Descrição do Produto: Zenwise Glucosamine Chondroitin Sulfate MSM Curcumin
O Zenwise Glucosamine Chondroitin Sulfate MSM Curcumin é um suplemento avançado projetado para oferecer suporte excepcional à saúde das articulações, especialmente para aqueles que desejam manter um estilo de vida ativo e saudável. Este produto é ideal para homens e mulheres que enfrentam desconfortos nas articulações, como joelhos e quadris, proporcionando alívio eficaz e promovendo a mobilidade.
Cada porção diária deste suplemento contém uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes, incluindo 1000 mg de MSM, 1500 mg de Glucosamina e 1200 mg de Condroitina, além de Boswellia, Cúrcuma e Ácido Hialurônico. Esses componentes trabalham em sinergia para apoiar a saúde das articulações, do cartilagem e para aliviar as dores articulares. A Glucosamina e a Condroitina são conhecidas por sua capacidade de proteger os tecidos articulares, enquanto o MSM contribui para a redução da dor e melhora da flexibilidade.
Além disso, a inclusão de Boswellia e Cúrcuma ajuda a manter a cartilagem saudável e promove uma resposta inflamatória equilibrada, essencial para o bem-estar das articulações. O Ácido Hialurônico, por sua vez, é fundamental para a lubrificação das articulações, garantindo que você possa se mover com facilidade e conforto novamente.
O Zenwise Joint Support está disponível em frascos de 90 ou 180 contagens, com a recomendação de três comprimidos diários para obter os melhores resultados.
– Suporte Avançado para Articulações: Ajuda a aliviar dores e desconfortos nas articulações, permitindo uma vida mais ativa.
– Melhora da Mobilidade: Promove a flexibilidade e a mobilidade das articulações, facilitando movimentos diários.
– Proteção do Tecido Articular: A Glucosamina e a Condroitina ajudam a proteger e manter a estrutura das articulações.
– Resposta Inflamatória Saudável: Ingredientes como Boswellia e Cúrcuma ajudam a regular a inflamação, promovendo o conforto articular.
– Fórmula Completa: A combinação de MSM, Ácido Hialurônico e outros ingredientes naturais oferece um suporte abrangente para a saúde das articulações.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de três comprimidos do Zenwise Glucosamine Chondroitin Sulfate MSM Curcumin diariamente. É aconselhável tomar os comprimidos com um copo de água, preferencialmente durante as refeições, para facilitar a absorção dos nutrientes. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, e siga as orientações do seu médico ou nutricionista para um uso adequado e seguro.
IT_Architect –
Ingredients at levels you won’t find in the others:
– Glucosamine Sulfate – 1500 mg. – You don’t want Glucosamine Hydrochloride
– Chondroitin Sulfate – 1000 mg. – Many have much less than this.
– MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) – 1000 mg. – Good luck finding another one with that much of it
– Boswellia (serrata) – 100 mg. – Anti-inflammatory
– Curcumin (Curcuma longa) – 100 mg. – reduce osteoarthritis pain and blood cholesterol
– Hyaluronic Acid – 25 mg. – It acts as a cushion and lubricant in the joints and other tissues. It is found in the highest concentrations in fluids in the eyes and joints. The FDA has approved the use of hyaluronic acid during certain eye surgeries including cataract removal, corneal transplantation, and repair of a detached retina and other eye injuries. It is injected into the eye during the procedure to help replace natural fluids. The FDA has also approved the use of hyaluronic acid for injection into the knee for patients with knee osteoarthritis.
While customer approval rating is very high, (4 star + 5 star = 83%) if you check the complaints from the 4 star reviews down to the 1 stars, by far most of the dings to the score come from the size of the pills making them difficult to swallow, and having to take 3 of them, not its effectiveness. I am very prone to getting things painfully stuck 1/2 way down myself. I used to split them, crush them, etc., but I learned if I take them one at a time while drinking and waiting until they get to the bottom before taking the next one, I don’t have a problem. Yes, they are big, but the ingredient list is also like none other, and you can’t put 4 lbs. of stuff in a 2 lb. box.
I’ve been running 12.6 miles 5-6 days a week for many decades and known by many as the runner guy. 3 decades ago I couldn’t walk very far because my knee cartilage was ruined and I needed operations. I liked to run and that would be the end of that and I’d be on a slow path to knee replacements. I tried mind-over-matter and only ended up stranding myself a block and a half from home. I did what it said in James 5 in the Bible. It was instant. I was ecstatic, terrified, and afraid of people who knew my situation asking how I could be running again, so not exactly what you would call a pillar of faith. I no longer needed operations, and when I have joint pain, the constant is it is never my knees, it is hips or heels that cause me to drop out of my routine. It’s always because I let myself get heavy. My theory is, when I get 25 to 50 lbs. overweight, my muscles can’t act as springs and I hammer my joints. I’ll take this for 1-2 months, the pain will go away, I’ll be able to build myself up and get my diet and weight where it belongs. If I don’t take this, I get nowhere until I do. After this, I’ll forget about using it, and I’m good for another year or two or three until I drift back into self-deception of a little doesn’t hurt and then it drifts into crazy. I have two sets of clothes. I don’t have the excuse that get heavy easily, I worked at it. People tell me I carry it well if I tell them how heavy I am, or I look fine like I am, but it doesn’t do me any good. It’s like running with a 25 or 45 lb. plate from the gym. There are conflicting opinions of whether or not this works. All I can say is it works for me. Some mockingly say it is placebo effect. If that’s true, it sure takes a long time to kick in, as in 3-4 weeks usually, and sometimes twice that if I’m closer to 50 lbs heavy. Placebo effect also doesn’t explain why after I stop taking it, I’m good for more than a year without it.
I have been taking it again, so you know where I’m at. I’m still about 20 lbs from where I need to be, some of my thin clothes fit again, and I ran out of pills, so I was here to reorder. I decided to write this review because I haven’t before, and someone might be on the fence whether to try it or not and might benefit from my homework and experience.
Marina –
Don’t recommend
Emaan –
jm –
works well. Second time I have purchased.
Geotech –
Update. I am now ten months post knee replacement surgery. I am not taking any Joint Support supplement, and my knee feels good. I walk 1.5 to 2 miles per day with no joint pain. My other joints checked out fine. I turn 65 this year, so there is still plenty of time for other things to go wrong! I will keep Joint Support in mind if I ever have a need for it. Good combination of products that reduced my pain.
Update: I had my total knee replacement surgery about three months ago. I believe that if I had not used Joint Support I would have had the surgery two years ago. Am I happy with the outcome of the surgery? I think so. At least there is no more arthritic pain. I am only a few months post surgery so I am not yet fully recovered. But things are going very well. I am looking forward to hiking again. At least Joint Support gave me several more years before I had to get the surgery down. I appreciate that.
Another update. Joint Support worked until just recently. My left knee (the one that they removed the cartilage in high school) is officially shot. The pain in that knee is really bad now. I will be having surgery next month to replace that joint. Joint Support helped me get a couple more years out of that knee before it needed to be replaced.
Just wanted to give an update. I have been taking Joint Support for over a year now. My joint pain is considerably less than it was before I started taking Joint Support. There are occasions when my knee joints hurt; when I go on a long walk (over 2 miles) over rough terrain, longer walks over flat surfaces. Due to the knee surgery I had in high school (1968) the joint is bone-on-bone. I believe that this problem is causing much of the pain that I get on long walks. Joint Support has helped me considerably with everyday joint pain.
Zenwise has listened. After they increased their price dramatically I, and I assume others, wrote emails to Zenwise customer service complaining about the price hike. Within one week of writing Zenwise dropped their price to a reasonable level. It is satisfying to see that a company is so responsive.
I have little to no pain in my knees anymore. My left knee has no cartilage, just bone-on-bone, from a knee injury in the late ’60s. Also, both knees have arthritic deposits on the back of the kneecaps. I endured intense pain which kept me up at night even after taking 800mg of ibuprofen. My pain was so bad that I was ready to have knee replacement surgery.
I went to a store and saw a Glucosamine/Chondroitin supplement for dogs on the pet aisle. I figured that if it works on dogs then maybe this old dog should give it a try. I researched several supplements and ingredients until I found Zenwise Joint Supplement. I bought a bottle and noticed that I didn’t have much pain after two weeks. After one to two months I was virtually pain free. I do get some pain when I go hiking for long periods or when I walk over uneven ground. But, Any pain that I do have is greatly reduced from what I had experienced. I am putting off any knee replacement indefinitely. I am able to walk without any significant pain and I use very few pain killers.
I think that the combination of ingredients is ideal for my situation. Joint Supplement isn’t for everyone. I believe that those with muscle or ligament caused pain may not benefit as much as those with bone caused pain. For me, this supplement has been amazing. I am not one to normally use supplements. But, I thought that it is affordable enough to give it a try for two months. This was in September 2015 when the price per bottle was $17.95 for a two month supply. Five months later I am still virtually pain free and feel that the price currently charged by Zenwise is appropriate for how well it works.
I applaud Zenwise for listening to their customers and revisiting their original philosophy of providing the best product for an affordable price.
Original posting 12/4/2015
I am totally pissed off with Zenwise Labs. I would give this supplement five stars for how well it works for me, but I have decided to give it one star because of how the company has evidently decided to price gouge its customers.
I started taking the Joint Support supplement in June when the price was $17.95. I bought several bottles when I found that it works extremely well for me. I used to have a lot of pain in my knees from having my meniscus removed in high school and having arthritic deposits on the back of my knee caps. I was seriously thinking about having knee replacement surgery next year because the pain was so bad. After taking Joint Support for 4 weeks I was virtually pain free. I felt that I had finally found a supplement that works well and is affordable.
I just got on Amazon to buy some more Joint Support and found that the price has been raised by almost three times what I paid in June (from $17.95 to $44.95), AND they cut the amount of Hyaluronic Acid in half as well. I even recommended this product to friends and family; and they bought it because of my recommendation. I am sure that the components have not increased significantly in price. So the only thing that I can assume is that Zenwise Labs have dollar signs in their eyes. They could sell this product all day long at $20 a bottle, and I am sure that they would be making a decent profit.
If the price remains the same I will be looking for an alternative. And, I will be telling my friends, family and customers to do the same.
UPDATE: 12/5/2015
I received a response from Zenwise this morning. They said, “Our product prices are subject to fluctuation based off demand. Due to this, there was a price change for our Joint Support Supplement.” On their web page that tells about the Zenwise story they state, “Zenwise Lab’s began as a local business based in sunny Orlando, Florida by a dedicated team with an unwavering passion to provide safe, superior, and AFFORDABLE SUPPLEMENTS that help men and women of all ages lead healthier and happier lifestyles.” I guess that Zenwise is the one that is determining what is affordable for the rest of us.
Sales is a two way street. If the company makes a great product (as Zenwise Labs has with Joint Support) then demand will go up. They should be rewarded for producing something that works by raising their prices modestly. When customers perceive that they are being taken advantage of by the “greedy corporate wonks” we will look elsewhere for an acceptable substitute from a company that realizes that they can’t profit by appearing greedy.
I like the Joint Support product. It has done wonders for the pain in my knees. I would continue to buy this supplement if it were a reasonable price. However, Zenwise is not the only game in town, and I will look elsewhere for an affordable alternative until Zenwise lowers is price substantially.
tallclara –
The reason I didn’t give 5/5 stars is because I don’t like the tablet form of the pill. It is pretty large and is harder for me to swallow than other supplements I take, BUT, it is worth it to me because it is effective. I have been taking this Joint Support for around 9 months now. It didn’t seem to have any effect for the first two months but one day I realized that my pain was gone. I don’t have any diagnosed issues with my joints but I had consistent joint pain in my knees before I starting taking this supplement. I iced my knees frequently and sometimes took pain relievers, but I haven’t had to once since taking this. The first time I ran out of the pill, I didn’t order a replacement right away so I stopped taking it. After a few days of not having it, my joints started to feel sore. When I started up again, the pain went away right away. Unfortunately for me, that means I will probably always have to take something for my joints, but fortunately I found this product that works. I recommend giving Zenwise Joint Support a try. Oh, and try sleeping with a pillow between your knees. I think that helps too. 🙂