Descrição do Produto: Suplemento Detox e Limpeza Corporal Completo com Quercetina 500mg e Vitamina C
Em um mundo repleto de poluentes e toxinas, o Suplemento Detox e Limpeza Corporal Completo da PurityWell surge como uma solução inovadora e eficaz para restaurar a vitalidade do seu corpo. Com uma fórmula poderosa que combina Quercetina 500mg e Vitamina C, este suplemento foi desenvolvido para eliminar substâncias nocivas, como PFAS, toxinas ambientais e microplásticos, proporcionando uma sensação de limpeza e renovação que você não experimenta há muito tempo.
- Harmful PFAS No More – O plano detox da PurityWell é projetado especificamente para purgar todos esses PFAS, toxinas ambientais e microplásticos do seu sistema, oferecendo aquela sensação de total limpeza que você tanto deseja.
- Get Up and Go – Desde a primeira dose até a última, a PurityWell se esforça para encher o poço da sua alma com toda a força e energia natural que você poderia esperar, tornando você a melhor versão de si mesmo antes que a fadiga matinal se instale.
- Powerful, Safe, Effective – Formulado para máxima eficácia com o mínimo de complicações, a fórmula da PurityWell irá limpar seu corpo naturalmente, sem os efeitos colaterais severos que você costuma esperar de outros suplementos detox.
- Environmentally Focused – A PurityWell não está apenas aqui para limpar seu corpo, mas também o meio ambiente, combatendo radicais livres e o desperdício de microplásticos. Nossa embalagem ecológica é apenas uma parte do nosso compromisso com a saúde ambiental.
- Quality You Can Trust – Proveniente de uma empresa respeitável com um histórico de entrega de produtos de qualidade, a promessa da PurityWell para você é um produto seguro e confiável, que você pode ter certeza de que voltará a usar repetidamente.
1. Desintoxicação Completa: Elimina toxinas acumuladas, promovendo um corpo mais saudável e revitalizado.
2. Aumento de Energia: Melhora os níveis de energia, ajudando a combater a fadiga e a falta de disposição.
3. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: A combinação de Quercetina e Vitamina C fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo.
4. Saúde Ambiental: Contribui para a redução de microplásticos e poluentes, promovendo um planeta mais limpo.
5. Fórmula Segura e Eficaz: Proporciona resultados sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados comuns em outros produtos detox.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula do Suplemento Detox e Limpeza Corporal Completo da PurityWell diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada ao longo do dia, consumindo pelo menos 2 litros de água, para auxiliar na eliminação das toxinas. Para maximizar os efeitos do detox, considere integrar uma dieta equilibrada e rica em nutrientes, além de praticar atividades físicas regularmente. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver grávida.
AC –
There is a lot to love about this detox. I think what stands out to me most is the curation of ingredients – each one is powerful and I’ve had great success with taking them individually in the past. I’ve used quite a few in powder form but it’s much more convenient to take them via capsules. The price point is a little steep but for what’s included nutrient wise and for a full month’s worth I personally feel it’s worth it. Made in the US and while there’s no information on verification or testing, it does seem to be of quality. The capsules have a slight order but I haven’t noticed a taste and they go down easily. I like how you can take them with or without a meal (just another factor that adds to convenience). Really happy with how I’m feeling and my experience so far.
Amazon Customer –
Not sure if it full effect but they are very easy to use and don’t have a strong smell to them. I can attest to helping with detox.
Perry Johnson –
This had no flavor or adverse effects while taking. They were easy to swallow and serving size is three capsules. Detox pill that has all natural ingredients.
KH –
Comes in a glass jar which makes so much sense, wonder why this is not the standard for any supplement that purges PFAS?
90 capsules
3 capsules per day
30 Day supply
I like that is contains great ingredients such as Calcium, L Glutamine, Quercetin 500mg, Vitamin C and L-Cysteine
As a smoker and a drinker (in moderation) I would like to think the detoxification is truly beneficial to me
nichole acosta –
This comes in a glass jar and metal lid. You don’t see that often nowadays! Only thing better would be a jar that is not clear glass.
The jar is nearly as full as the one in the pictures, which is nice to see.
If used as directed it will last one month.
Of course the Amazon sticker got put on the bottom, right over the expiration date, and it doesn’t come off the glass any easier than it does the labels (where it normally gets put). The expiration date partially came off with the sticker, but it really looks to me like Nov 2026, so about 2.5 years from now.
There is not much of a scent or taste to the capsules and they are easy to swallow with water.
I like my supplement bottles to say organic, non-GMO, GMP-certified, 3rd-party tested, and Made in USA. This says none of those. Sometimes what the bottle leaves off, the product page will mention, but none of those on the product page, either, or the website.
I look into the supplement companies I use because I’ve come across so many shady ones lately. The puritywell site functions and is informational, but it doesn’t have a phone number. The only address I can find is for a condo in Austin, and shipping all the way from New York makes me wonder if they are manufactured there or imported to there and then the orders shipped.
That being said, most company with these attributes have no presence online except the sites that are selling their product, while PurityWell has all kinds of news reports, stock reports, etc. That doesn’t replace a little more transparency on manufacturing, sourcing, a phone number, etc., but it does lend itself to having more confidence in the brand.
I seem to take longer than most to see results when starting a new supplement, but I like the mission PurityWell is pursuing, the purpose of the blend, and the ingredients themselves (other than the fillers, which many companies say they need to use, but the highest quality products I have found don’t use them). Also, my understanding is that most ascorbic acid is synthetic and/or comes from GMO corn, so I hope this isn’t that kind.
Normally at this point I would not give more than two stars, but what I’ve seen of PurityWell is hopeful and encouraging. If the claims are accurate and the product does what it says, the price isn’t bad for a verifiable company and product.
Thank you for reading, I hope it’s been helpful.
Nilla –
This supplement contains a lot of ingredients that are purported to be beneficial to your health, and will provide many vitamins and minerals so many people are deficient in.
The pills are of average size. There is no significant smell or taste when consuming these. They are easy to swallow.
I’m not sure what to expect from this detox supplement, and I can’t say for sure if I notice anything different after taking it. I haven’t completed the bottle yet, so if something changes I will provide an update.
So far I have had no adverse reactions to this supplement.
JJ –
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Perry Johnson –
I’ve been taking this supplement for a couple months now and highly recommend. A great supplement formulation for detoxifying microplastics and it’s nice that it comes in a glass bottle. The PurityWell team has great information and resources on their website and the team has been awesome to engage with.