O Suplemento de Spermidina 15 MG é uma fórmula avançada que combina a pureza de 99% com uma absorção superior, proporcionando um suporte ideal para a saúde celular e o bem-estar geral. A spermidina é um poliamina alifática que ocorre naturalmente no organismo, mas seus níveis diminuem com o avanço da idade. Cada porção deste suplemento oferece 15 mg de spermidina, permitindo que você reponha seus níveis sem sobrecarregar o corpo. A spermidina é essencial para o sistema imunológico, saúde dos cabelos, unhas, pele e função cognitiva.
Utilizando tecnologia avançada de lipossomos, nosso suplemento de spermidina garante uma absorção máxima, entregando a molécula de spermidina diretamente às suas células e mitocôndrias. Isso assegura que você receba o máximo de benefícios de cada softgel de spermidina, otimizando a função celular. A absorção lipossomal pode aumentar em até 98%, superando as cápsulas, pós ou comprimidos que apresentam baixa biodisponibilidade.
Além disso, nossa mistura de spermidina inclui zinco e tiamina. O zinco é fundamental para a manutenção da função do sistema imunológico e atua como um antioxidante, neutralizando radicais livres. A tiamina, por sua vez, auxilia no metabolismo energético e na saúde do coração. A spermidina desempenha um papel crítico na defesa contra o envelhecimento e na longevidade, ativando a autofagia, um processo de renovação e reciclagem celular.
Os ingredientes do nosso suplemento são 100% naturais, com o germe de trigo fermentado sendo a fonte ideal de spermidina. Nossos softgels de spermidina lipossomal são elaborados com extratos de germe de trigo de alta qualidade, que oferecem uma concentração superior de spermidina em comparação com outros suplementos que utilizam germe de arroz. A spermidina lipossomal é benéfica para a saúde do sistema imunológico e a função mitocondrial.
Fabricados nos EUA em uma instalação certificada GMP, os suplementos de spermidina Sohahila são seguros e de alta qualidade. Comprometemo-nos a fornecer um suplemento de spermidina eficaz e seguro, livre de OGM, açúcar e spermidina sintética. Nota: contém germe de trigo.
– Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: A combinação de spermidina, zinco e tiamina fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo.
– Melhora da Saúde da Pele e Cabelos: Contribui para a renovação celular, promovendo uma pele saudável e cabelos fortes.
– Aumento da Energia e Metabolismo: A tiamina ajuda na conversão de alimentos em energia, melhorando a vitalidade diária.
– Ação Antioxidante: O zinco neutraliza radicais livres, protegendo as células do estresse oxidativo.
– Promoção da Longevidade: A ativação da autofagia pela spermidina ajuda na renovação celular, combatendo os efeitos do envelhecimento.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de uma softgel de Suplemento de Spermidina 15 MG diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver condições médicas preexistentes. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Angel Momma –
ThatGuy74 –
I took a Liposomal Spermidine for about three months. Love this supplement! No aftertaste at all. I have swallowing problems, but no issues with this supplement at all, right size and nice and smooth! Plus, a very good concentration of the wheat germ. Thank you, will buy again!
ThatGuy74 –
I took it with zero expectations just on the advice of my son. I had a knot in my chest muscle for about a year and it had recently become very painful when I wore a seatbelt. I never went to the doctor so I self diagnosed myself with a cyst. I took it in the morning and that night I had a muscle spasm in my chest where my knot was. Scared me to death. I took my second dose the next morning and after work I realized that the knot in my chest shrank from the size of a quarter to the size of a pea and was only slightly tender. I have no idea if it was the anti inflammatory or the autophagy that did this but I am a believer and will take this compound for the rest of my life. I did not research this until after my experience and this is truly a powerful compound and from what I’ve read no side effects to speak of
PayitFwd –
I haven’t noticed anything benefits from taking this product.
Shelly –
Spermidine when combined with NMN works in consort to support healthy aging, increase energy, reduce inflammation in the body, and boosts the immune system.
I was so pleased to discover the Sohahila “Liposomal” Spermidine in my search for a good quality Spermidine supplement. I was doubly pleased to find that this supplement was reasonably priced, unlike a lot of the other options here, and it also had none of the unnecessary excipients like artificial coloring, preservatives, soy, magnesium stearate, etc. It is always a challenge to find supplements without these additives. There is so much price gouging going on with these supplements today on the internet so I was also happy to see that the pricing was in line for a good quality spermidine supplement. After discovering NMN and doing extensive research for what will boost the effectiveness of the NMN supplement, I started combining the spermidine supplements with the NMN supplements. Supplements encased in Liposomes are much better absorbed into our bodies also since the liposome encasement protects the supplement from being broken down by stomach acids and is therefore an excellent delivery method for transporting the nutrients effectively into our bloodstream. I hope Amazon doesn’t discontinue the sale of Spermidine supplements like they have done with the NMN supplements.
Nelly –
I have been using this for about 2 months. I noticed when I take it regularly I do have more energy and a clear mind. I am sleeping better at night. The soft gel is easy to swallow as well for me. I am going to continue taking this product.
Tomas Gonzalez –
Honestly, we didn’t expect to see such quick results. I think the first thing I noticed was that I started to be able to get back to sleep when I woke up too early. The next thing I noticed was that I started to feel my energy come back, which has been a long time coming. My bf said that he has just been feeling good overall, and he has more energy. I can’t wait to see additional effects over time. This happened within a week. I think that autophagy is a very important process for over-all well-being, and this product promotes it, while also seeming to be produced mindfully. I was almost afraid to leave a review because I want to make sure it’s available for us to order…but I want others to benefit, too.
Note to the company, please making this quality product and keeping it at an affordable price. We appreciate you!
Felt more cognitively clear and more energetic right away. By day 3 I am having skin breakouts, especially on face. Must be a detoxing effect but it didn’t expect that.