Descrição do Produto: DHT Block – Suplemento Bloqueador de DHT para Pele, Acne, PCOS, Cabelo e Equilíbrio Hormonal
O DHT Block é um suplemento inovador que combina ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade para promover o equilíbrio hormonal e a saúde da pele e do cabelo. Com uma fórmula avançada que inclui beta-sitosterol e uma rica mistura de vegetais crucíferos, este produto é projetado para controlar a atividade do DHT e dos andrógenos, resultando em uma pele mais clara e vibrante.
- Controle de DHT: Mergulhe no reino do equilíbrio com nossa fórmula de ponta que reduz significativamente a atividade do DHT e dos andrógenos, abrindo caminho para uma pele mais saudável.
- Saúde Aprimorada: Nossa mistura única é projetada para mudar naturalmente a produção defensiva do corpo, ajudando a eliminar obstáculos associados à queda de cabelo e desafios de vitalidade.
- Defesa Natural: Aproveite o poder da natureza com nosso suplemento que auxilia as defesas naturais do corpo contra ameaças externas, garantindo que os processos vitais sejam mais eficientes.
- Absorção de Nutrientes: Comprometemo-nos com a saúde integral do corpo, utilizando extratos concentrados de alimentos crus, que equivalem à ingestão nutricional de vários quilos de vegetais crus diariamente.
- Bem-Estar Revitalizado: Descubra os poderes regenerativos do astrágalo e da cúrcuma em nossa formulação, ingredientes meticulosamente selecionados por suas propriedades restauradoras que contribuem para a integridade da saúde e do DNA.
Benefícios Destacados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Melhora na Saúde da Pele: Reduz a acne e promove uma aparência mais clara e saudável.
2. Fortalecimento do Cabelo: Ajuda a combater a queda de cabelo, promovendo fios mais fortes e saudáveis.
3. Equilíbrio Hormonal: Contribui para a regulação hormonal, especialmente em casos de PCOS.
4. Aumento da Vitalidade: Melhora a energia e o bem-estar geral, combatendo a fadiga.
5. Apoio à Saúde Genética: Protege a integridade do DNA, promovendo uma saúde duradoura.
Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas veganas do DHT Block diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e potencializa os efeitos benéficos do suplemento. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para observar melhorias significativas na saúde da pele, cabelo e equilíbrio hormonal.
Michelle –
I e been using this supplement daily along with the triple strength estoblock from the same company. I’ve struggled with hormonal acne sense my teens. A lot of cystic acne appears around jaw and chin area approximately a week before my period starts. I’ve tried every topical solution on the market even prescription retin-A and dapsone. This combo works so good. About two weeks before my period the texture of my skin would visually change, but with this the texture of my skin has remained consistent and my cystic acne around jaw and chin has stopped. Literally stopped. I feel more even too. My mood feels more regulated and I feel less agitated during PMS time. I’m blown away. Both my emotional and physical symptoms seem easier to manage. I’m just floored by the effect this has had on my body. And I wasn’t expecting this to work either… I was really just thinking I guess I’ll give it a try, like everything else… but it works. For me it is worth the $100 a month for this pill combo. Very pleased.
Michelle –
This product paired with the DHT Block absolutely altered my life for the better. I have struggled with severe hormonal acne for over ten years since I was in high school. Three years ago I went to a dermatologist who told me for the first time that I had hormonal acne and rosacea. She suggested Spirnolactone as a safe way to balance the hormones in my body. I have always been incredibly health conscious, am hyper intentional with what I put into my body, am driven by a holistic approach for everything in my life including medicine and prefer a functional approach. Because of this I had put off going to a dermatologist for years after having a horrible experience my first time. I decided to trust my dermatologist for a second time out of pure desperation. She told me that Spironolactone was safe, effective, and had very minimal side effects, if any. So I started to take the prescription and my acne literally melted away. But as my acne started to disappear so did my hair. There was nothing in my life that I had changed. I went back and she told me it was impossible, but I found forums online of desperate women searching for answers after losing their hair after taking what they labeled a “devil drug”. I asked my boyfriends father who had his own medical practice if it was possible and he shared that one in ten women experience hair loss even though the drug is also used as medication to help with hair thinning. I decided to ween myself off of it knowing my acne would come back full force but I desperately wanted to find the holistic alternative for exactly what Spirnolactone was doing inside of my body in order to imitate it but simply without side effects. After deep diving I found this product. On Amazon. Something I still cannot believe. A holistic product that has kept my acne away for years now and has also allowed my hair to slowly grow back. Even in the slew of supplements I take for my health everyday THIS is the one I cannot and will not go without. It it worth everything to me – my confidence.
R1mahem –
UPDATE: the photo on the left is from March. On the right is 2 weeks ago. I started taking these at the beginning of May. #PROGRESS I haven’t been officially diagnosed with PCOS but my hair loss, irregular periods, facial hair and uncontrollable cystic acne are enough to have me convinced. I’ve been suffering mainly from hormonal, deep cystic acne since last summer right after I turned 21. Antibiotics helped for a couple months, but the acne came right back full force in January and I’ve tried just about every topical treatment you could think of with no relief. I realized that the source of my acne was something internal that I needed to get under control. I did some research on hormones and acne and discovered DHT and the negative effects it can have on your body. I figured that if this was the cause of my acne, then there must be something out there to “balance” or “Block” this hormone from creating problems. Prescription drugs like spironolactone were not an option for me-but I’m happy to say I’ve found natural relief with this product. I’ve only been taking this for about a month, and can really tell a difference in my skin. My face feels so much smoother, I’ve notice reduced oil, and reduced size of pimples. My skin isn’t completely clear, there is still a lot of acne scarring as well, but has improved so much in such a short amount of time. I’m excited to see where long-term use of this product will take me. I currently take 2 capsules in the morning along with a Women’s Multi-Vitamin 🙂 next time I review I’d like to post before and after pictures ! Also to anyone who is suffering from severe acne, don’t give up. It’s a struggle finding something that works for you, but if you haven’t given this product a try, I would definitely reccomend it