Descrição do Produto: Suplemento de Vitamina C Lipossomal Premium – Alta Absorção, Ácido Ascórbico Solúvel em Gordura 1000mg para Suporte Imunológico – Colágeno
O Suplemento de Vitamina C Lipossomal Premium da Vitaminer Shop é formulado para oferecer uma absorção superior e eficácia máxima. Com 1000mg de ácido ascórbico solúvel em gordura, este produto é projetado para potencializar o suporte imunológico e promover a saúde da pele através da síntese de colágeno. A tecnologia lipossomal encapsula a vitamina C em lipossomas, que são pequenas bolhas de gordura que facilitam a entrega da vitamina diretamente nas células, aumentando significativamente a biodisponibilidade em comparação com formas tradicionais de vitamina C. Ideal para quem busca fortalecer o sistema imunológico, melhorar a elasticidade da pele e combater os sinais de envelhecimento, este suplemento é uma adição essencial à sua rotina de saúde.
1. Alta Absorção: A tecnologia lipossomal garante que a vitamina C seja absorvida de forma mais eficiente pelo organismo, maximizando seus efeitos.
2. Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir resfriados e outras infecções.
3. Saúde da Pele: Contribui para a produção de colágeno, melhorando a firmeza e a elasticidade da pele, reduzindo rugas e linhas de expressão.
4. Antioxidante Potente: Combate os radicais livres, protegendo as células do estresse oxidativo e promovendo um envelhecimento saudável.
5. Fácil de Usar: A forma lipossomal torna o suplemento mais suave para o estômago, reduzindo o risco de desconforto gastrointestinal comum em outras formas de vitamina C.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula do Suplemento de Vitamina C Lipossomal Premium diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso não apenas otimiza a absorção, mas também minimiza qualquer desconforto gastrointestinal. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Martina M. –
I chose to purchase Liposomal Vitamin C, because I read, that this is easier on the stomach and better to digest for the body than other Vitamin C available on the market. I loved the product. It helped me building up my immunity. And while other people got sick around me, I never got effected. I also had no issues with my stomach after taking it, which is very important to me. In the past when using Absorbic acid form of Vitamin C I would have an acidic reflux response. All of this was eliminated by taking this product. I really like it and can only recommend it.
Jancie –
I love this product. It lives up to its name: Purely Optimal—it has safe, pure, nonGMO ingredients in an easy to take capsule. Besides the vitamin C, it has other ingredients to boost the immune system. I take it because I have an immune disorder, am over 70, and am trying to stay well during Covid-19 and beyond. Highly recommended!!
M. Blackburn –
Liposomal Vitamin C along with other supplements helps keep my knee pain away. This highly absorb-able form of Vitamin C makes sure my body has plenty of C to benefit my body as a whole. This particular formula includes other beneficial supplements such as garlic, astragalus, and elderberry.
Aquila Rodgers –
I can’t rave enough about how good this pill is to use with my glutathione pill. This was the best choice for me and my Family! I selected this Liposomal Vitamin C because it also was the only one that also had elderberry oregano leaf olive leaf, astragalus root in it so I was getting a very good combination of all these supplements! So far I can tell it’s working as I take this with my glutathione pills. This is the best Liposomal Vitamin C pill so glad I choose this brand because it WORKS!!! 5 STARS!!!
I used this product along with my glutathione pills for healthy glowy skin! I also used this pill to help keep my immune system healthy especially since the winter colder months is fastly approaching us! Very good product! Thanks!
Wisdom Arts LLC (Consignment) –
This product offers multi-level immune support and seems to assimilate well in my system. It is a a full spectrum product that offers herbal and Liposomal Vitamin C nutrients. I can recommend this product.
the one drawback is you can taste the garlic on the outside of the pill.
Harriet Barrett –
Like an answer to my prayers!
Ms. Mel –
I love the blend of this supplement. I feel the vitamin C is much more bioavailable and absorbable, and the proprietary blend and immune support complex added in really makes this one worth buying. It’s easier on my stomach and so far I do feel a difference compared to other Vitamin C supplements I have taken. I’m especially impressed with the blend of immune support additives as I get everything I need in one supplement to boost my immune system.
Stevie Ray –
Well don’t really know how great it is as you can’t really tell. Good to know I’m absorbing more Vit C. and that was why I bought it. Was taught 40 yrs ago that your body could only process 250 mg/hr. and the rest would be waste. So maybe that’s still true but w/the liposomal part I feel more confident I’m not just peeing it away. I take 1 cap 2x a day