Descrição do Produto: Suplemento DHEA 100mg com Pregnenolona 60mg
O Suplemento DHEA 100mg com Pregnenolona 60mg é uma fórmula avançada projetada para apoiar o equilíbrio hormonal, a massa muscular magra, a energia, o humor, o sono e o envelhecimento saudável em homens e mulheres. As cápsulas vegetais contêm ingredientes de alta qualidade, que promovem uma abordagem holística para o bem-estar hormonal.
- Equilíbrio Hormonal para Mulheres: O DHEA é um suplemento natural que proporciona fertilidade aprimorada, aumento de energia e suporte ao humor, essencial para o bem-estar feminino.
- Por que DHEA e Pregnenolona? O DHEA é conhecido como precursor de hormônios como o estrogênio, enquanto a Pregnenolona é considerada a ‘Mãe’ de todos os hormônios, ajudando a equilibrar o progesterona, o que resulta em um suporte hormonal completo.
- Elimine os Calores: A menopausa pode roubar a alegria do corpo feminino. Após os 50 anos, os níveis de DHEA caem para menos de 50% do que eram na juventude, e a progesterona atinge níveis críticos. O Suplemento DHEA com Pregnenolona da Truevantage Nutrition ajuda a restaurar o equilíbrio, permitindo que você se sinta ‘normal’ durante os melhores anos da sua vida.
- Suprimento para 30 Dias, Ciência Hormonal Evoluída: Contém hormônios pro-farmacêuticos de grau farmacêutico, (DHEA) 100mg e Pregnenolona 60mg extraídos de Yam Selvagem [Sem Soja]. Cápsulas vegetais, sem excipientes e feitas com ingredientes não-OGM. Consulte seu profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo produto. Este produto não se destina a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir qualquer doença.
- Feito com Ingredientes Sem Glúten: Ingredientes não-OGM e veganos. Fabricado nos EUA com ingredientes globais em uma instalação registrada pela GMP e FDA.
1. Suporte ao Equilíbrio Hormonal: Ajuda a regular os níveis hormonais, especialmente durante a menopausa.
2. Aumento de Energia: Proporciona um impulso energético significativo, combatendo a fadiga e o cansaço.
3. Melhora do Humor: Contribui para a estabilidade emocional e redução de sintomas de depressão.
4. Apoio à Massa Muscular Magra: Promove o desenvolvimento e a manutenção da massa muscular, essencial para a saúde física.
5. Qualidade do Sono: Melhora a qualidade do sono, ajudando a combater insônia e distúrbios do sono.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula do Suplemento DHEA 100mg com Pregnenolona 60mg diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
ML –
Definitely notice a slight improvement in my hormonal balance upon taking these.
thomps –
Product provides many benefits, hoping vendor sees this as when I opened the bottle today there was only 7 capsules left. I got this on the 12th and first time seeing a supplement bottle with not the listed capsule count.
Nick –
Good ratio and dosage of DHEA and pregnenalone. Works well.
Val –
Since taking the DIM Elite and DHEA from TrueVantage my workouts are stronger, I feel better, I am leaning out (belly fat is going way due to cortisol is in check) and sleeping better. I thought it was in my head so I stopped taking the products within a week I felt awful. Went back on them and doing great. I won\’t stop again.
nobody –
1st review:
I bought these capsules for menopausal symptoms. Hot flashes – severe VA- and weight gain. I have been going thru this for over 2 years, and havent had a cycle in 2 years, and have vaginal atrophy for 2 years. I was a bit concerned about the side effects, but the symptoms over took that. I wanted to start slow with a low dose. So i broke one capsule into two doses and only took 1/4 of suggested dosage. I did this for a week. My blood pressure did go up to 139/89 the first day- i took quercertin and it brought it down to normal. Honestly, i could have continued and started slowly upping my dosage until I achieved the recommended dose. In my more recent search- i read where the DHEA creams were even more effective – and without the side effects. So after 1 week, i changed over to the cream, again starting at a low dose: i check my blood pressure daily, and my weight weekly- so i can see how things are going. I will regularly update this for anyone who may be going thru a similar situation. My first day with the DHEA cream- blood pressure was excellent. Will update here and update on the DHEA cream(bhrt). I hope this information will help someone else- i had no one to help me or tell me what to expect or how to survive this. I am not a professional – I am just telling my story for informational purposes.
Update #1: i lost 2 pounds last week. Blood pressure is in high normal range(but i am taking quercertin- which helps drastically with high blood pressure). No other side effects noticed: will update again in a week or so.
joyhen –
This is a great supplement.
maverick –
I’ve been using for several months now and have reordered and will continue. This has been a game changer for me in trying to manage my hormones. It’s helped specifically with way too heavy periods (my OB gave me on mirena to fix this) I am taking this also with a thyroid support, omegas, and vitamin B complex. Here’s what I’ve learned. Day one of taking about an hour after taking had stomach upset and had to go to the bathroom immediately. Not fun
Halfway through the day I was met with a wicked headache and exhaustion. I couldn’t keep my eyes open and was struggling to make it through the second half of the day. My headache lasted through the entire day even after taking a nap to tryget rid of it.I started researching side effects of pregnenalone and all of these things are a side effect of it. So I started taking half a dose on day 2 and figured I’d work my way up to a full dose. Day 2 taking only 1 capsule. GREAT! No stomach upset, no headache, no fatigue. I stayed at this dose for a couple weeks, then started taking 1 capsule in the a.m. and another in the p.m. to get myself two without it being an overload all at once. After doing this a couple more weeks i then started taking 2 in the a.m.. Everything was fine at first. No initial side effects so I must have let myself build up to it and I didn’t experience those side effects again. HOWEVER, after a few weeks at this dose here’s what happened. Yes my super heavy periods seemed finally under control, I was able to manage it without excessive products like I normally would BUT my mood was OUT OF CONTROL. For two weeks surrounding my period my anxiety went through the roof, I had terrible internal shaking accompanying it, I was beyond irritable…I felt absolutely horrible. I didn’t know what was wrong with me, I felt like a teenager with out of control PMS combined with unmanaged anxiety. I thought it was another layer in balancing my hormones that I hadn’t figured out yet. This lasted for a while till I couldn’t take the constant fighting off a panic attack feeling, even after my period. It was relentless. Suddenly it dawned on me that it could be this supplement. So I did more research and learned that the dosage of dhea is 2 times or more too high. Dhea should be taken ideally at 25 mg, up to 50 mg at the most. This has 100 mg when taking 2 caps. As directed. My side effects were most likely from this (not to mention there’s a lot more side effects from dhea such as hair loss I was lucky enough to not have experienced yet) So I stopped taking it entirely for a week to get it out of my system and reintroduced it taking only 1 again. Problem solved. I was nervous approaching my period, but I am happy. No increased anxiety, no increased irritability, no out of control PMS symptoms no internal trembling and my period though heavier than last month is still completely manageable and not keeping me from leaving the house for 2 days. I’m so glad I found this supplement, it was the thing missing while trying to balance things. I know I still have some work to do but I’m in a good place and this supplement has been crucial in it. I will say now I am researching more in regards to pregnenalone because what I found in my initial research is that pregnenalone should only be taken for 12 weeks. Taking only half of the dose gives only 30 mg, which isn’t too high, but I still want to make sure I’m taking it properly and not harming my body. Do yourself a favor and half this dosage and stick with that so you don’t have to experiment with feeling awful like I did. And do your own research, don’t take my word for it.
Both minerals were recommended by my Dr to boost my energy. I can’t tell whether it is working or not.