O Carbonato de Cálcio em Pó da Pure Original Ingredients é um suplemento dietético de alta qualidade, composto por um único ingrediente, garantindo uma fórmula pura e sem diluições. Este produto é uma fonte natural de cálcio elementar, essencial para diversas funções do organismo, como a manutenção da saúde óssea e dental. Além de ser um suplemento, o Carbonato de Cálcio possui uma ampla gama de aplicações práticas, sendo utilizado na produção de vinhos, na fabricação de cervejas, na agricultura, na formulação de cremes dentais, na produção de giz e muito mais. A Pure Original Ingredients se compromete a oferecer um produto sempre puro, sem aditivos ou enchimentos, assegurando que você receba apenas o que há de melhor. O Carbonato de Cálcio é embalado com cuidado em Utah, EUA, garantindo a qualidade e a integridade do produto.
– Suplemento Puro: Composto apenas por Carbonato de Cálcio, sem aditivos, garantindo a pureza do produto.
– Fonte Natural de Cálcio: Contribui para a saúde óssea e dental, essencial para o bem-estar geral.
– Versatilidade de Uso: Ideal para diversas aplicações, desde a culinária até a agricultura, atendendo a diferentes necessidades.
– Sem Aditivos ou Enchimentos: A qualidade do produto é mantida, proporcionando segurança e eficácia.
– Embalagem Cuidadosa: Produzido e embalado nos EUA, assegurando padrões elevados de qualidade.
O Carbonato de Cálcio em Pó pode ser utilizado de diversas maneiras, dependendo da sua necessidade. Para uso como suplemento dietético, recomenda-se a adição de uma colher de chá (aproximadamente 5 gramas) em água ou suco, uma vez ao dia, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. Para aplicações na culinária, como conservante ou neutralizador de acidez, adicione a quantidade desejada à receita, garantindo que a mistura esteja bem incorporada. Na agricultura, pode ser utilizado como corretor de pH do solo, aplicando-o diretamente na terra ou diluindo em água para irrigação. É importante seguir as orientações específicas para cada aplicação, garantindo assim a eficácia e segurança do uso do produto.
R.U. Reddy –
I really can’t comment on things like flavor (there isn’t any), absorbency (I don’t swallow it) or value (I’ve no point of comparison), but it works great for making my own toothpaste. I mix it with equal parts of baking soda, use organic coconut oil for the base, add xylitol for sweetness and a bit of peppermint oil for flavor. My teeth feel clean brushing with this; I like that I know what I’m brushing them with; and it’s WAY cheaper and greener than buying toothpaste.
Kela –
I have been using this brand for my tooth powder for about 5 years now. I have had no issues with the order or product. I mix essential oils into my tooth powder and it mixes very well! There is no taste in my opinion after mixing and the powder is of great quality. Get you some!
* Mixes easily.
* Works great as a flocculant. It definitely removes a lot of suspended particles in the water and will help deliver extra clear water for those with such an issue. Removing the suspended particles (proteins/foods) also means that water is cleaner from a nutrient perspective.
* I hate the bag container. Hard to scoop out stuff without making a mess or using a funnel, but not a deal breaker. Good value.
I recommend the use of this as a flocculant for saltwater aquariums. It is hard to overdose.
Here are excerpt instructions from a thread on water clarity and cyanobacteria treatment in a saltwater aquarium on a popular reefing site (I don’t know if I can include links in reviews):
Select a clean container, one that is resealable and able to be shaken. I use an old creatine bottle.(Yes, I am on the GAIN TRAIN)
For 500ML of solution, add 10 level tablespoons of powder to roughly 425-450ML of RO/DI water.
Shake the bottle up, and let it sit for two hours. After which, it will be ready to use.
Now, I don’t believe that you can overdose with this product, but a good recommended dose is 5ml per 50gl of aquarium volume.
Be sure to shake up the bottle prior to each use as the powder can settle.
The best time to add the solution to you aquarium is after conducting maintenance such as blowing off the rocks, cleaning the glass, siphoning the sand or conducting a water change. Ideally, you should be doing all of the aforementioned maintenance items during a water change, but that discussion is for another time.
Cheryl L Muno –
I’ve been using this in the recipe of a tooth powder for brushing our teeth. It’s been working really well! Usually, during dental cleanings we are told we have staining that they work to remove, but since I stopped using OTC toothpaste and making our own, our hygienist isn’t struggling with staining. Go figure. This product has a super fine powder consistency that works well for my application. Big thumbs up!
James Valentine –
pours easily – metal free –
Melinda –
It was a fine powder that i didn’t to grind for what I needed it for.
C. Novak –
Why why WHY do all TUMS products have a buttload of sugar in them??? I almost always experience my heartburn at night, after I have brushed my teeth. Who the heck wants to have to brush your teeth again just because you had to chew up 4 sugar filled TUMS? It’s so stupid! Some TUMS chews might as well be CANDY they’re so sweet. Is this the point we’ve reached as a society? That people hate chalky tastes so much that heartburn chews have to taste like Laffy Taffy???
I’m off TUMS for good! No more late night sugar. No more artificial flavors and colors.
Now I just take a rounded teaspoon of this calcium powder and stir it into a small glass of water. It dissolves instantly and has almost no taste. It’s a bit gritty, but still – NO sugar, NO artificial flavors or colors!
Ten minutes later, I burp a few times and my heartburn is taken care of, completely NATURALLY. No worries about tooth decay, no need to brush my teeth again at 2am.
Charles L. –
I use this to make my coffee “cowboy style”. Use this instead of egg shells to settle grounds and reduce acidity of coffee.