Descrição do Produto: Suplemento de Suporte para TPM com Chasteberry, Raiz de Maca e Ashwagandha
O Suplemento de Suporte para TPM foi desenvolvido especialmente para mulheres que buscam alívio durante o ciclo menstrual e um suporte equilibrado para a saúde mental ao longo do mês. Com uma fórmula de alta potência, esses suplementos herbais são rapidamente absorvidos pelo organismo, proporcionando um alívio eficaz e duradouro.
- Whole-month-happy. Este suplemento de equilíbrio hormonal feminino foi formulado para aliviar a menstruação e apoiar a saúde mental durante todo o mês. Os ingredientes naturais trabalham em sinergia para promover o bem-estar geral.
- Balance for women. O Chasteberry, também conhecido como Vitex Agnus-Castus, e a Raiz de Maca são remédios herbais confiáveis há milhares de anos para o alívio da TPM. Eles ajudam a equilibrar os hormônios femininos, melhorando o humor e aliviando a irritabilidade e a tensão.
- Women hormones under control. Os suplementos de TPM para mulheres com ashwagandha podem apoiar os níveis normais de dopamina e serotonina – os químicos da felicidade, promovendo um estado emocional mais estável.
- Full cycle PMS vitamins for women. Uma mistura altamente biodisponível e desintoxicante dos mais potentes suportes de bem-estar mensal da natureza, que acompanha você durante todo o seu ciclo menstrual. Produto livre de crueldade, com consciência tranquila e vegano.
1. Alívio Eficaz da TPM: Reduz os sintomas desconfortáveis da TPM, como cólicas e inchaço.
2. Equilíbrio Hormonal: Ajuda a regular os hormônios femininos, promovendo um ciclo menstrual mais harmonioso.
3. Suporte Emocional: Contribui para a estabilidade emocional, reduzindo a irritabilidade e melhorando o humor.
4. Ingredientes Naturais: Formulado com ervas tradicionais reconhecidas por suas propriedades benéficas à saúde feminina.
5. Fórmula Vegana e Cruelty-Free: Compromisso com a ética e a sustentabilidade, ideal para mulheres conscientes.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas do Suplemento de Suporte para TPM diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para maximizar os benefícios ao longo do ciclo menstrual. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Allison Bergthold –
It’s regulating my periods, also really helping with PMDD. I’m usually a depressed and angry mess before and after my period and this has significantly helped my mood swings. It’s also cleared up my skin!
Some chick writing a review –
I am a 37 year old woman and I had never experienced PMS symptoms in my life until now. I used to think mood swings associated with PMS were not real… Boy was I wrong!
After having my second child, my cycle completely changed and my symptoms just started getting more severe as time has gone by. I was having really bad mood swings in addition to night sweats (I would wake up drenched in my own sweat from head to toes even if my room was cold at night).
I had labwork done to rule out potential early menopause and other health conditions, but it turns out I was just hormonal.
I am closing in on my first month taking this product and my symptoms have lessened dramatically. I have not experienced ANY night sweats, and my mood swings are almost gone. I think it was a life changer. Will buy again!!!
Kate –
I started taking 2 weeks ago. My period started a week earlier than normal and it didn’t not relieve any symptoms. It’s normally a few days off, not an entire week. It didn’t relieve cramps, irritability, or bloat. I will continue taking for now amd will update my review if things change to give the product a more thorough test because I really wanted these to relieve some symptoms instead of potentially just bringing on my period faster.
Update: I used up the entire bottle and did not like that I saw no differences. It made my urine smell really weird too. Was not for me, but may work for some.
Kelticpryde –
Okay, so I am one of those poor unfortunate souls who has such horrible periods that I double over in pain and curl up into a fetal position. I was on birth control pills for years to help regulate my cycle and lighten my period, but I stopped taking them because the side effects ended up being about as difficult to deal with as my period pain.
My first month after I stopped birth control, my period was so excruciating that I actually had to call out of work; which I haven’t had to do in years. I was almost in too much pain to even get out of bed.
I purchased this supplement on a whim, but I in no way got my hopes up. I figured if a handful of ibuprofen barely touched my pain, there’s really nothing that’s going to help. But I am very happy to say that I was wrong!
I received these and started taking them about 3 weeks before my period. You’re supposed to take Two a day, but I only took one a day in the weeks leading up to my cycle, and started 2 a day about 3 days before my period was due. Yesterday was the first day of my period, and I was stunned. The first day is always the worst for me, but my cramping was almost non existent. I wasn’t bloated (skinny jeans zipped right up). I didn’t have the back pain and typical GI upset that accompanies my period. I work a physical job, on my feet most of the day, and I think I only took one ibuprofen while I was at work just as a precautionary measure. I was in such disbelief that I tried to think if there was anything else that I did that could’ve caused this dramatic change. But really, taking these supplements is the only thing I’ve done differently this month. I know this is a long review, but if you’re reading this and are still on the fence about buying these; Don’t hesitate. Buy them. Your uterus will thank you.
Allison Bergthold –
After my last (fifth) child, I had a tubal ligation, and my menstrual symptoms have been HORRIBLE since! I saw these, and on a whim decided to give them a try, hoping for some relief. I choose these in particular, because they are Made-in-the-USA and Vegan. I also just really liked the aesthetic of the bottle, with the old apothecary and metallic gold design!
As for the ingredients:
– Ashwagandha is supposed to help with focus and memory, it is found in a lot of ADHD supplements. It also is used to help calm stress and anxiety. Apparently it also helps boost fertility?
– Chasteberry is supposed to help maintain progesterone levels. It may boost fertility and reduce symptoms of PMS and menopause. It is also thought to also repel certain insects!
– Maca Root contains a lot of iron, which is helpful and needed during menstruation! It is supposed to help your pituitary glands regulate hormones, and help with reducing symptoms of menopause. A caution: it can increase estrogen levels in some people.
– Black Cohosh is said to relieve many pre/menopausal symptoms, including anxiety, hot flashes, night sweats, and v dryness. It is supposed to help with cramps and irritability, too.
It is about $18 for a month’s supply, you are supposed to take two of them daily. I have read you need at least two weeks for your body to process and see results from most vitamins, but I would guess with these it would depend on where in your cycle you are? I was about a week in when my time painfully hit; I didn’t have any changes from normal, but plan to get another bottle, and give these another month in hopes of improvement.
Chrissy –
This really helps. Easy to swallow and I take two every day. Has helped ease pms especially moodiness.
Linda –
I do believe that these help with my mood stability. Not really helpful with pain though. No noticeable flavor. Unfortunately they are hard to swallow. Literally they get stuck in my throat, and it feels awful (sticky, and nothing helps get it down). I won’t buy these again.