Descrição do Produto: Suplemento de Trans Resveratrol
Descubra o poder do Trans Resveratrol com o nosso Suplemento de Resveratrol em Pó de Alta Pureza, uma fórmula inovadora que oferece suporte ao envelhecimento saudável. Cada porção contém uma dose concentrada de 40g de resveratrol puro, proporcionando um suporte diário essencial para o seu bem-estar. Este suplemento é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma maneira eficaz de incorporar antioxidantes poderosos em sua rotina.
- Pó de Resveratrol Concentrado: Cada porção do Suplemento Orgânico de Resveratrol da Probase Nutrition contém uma dose concentrada de 40g de resveratrol puro, para suporte diário ao bem-estar.
- Ingredientes Premium: Selecionamos cuidadosamente nosso pó de resveratrol trans a partir de ingredientes de alta qualidade para manter a pureza e atender aos padrões da indústria.
- Absorção Otimizada: Nossa fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada de resveratrol orgânico é projetada para ajudar seu corpo a absorver e aproveitar ao máximo o resveratrol trans em cada porção.
- Versátil e Conveniente: Nosso Suplemento de Resveratrol é versátil e fácil de incorporar em sua rotina diária; adicione-o às suas bebidas favoritas, smoothies ou receitas, tornando simples a adição de resveratrol ao seu dia a dia.
- Probase Nutrition: Estamos comprometidos em oferecer suplementos herbais que se integrem perfeitamente à sua vida diária; nosso objetivo é apoiar sua jornada em direção a um melhor bem-estar com suplementos premium cuidadosamente elaborados.
1. Suporte ao Envelhecimento Saudável: O resveratrol é conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes, que ajudam a combater os radicais livres e promovem a saúde celular.
2. Aumento da Energia e Vitalidade: A suplementação com resveratrol pode contribuir para níveis de energia mais elevados, ajudando você a se sentir mais ativo e disposto ao longo do dia.
3. Melhora da Saúde Cardiovascular: O resveratrol é associado à saúde do coração, ajudando a manter a circulação sanguínea saudável e a função cardiovascular.
4. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Com suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias, o resveratrol pode ajudar a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, promovendo uma defesa mais robusta contra doenças.
5. Facilidade de Uso: A versatilidade do pó de resveratrol permite que você o adicione facilmente a diversas receitas e bebidas, tornando a suplementação prática e agradável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma porção de 40g do Suplemento de Resveratrol em Pó em sua bebida favorita, como água, suco ou smoothie. Você também pode incorporá-lo em receitas de sobremesas ou pratos salgados. Para maximizar a absorção, consuma o resveratrol com uma refeição que contenha gordura saudável, como abacate ou azeite de oliva. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua pureza e eficácia.
Mike H. –
This is top notch “trans” type resveratrol…. which is the kind you want…. other lesser forms, especially like with the many brands that don’t even specify the type, or the source, of their resveratrol, these lessor forms are not absorbed well and have less effect on physiology, as I understand it. The anti-aging benefits of this particular form of resveratrol have been documented in mouse studies and in small human studies, I understand… but unfortunately, the very best study results, comes from mixing this, with another nutritional supplement.. a supplement that used to be readily available up till a few months ago, that’s when Amazon banned it’s sale. I dare not to mention it here, but it is still legal in the US and is still available, from other sources, as I understand it. Now, while I don’t feel it’s appropriate to mention the name of this other supplement, I will say that Dr David Sinclair, has been on the cutting edge of anti-aging science, and he knows all about the various supplements that can assist in this area…. you can find short and long clips of his on most any video hosting service, like Bitchute or Brighteon dot com for example, that is if you like your information totally un-censored… otherwise, he’s also on YouTube and other big tech sites as well, at least for now. Anyhow, this trans resveratrol powder is micronized and is of pharmaceutical grade, and the label doesn’t seem to be playing any math games like some other’s do, it lists the straight amount of the material, as opposed to something like “500 mg of trans resveratrol, from 1,200 mg of whatever”… where the trans portion is some percentage of the over all portion… this here seems to be 100% trans resveratrol. And as with any nutritional supplement, or dog treats for that matter, it’s important that the product is manufactured in the USA… even if the raw ingredients are sourced globally… US standards ensure basic proper testing before actual usage in a product. – And yes, the one gram a day, in divided doses, is exactly what Dr David Sinclair recommends, so this is good suggested dosing information, that I plan to follow … I’ve been taking only 300 mg’s twice a day, and I know I need to step that up…. and I need to get me some of that other stuff too, which isn’t real cheap, especially since the competition has left the building… prices haven’t necessarily gone up, but the sale discounts have all but vanished, from what I saw with a quick look a while back. So yes, this is a great resveratrol product here, and I’d have to say of course that you’re not going to feel anything, for the most part… it’s a long term effect play, as I see it, slow and subtle, and steady as she goes. Having said that, note that Dr Sinclair does claim a remarkable, noticeable, effect, within two weeks, when trans reserveratrol is combined with another supplement, that he recommends…. and with that, I’ll show myself out, thanks.
Fearless2017 –
This is one of those products–for those of us ladies in our menopausal stages–that ends up being better than you thought it could be. I love a tablespoon of this in a smoothie or in yogurt. The powder is finely milled and dissolves easily. I’m only a month in and I need to purchase more, but so far, so good. I’ve noticed it aids in bloating quickly.
Ricki –
Just as good as the more expensive brands! Awsome product!
Mds –
I like the way it mixes with water. No aftertaste
Marjie Myers –
My husband swears by it being easy to take and boosts his energy
Thanks for All the Fish –
Mixes easily in liquids and seemed tasteless. Couldn’t really evaluate “ingredient quality” since I don’t have access to a lab and have nothing else to measure it against nor have I heard it used for “pain relief” and didn’t notice any such effect. The closest I’ve come to having and opinion on the benefit, was that by getting resveratrol via this product it avoided other means, such as red wine, which most of the time results in a tannin headache which I am prone to. Thus, this product is obviously a better option.
As far as benefit, I really felt no short-term difference and most studies seem to show the benefits of resveratrol are over the long-term and thus, no way to really quantify whether it “works” or not.
Still, I would recommend it for those consciences of their life-long health and want a convenient (and headache free) method to get any resveratrol benefits.
Jae –
Pharmaceutical grade, potent 1000 mg. good for overall health.
Since including this easy to take and travel powder I have more energy and joints are not as stiff.
I’m so glad I incorporated this into my daily routine.
40 day supply and goid price.
Please do your own research and consult with your own Healthcare provider before taking any supplement.
PJ Martin –
Resveratrol is a supplement that is difficult to know if it’s working. You kind of have to take it on faith because only time will tell. I can speak on this product’s other qualities. It has absolutely no flavor and dissolves easily in liquid. I can only take the company’s word on the quality of this supplement and its ingredients.