocotrienole täglich aufgenommen.
Nehme schon seit Jahren ca. 1 Kapsel Tocotrienol 100 bis 125mg ein. Es gibt Tocotrienol aus Palmöl und aus der Anatto Kirsche.
Dieses hier ist aus den Samen der Anattofrucht gewonnen und enthält 90% delta- und 10% beta-tocotrienol und kein Tocopherol (normales Vitamin E). Die Forschung hat gezeigt, das die antioxidative Wirkung von Tocotrienol duch Tocopherol gemindert wird (ist aber noch umstritten).
Deshalb sollte es für maximalen Effekt zeitlich getrennt von anderen Vitamin E-Präparaten möglich mit Fett genommen werden, um eine maximale Adsorption zu erreichen.
Die kleinen Softgel Kapseln aus Gelatine sind gut zu schlucken. Es ist kein Magnesiumstearat enhalten.
Unter anderem halten die Tocotrienole die Adern frei von Ablagerungen. (Bei mir vorher: Blutdruck vorher 135 zu 95 , nach 1 Jahr Einnahme 1xtäglich zum Fühstück mit Fett 115 zu 75). Zahlreiche weitere gesundheitliche Effekte wurden erforscht (bitte im Netz recherchieren)
Sehr teuer, aber sehr empfehlenswert, vor allem ab 45 Jahren.
Zuschlagen, wenn es hier bei Aktionen selten und kurzzeitig unter 50€ angeboten wird.
Dies hier wurde aus der EU sehr schnell versandt, somit ist kein Zoll angefallen. Bei Bestellung aus den USA: Versand und 19% Einfuhrumsatzsteuer kommen dazu.
ted tokumine –
This allows me to take a higher dose of tocotrienol and within a week of taking it has improved my ambulation with decreased hip pain I can’t believe it thank you ..
J. Calhoun –
The evidence indicates that this portion of vitamin E is probably the most important part. It is also that which most Americans get almost none of in their diet. Note that you must take this separately from regular vitamin E, which you also need. Vitamin E is not very effective without both parts in your diet. This is about the least expensive capsule available. Extra tiny capsules. Of course, you could get the oil and make your own. . .
M. Hinton –
I took this for about 9 months. When I was taking 50 mg it seems to have no effect. When I switched to this I also took Suprabio 60 mg until my next test. The combination appeared to cause ~15% drop in LDL cholesterol. I stopped taking Suprabio and just took Delta-Fraction for the next 6 months. I changed my statin in the mean time, but the new one should have had the same lower effect as the old one.
The tocotrienol benefit seemed to disappear. Could have been a fluke, but to me there are 5 possibilities.
1.) My new statin is worse than my old statin in lowering my cholesterol. (possible)
2.) Something in my diet changed enough to increase my LDL 16 points in 6 months. (doubtful)
3.) Tocotrienols are bunk for cholesterol lowering. (doubtful)
4.) Taking both Delta (125mg) and Tocomin (60mg) caused a large effect that taking only Delta did not. (possible)
5.) Only Tocomin was doing anything to lower my cholesterol. (possible)
It’ll probably take a year or more for me to determine the truth, but in the meantime I’ve stopped tocotrienol supplementation because it’s expensive and the results uncurtain. I’ll probably try them again in the future.
Kitty –
Awesome to manage cholesterol. I went from 250 to under 200 in 6 months (while also eating healthy, I confess… but still it beats taking meds under the same circumstances)