O SeaSource™ Collagen Pure HYDROLYZED Fish Collagen Dietary Supplement Powder é um suplemento alimentar de colágeno hidrolisado, elaborado a partir das peles de bacalhau selvagem, capturado em águas limpas e frias do Canadá. Este produto inovador é uma fonte rica de colágeno, uma proteína essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na manutenção da saúde da pele, articulações, unhas e cabelos. O colágeno hidrolisado é facilmente absorvido pelo organismo, garantindo que os nutrientes sejam rapidamente disponibilizados para promover benefícios significativos.
- Ajuda a reduzir rugas.
- Ajuda a promover a hidratação e elasticidade da pele.
- Ajuda a promover articulações mais saudáveis.
- Ajuda a promover unhas mais fortes.
- Ajuda a promover cabelos mais saudáveis.
O SeaSource™ Collagen Pure oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar a sua rotina de cuidados pessoais. Entre os principais destaques, podemos mencionar:
1. Redução visível de rugas e linhas de expressão, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem.
2. Aumento da hidratação e elasticidade da pele, resultando em um tom mais radiante e saudável.
3. Melhora na saúde das articulações, contribuindo para maior mobilidade e conforto nas atividades diárias.
4. Fortalecimento das unhas, evitando quebras e descamações, ideal para quem busca unhas mais bonitas.
5. Estímulo ao crescimento e fortalecimento dos cabelos, promovendo fios mais saudáveis e com brilho.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o SeaSource™ Collagen Pure, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) do pó diariamente. O colágeno pode ser facilmente misturado em água, sucos, smoothies ou até mesmo em receitas de alimentos quentes, como sopas e mingaus. É importante garantir que o pó esteja bem dissolvido para maximizar a absorção dos nutrientes. Para resultados otimizados, recomenda-se o uso contínuo por pelo menos 8 semanas, permitindo que o corpo se beneficie plenamente das propriedades do colágeno hidrolisado.
Dedicated Mom –
Sarah Kairey –
Purchased Sea Souce around March 15, 2018 and within a few days I noticed a positive difference in the pain in my knee. The pain and stiffness was totally gone by the end of the first week. Told my husband about how this worked and now he is a believer too. We desolve it in our morning coffee and there is no unusual taste. We highly recommend this product.
T. –
I can’t particularly speak for the collagen as I don’t use it by itself. It mixes with hot soups and stews and you don’t taste it at all.
It clumps a little bit when mixing with cold protein shakes (sometimes there is a small bit stuck on the side of my blender). The taste in my shakes is mild but familiar, as most of the crazy overhyped protein powders already have collagen in them. But generally due to my shake recipes I barely taste a thing(seriously).
I have noticed more clarity in my skin and nails, but as I supplement with much more than just collagen I cannot attribute my results directly to it. I do however feel like it’s a great addition to any nutrition program, I’m on my second batch from SeaSource and I consume it daily.
Van the Man –
According to Amazon, I’ve purchased 17 of these over the last two years. The last two containers smelled like some sort of solvent. I couldn’t use them, and Amazon doesn’t allow returns. I emailed the company a month ago, haven’t heard back from them.
JQ Pip –
its a great product, felt skin more soft and moisturized after 3 weeks of use…the taste and smell is just normal its a fish collagen so oppose to others who whine on taste and smell its not a big deal..and solubility is good just bit of patience, just annoyed by other review about solubility issue when you come to think its not a milk or cream powder its collagen totally different composition.
Observations –
Mixes quick, tiny taste of pleasant roasted flavor, but not a fish taste. Makes me more flexible , my skin is softer & smoother (works even better & quicker when taken w/the Solgar Gentle Iron 25mg supplement ships from Amazon!) Been taking the Sea Source Collagen for over 2 years. Glad it’s now even more convenient through Amazon & savings through Subscriber & Save. Great Product, very healthy & KOSHER!!!
Amazon Customer –
My mom, sister in law and I all bought this collagen, we all had the same problem, we couldn’t open the darn plastic jar!! we enlisted the help of many strong men and the jar was sealed so tight. I’m an athlete and I actually hurt my wrist trying! This company must use machines to close these jars because there is no way humans shut them this tight. The only way we were successful in opening the plastic jar was to RUN IT UNDER HOT WATER.
Once opened, phew! we tried to mix it into hot coffee and tea and this product did not mix well! It clumped up so bad, we had to use the spoon to smear it on the side of the mug to get the clumps dissolved. I think the collagen works well for the body but not worth a sprained wrist or the time it takes to get it to dissolve, one clump at a time.
I’ll be looking for another marine collagen brand and will report back.
T. –
I blend this product with my protein shake/smoothie every morning after gym workouts. I’m Southeast Asian and consume a good amount of natural fish collagen so I only take half of the daily dosage. This helps stretch my supply over a longer period, therefore saving me some $. After 1 month of using this product I must admit that my nails are healthier and my skin looks even more radiant than before. My hair looks great to begin but I’m noticing it growing thicker. I’m nearing 40 and look like I’m 22 so I would like to look in my 20’s for more years to come! It may not work miracles for people, but it can’t hurt right?