Descrição do Produto: Zenesis Labs Candida Complex Cleanse Detox
O Zenesis Labs Candida Complex Cleanse Detox é um suplemento gastrointestinal inovador, formulado para promover a saúde digestiva e o equilíbrio do microbioma intestinal. Composto por uma combinação poderosa de Ácido Caprílico, Extrato de Folha de Orégano, probióticos, enzimas, cogumelo reishi e uma mistura herbal de aloe, anis e absinto, este produto foi desenvolvido para oferecer uma abordagem abrangente no combate à candidíase e na restauração da flora intestinal.
Cada cápsula é projetada para ser facilmente ingerida, apresentando um sabor neutro que elimina qualquer indício de alho, grama ou outros odores desagradáveis. O Ácido Caprílico é conhecido por suas propriedades antifúngicas, enquanto o Extrato de Orégano atua como um potente antimicrobiano, ajudando a eliminar o crescimento excessivo de fungos e bactérias nocivas. Os probióticos e enzimas presentes na fórmula são essenciais para a digestão eficiente e a absorção de nutrientes, promovendo um ambiente intestinal saudável.
Além disso, o cogumelo reishi é reconhecido por suas propriedades adaptogênicas, que ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico e a reduzir o estresse. A mistura herbal de aloe, anis e absinto complementa a fórmula, proporcionando um efeito calmante e anti-inflamatório, essencial para a saúde gastrointestinal. O Zenesis Labs Candida Complex Cleanse Detox é, portanto, uma solução completa para quem busca não apenas combater a candidíase, mas também restaurar e manter a saúde intestinal de forma eficaz.
1. Combate Eficaz à Candidíase: A combinação de Ácido Caprílico e Extrato de Orégano atua diretamente na redução do crescimento de fungos nocivos.
2. Saúde Digestiva Aprimorada: Os probióticos e enzimas ajudam na digestão e na absorção de nutrientes, promovendo um intestino saudável.
3. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: O cogumelo reishi contribui para a resistência do corpo contra infecções e doenças.
4. Sabor Neutro e Fácil Ingestão: As cápsulas são formuladas para serem ingeridas sem desconforto, sem odores desagradáveis.
5. Mistura Herbal Calmante: Ingredientes como aloe e anis oferecem propriedades anti-inflamatórias e calmantes para o trato gastrointestinal.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições, com um copo de água. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e não exceder a dose recomendada. Para um efeito otimizado, combine o uso do Zenesis Labs Candida Complex Cleanse Detox com uma dieta equilibrada e rica em fibras, além de manter uma hidratação adequada ao longo do dia. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes.
Jenifer Hoyer –
I have been struggling with perioral dermatits on my face for years and years. I was told by several doctors this is caused by cinnamon, flouride, soda, etc. I have diligently cut these items out of my life. Sometimes my itchy and painful rash would get a little better, but then, wham! It would come back with a vengeance. After doing much research on my own, it came to my attention that an abundance of yeast/candida has been found to be a likely culprit. (Interestingly, my rash began shortly after having pneumonia for many months when I was 18, and had been on antibiotics the entire time). After being prescribed prednisone, ointments, and even more antibiotics, and having my face get worse and worse; I began researching other women’s srories of dealing with perioral dermatitis, and natural anti-yeast supplements. I have been taking Candida Cleanse for 3 weeks (one in the morning, one at night). My face is CLEAR! No cracking, oozing, itching, hurting at all!!! Amazing, just amazing. I am 44 years old and have suffered with gross skin for so long. … Thank you, thank you, thank you. I have already recommended you to some friends who have their own, unique yeast issues. ♡♡♡♡
Maria Navarro Velez –
Luego de tomar tratamiento de antibióticos por una infección de orina, la cándida se descontroló causándome picazón incontrolable en todo mi cuerpo, leí que el aceite de orégano y probióticos ayudaba a curar la candidiasis, encontré este producto llevo dos semanas tomándolo y los síntomas me han mejorado mucho. Lo recomiendo.
Kyle –
Let me say, I bought this mostly because it was inexpensive, I had cash back to use, and it was the only thing left that I have tried without having to go to a doctor to assess the white coating on my tongue. I had toyed with the idea of a Candida cleanse for a while, hearing both that it is a good thing and that it is basically a made up disease.
At any rate, I am about halfway done with this bottle. What I have noticed… first off the white coating on my tongue is retreating back in my mouth more and more every day. For the past few days I have had a myriad of symptoms that are reminiscent of the die off that people are talking about. this tells me that there may be some merit to this pill.
What makes me give this five stars is because of an unintended benefit to having taken it. I will preface by saying that three years ago, quite literally October 21, 2013, I was in a car accident that put me in the hospital. Since then I have found Difficulty taking full breaths out of my right lung. It felt as if somebody was holding my right lung down while allowing the left one to breathe normally. I have always considered that that was just a side effect of the car accident even though x-rays and MRI showed nothing structurally wrong with me.
What is amazing is that as a result of this pill, and for the first time in three years, I am finding myself able to take full breaths with my right lung, which as a result has reduced my fatigue and chest pain from lack of oxygen. I read about Candida being able to take over a lung, and it appears that this is the problem I have had all along for the past few years.
So, long story short, my intention was to use this to get rid of the gross white coating on my tongue, and hopefully lose a bit of visceral fat hoping that the reason I’m holding onto it still is because of Candida. Those two things are happening, but I am ecstatic to say that there are other areas that Candida has affected me that are also being relieved. My recommendation to anyone wanting to take this is to make sure you have someone to look after you for the few days that you will feel laid up with die off symptoms, but you feel great on the upswing after those few days.
V. W. –
Would like to give this product five stars, but I haven’t been using it all that long. In combination with an extremely low sugar/carb diet, I am healing quickly from what was a really BAD systemic candida overgrowth. I ordered a second bottle so I could continue the supplement and the diet for a minimum of 6 weeks.
There is certainly no doubt that the oregano oil listed in the ingredients is in each capsule! When you open the bottle it smells like a pizza place! OK – only sort of kidding, but the oregano oil is powerful (which it is supposed to be), and I don’t mind burping it for a few hours after taking the pills with a small meal. Along with the caprylic acid, which seems to be essential for combating candida, I know it is definitely helping.
For what it’s worth, and knowing that this is not supposed to be part of a product review, the supplier’s service was excellent.
Daniel –
This is my second bottle can’t wait for the third.
ML Brown –
I read a lot of comments about this and how amazing it worked for many, so I decided to give it a shot. I have been taking it for over 3 weeks now and I have felt no improvement in my body, all the contrary! It has slowed down my digestive system that it has become painful. I know that some supplements release some odor/taste shortly after taking it, but the oregano smell and taste is just horrible. Good thing it doesn’t last all day!!! I know there is no guarantee that it will work and make you feel years younger, but be aware that there is always the risk of feeling nothing or worse when taking “natural” supplements. I will try a different brand this time, if that doesn’t help me, then my problem is other.
Me encanto la alfombra –
Huele y sabe a orégano